Muslims Murder 14 American Soldiers and Harry Reid says, ‘What Difference does it make?’

According to Col. David Hunt, 14 soldiers were killed in action while attempting to find Bowe Bergdahl. Despite this, the Senate majority leader was so frustrated with questions from reporters about the deal to release him that he invoked Hillary Clinton’s response about four Americans murdered in Benghazi, with an equal level of frustration over being asked.

When asked about what Reid knew and when he knew it about the Bergdahl release, Reid blurted out, “What difference does it make”?

Seeming to catch a whiff of the irony that Hillary Clinton’s words came out of his mouth, Harry Reid reacted by… saying it again (h/t Free Beacon):

The similarities between the Bowe Bergdahl controversy and the Benghazi scandal are beginning to mount. First, Benghazi involved the creation of a false narrative (video was responsible) that was manufactured and then enunciated by Susan Rice. Bergdahl’s release involved the creation of a false narrative (hero who “served with honor and distinction) that was manufactured and then enunciated by Susan Rice. Benghazi was about, in part, the issue of leaving American personnel on the battlefield. The Bergdahl narrative involved the issue of not leaving American personnel on the battlefield.

Bergdahl was about being a distraction from Benghazi and the VA scandal like the IRS scandal became a distraction from the Benghazi scandal. When the Benghazi scandal wouldn’t go away and Hillary had to answer questions, she delivered what will almost certainly go down in history as her most infamous line.

Notice how after Hillary says it doesn’t matter what the motivation of the attackers was, she then says it’s her job to figure out what happened:


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