It appears the non Islamist Muslims who are able to host Arabic TV news shows have had enough of the Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Al Qaeda and other Muslim Brotherhood terrorists as well as Arab dictators who use guns and missiles to break up protests instead of water cannon and rubber bullets like “Israel and France” […]
Archive | July, 2014
MSNBC Treats Lying, Former Al Jazeera Reporter as Objective Voice from Gaza
While reporting from Gaza, MSNBC correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin was asked by Andrea Mitchell about claims that Hamas was intentionally firing missiles from civilian locations. Mohyeldin, who has a history of reporting for the Muslim Brotherhood’s media arm Al Jazeera as well as CNN, didn’t flinch as he issued a bald-faced lie in support of Hamas: […]
Attention SHOEBAT Readers…
…When it comes to details about the Select Committee on Benghazi and the Innocence of Muslims video the Obama administration blamed for the Benghazi attacks, we’ve done an increasingly amount of work on both. As a result, we decided to create a centralized repository for all of our articles on each and we’d like to […]
Obama Conspires to Control Republicans from Attacking his Muslim Jihadist Brother
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** If ever there existed a scandal that dirtied up both Republicans and Democrats, it was Iran-Contra. In fact, it dirtied up both the Clintons and the Bushes. Both families – along with their respective parties – are so dirtied up that they dare not expose the President’s […]
Pallywood Strikes Again with ‘Foot Soldier’
You can always tell when those Palestinians are desperate. They use the Pallywood card like the left in America uses the race card. It’s sure to come out when it’s the last card to play. The Palestinians’ latest attempt at blood libel brings a whole new meaning to the term ‘foot soldier’. Time to tweet […]
Egypt also hates Hamas, Amazing TV footage
From Memri Several excerpts form man stream Egyptian News programs hitting and ridiculing Hamas.
Neo-Nazis in Germany Compare Jews to… NAZIS
Neo-Nazis have assembled in Germany to express their support for the Palestinians in Gaza by likening Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler and Jews to Nazis. This clearly represents an unidentified psychological defense mechanism that is some kind of hyper-mutation of projection but it’s so bizarre that psychologists who study it may need […]
Major Muslim Leader: “Gentlemen! Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill Christians!”
By Theodore Shoebat Major Muslim leader Abubakar Shekau, head of Boko Haram, ordered his Muslim followers in a newly found video this most chilling command: Gentlemen! Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill Christians! He can be seen saying this in this video: He also mocked Michelle Obama’s “Bring back our girls” campaign, saying that Boko Haram […]
Is CNN’s Wolf Blitzer (a Jew) Waking Up?
Don’t look now but CNN’s Wolf Blitzer appears to be doing some legitimate reporting on what’s going on between Israel and Hamas. Objectivity is more than just a little bit out of character for both Blitzer and CNN but we’ll take it. In the first clip below, Blitzer interviews an Israeli soldier and relays to […]
Hamas Takes out Power Plant… in Gaza
The good news for Hamas is that they just took out a power plant run by the Israelis. The bad news for Hamas is that the power plant is in Gaza and provides electricity for the Palestinians. As if the Palestinians didn’t have enough problems in having to deal with the ‘Iron Dome’, which is […]
‘Iron Dome’ in Action
Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ is quickly becoming the difference maker in the fighting between the Palestinians and the Israelis. The objective of this game-changer is defensive and intended to neutralize rockets before they hit their target (when talking about Palestinian ‘targets’, the term is used loosely because Palestinian rockets have no targets). Unfortunately, the ‘ID’ is […]
Pro-Palestinian Racists with Judeo-Phobia attack Synagogues
We’re constantly told that Islam is a religion of peace and that extremists shouldn’t be lumped in with the ‘moderates’. Keep that in mind as you digest this latest bit of news out of Paris, France. Unhinged, Pro-Palestinian protesters racist rioters targeted synagogues… in PARIS, France in response to Israel’s attacks on Hamas in Gaza. […]
Why Buddhism Will Soon Be Just As Dangerous As Islam, And Will Be A Threat To All Of The Christian World
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Buddhism will soon be just as dangerous as Islam, and will be a threat to all of Christendom. Just as the threat of Islam will reach its peak through Turkey, the threat of Buddhism will reach its summit through Japan. For the first time since the end of WW2, Japan […]
Hamas claims rocket attacks are successful, Israel is covering up deaths
From Palestinian Watch Hamas claim: Israel is hiding its death toll, “[Our] rockets are hitting their targets… causing deaths and casualties” Hamas’ psychological warfare in Hebrew to Israelis: “Iron Dome does not protect you!” The the anti Israel propagandists main arguement is that Israel uses “disproportionate force” and “collective punishment,” yet according to Hamas their […]
60 Muslims Break Into Church, Take Three Nuns, And Rape Them
By Theodore Shoebat 60 Muslims in Bangladesh broke into a convent and sexually assaulted a number of nuns. From one report we read: the nuns were beaten and molested. The violence only ended when police arrived. The same report continues on to say: Asianews reported that during the assault, three PIME nuns suffered attempted rape […]
Congressmen who are Getting Closer to 9/11 Truth
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** As Americans bemoan the Obama administration’s stonewalling and redacted pages at the center of mounting scandals, they have also been largely ignoring 28 very significant pages about the 9/11 attacks that were redacted by the Bush administration. Those documents and their contents remain unavailable to the American […]