Archive | 2014

Antichrist Turkey caught Lying (again) about Kessab Attacks

Newly discovered evidence reveals that Turkey’s denials about its role in the attacks on the Syrian town known as Kessab last month, which is home to many Armenian Christians, are lies. In the days after the attack last month, there were unverified reports and some confusion about exactly what happened. Now, eyewitnesses have come forward […]

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Mindless Muslim Mob Goes Crazy and Starts Killing People At Random (Video)

Here is a video of Muslims, who are members of the Muslim Brotherhood, murder various people at random in Sidi Gaber, Egypt. According to one source, the Muslim Brotherhood just decided to kill random people. Notice how the crowd looks completely mindless, even when they are dead bodies on the floor. This video shows that […]

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Destroy Israel’s Nuclear Reactor?

Bethlehem, Israel. The Vice president of the Middle East in the International Physicians for the Protection From Nuclear War, Dr. Mahmoud Sa’adeh warned in his speech together of a major pending disaster that according to him will “cost the lives of human beings in Palestine”. Sa’adeh claims that because of the continued leakage of radiation […]

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Muslims treating Christian Girls as Subhuman right now, without Consequence

We’ve brought you case after case of Christian persecution in Pakistan and elsewhere in the middle east but Christian girls are among the most vulnerable in Pakistan. In addition to there being no real freedom of religion in Pakistan, the forced conversion of Christian girls is met with collective apathy because, well, they’re Christian girls. […]

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Muslims Kidnap More Than One Hundred Young Girls

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria have abducted over one hundred young girls from a secondary school. Audu Musa, who teaches in another public school in the area, said: Over 100 female students in our government secondary school at Chibok have been abducted…Things are very bad here and everybody is sad Just yesterday, reported […]

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Obama wants to build Third Temple on Temple Mount (Caught on Video)

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** See the AMAZING video in which President Obama’s brother (when we say ‘Obama’, we mean Malik) expresses solidarity with a man who wants to build the third Temple right next to the Dome of the Rock – Islam’s third holiest site – in Jerusalem. Making this situation […]

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Rare Piece of Journalism from Mainstream Media

According to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist for the New York Times, it became obvious “very soon after 9/11” that the U.S. was fighting the wrong enemy and that Pakistan’s government knew where Osama bin Laden was hiding all along. Instead of fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, the real forces at work against U.S. interests were in […]

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Malik Obama’s Crazy ‘Partner’ interviewed by Nancy Grace; says Global Warming caused by STD’s

The details about a partnership between Malik Obama and Yisrayl Hawkins published by recently expose a very bizarre relationship between a polygamist Muslim (the President’s brother) and a non-Muslim cult leader in Abilene, TX who has been accused of polygamy by former members of his compound. In 2008, Hawkins was arrested and pleaded ‘no […]

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The Blood Moon Hoopla

Before you buy Four Blood Moons by John Hagee, please read 10 Failed Doomsday Predictions..   If your still not convinced, just do a little mathematical equation: of all the sensational prophetic predictions that were made in the last century, how many did come through? Answer: None. I will pose a different question: of all who […]

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President Obama’s Brother BUSTED in Major Cult SCANDAL

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** If you thought the Malik Obama IRS scandal was big, a brand new discovery reveals that according to the website of President Barack Obama’s brother, Malik is officially partnering and working with a cult leader who has been compared to both David Koresh and Jim Jones. Malik […]

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Muslims Blow Up Seventy One People

By Theodore Shoebat In the Nigerian capital city of Abuja, Muslims blew up a bus station, killing at least seventy one people, and injuring another 124 people. Suspicions have already arisen that this was done by the hands of Boko Haram, who have dedicated their lives to shedding the blood of Christians. As reported […]

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Turkey behind Chemical Attacks in Syria

**SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Another chemical attack has reportedly just taken place inside Syria. Based on mounting evidence about last year’s sarin attack in that country, it is Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan who should be at the top of the suspect list. The most recent attacks were reportedly chlorine-based and according to sources, may be a […]

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Kansas Gunman who Murdered Three an anti-Semite, former KKK Grand Dragon

The gunman who murdered a man and his grandson at a Jewish community center and then a female at a nearby Jewish retirement community was once a KKK leader. According to at least one news report, Frazier Glenn Miller was heard yelling, ‘Heil Hitler’ as he shot his victims. Though at least two of the […]

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Demons Have Possessed Muslims And They Are Doing Horrific And Cruel Massacres

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat A horrific clash of bloody violence has taken place between the Arabian tribe of Bani Helal, and the Nubian tribe of Daboudiya, in Egypt, which has left 25 people dead so far. The violence is very graphic, with bodies being piled upon bodies onto mule carts, caught […]

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Muslim Stabs Innocent Man To Death In Broad Daylight (CAUGHT ON VIDEO)

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat The video you are about to see is not a gangster killing another gang, but a grocery story owner from the Swedi District in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, who was upset with his employee, a poor foreign worker from India. So he decided to make an example of […]

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Woman Wears Hijab to experience Discrimination but is Treated like Royalty; concludes people still Racist

Groups like CAIR love to push the narrative that Muslims are constantly being discriminated against. That doesn’t square with an experiment conducted by a Canadian college student. Unless, of course, you dismiss that student’s bizarre interpretation of the results. Anisa Rawhani decided to test the premise that Muslims are discriminated against and wear a hijab […]

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