Archive | March 4, 2015

Government Of China Forces Muslim Imams To Dance On The Street And Scream That They Will Never Preach The Islamic Religion

By Theodore Shoebat The government of China recently forced Muslim imams to dance in the street and scream that they will never preach on the Islamic religion. According to one mid-east report: In the Muslim majority district of Xinjiang on Monday, imams were forced by the Chinese state to dance in the street holding banners […]

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Netanyahu’s Warning To U.S. Regarding Iran’s Nuclear Deal Falls On Deaf Ears. Iran Will Gain The Nuke And Is Already Making Its Way To Gulp Up Iraq

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) In a sharp rebuke of the White House’s Iran diplomacy, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress on Tuesday and blasted the nuclear deal being negotiated between world powers and Tehran, warning that the agreement in the works “paves Iran’s path to a bomb.” It is not only a bomb […]

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Chad president tells Boko Haram leader to surrender or face death

Source N’DJAMENA (Reuters) President Idriss Deby of Chad said on Wednesday he knew the whereabouts of Abubakar Shekau, the leader of the Nigerian militant group Boko Haram, and called on him to surrender or risk being killed. – Chad’s army has waged a series of battles against Boko Haram as part of a cross-border military […]

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Bleeding heart, self-hating Christian woman gives up being a Christian woman for Lent

A blonde-haired, blue-eyed Christian mother-of-two has decided to wear a Muslim hijab every time she goes out of the house during Lent to remind herself what it is like to be “other.” (How about experiencing female genital mutilation if you really want to know what it feels like to be a Muslim woman?) Christian Today  Jessey […]

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ISIS Plans to Destoy All Ancient Artifacts and Monuments Across The Middle East

Source News Week Armed with sledgehammers, chisels and a video camera, ISIS militants took their propaganda campaign to Mosul museum last month, destroying statues and artifacts, dating back to the ancient Assyrian and Akkadian empires, and posting the results online and in slow motion. The terror group’s impetuous destruction of statues and artefacts in Iraq’s […]

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VIDEO: Muslim Mob Takes Iraqi Soldier And Beats Him To Death, IRAQ HAS BECOME A LAWLESS COUNTRY

By Theodore Shoebat A video that has been recently released shows a Muslim mob taking an Iraqi soldier and horrifically beating him to death and shooting him. The video shows just how lawless Iraq has become: There are several opinions on what is happening in this video. According to Rudaw the video is “allegedly showing […]

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EGYPT: As Muslim construction workers shout “Allahu Akbar,” Coptic Monks lie down in front of bulldozer to protect ancient Christian monastery

To protect a precious archaeological area that stretches around a church dating back to the fourth century AD, a group of Coptic monks from the Monastery of Saint Macarius have staged a resistance to a road-building project, going so far as to lie down in front of approaching bulldozers. Breitbart  The Egyptian government is moving forward […]

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Obama’s New Empowered And Favored Muslim Ally, Iran, Foresees A Coming Victory So They Erected Giant Posters Of The Image Of The Muslim Antichrist With Jesus Submitting To Him

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Islam has several Hadiths (saying of Muhammad) regarding Jesus praying behind the Muslim Mahdi. Today, Iran, Obama’s empowered and favored Mid East Muslim ally is excited foreseeing the coming victory against the Jews and the Christians. For that they are having giant posters portraying Jesus submitting to the will of the Muslim […]

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American Children In All The New York Public Schools Must Now Observe A Muslim Holiday In Which Muslims Behead An Animal

Far left-wing socialist New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has successfully spearheaded an effort to shut down New York City schools on two Muslim holidays. One of those holidays is Eid al-Adha, which celebrates animal sacrifice. What the left and the media would have you believe is that this is just another necessary step […]

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Egyptian Government Takes Four Muslim Brotherhood Members, And Sentences Them All To Death

By Theodore Shoebat This is how we need to treat all terrorists. The Egyptian government just sentenced to death four members of the Muslim Brotherhood. In America, we don’t kill Muslim Brotherhood members, we back them up with money, give them job positions in the White House, and, we vote them in for President. Here […]

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WATCH THE HORRIFIC LEAKED VIDEO Of An Execution Of A Terrified 11 Year Old Child Carried Out By The Obama Backed Militias In Iraq

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) A leaked video by fighters from the so-called Iraqi militia executed an 11 year old boy with bursts of bullets on his head in Diyala province in Iraq. was able to obtain the footage showing a child in handcuffs being brutally beaten while surrounded by a group of Iranian backed Iraqi fighters, then executed […]

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Just Released: Arab Humor Video Slams Obama as an ISIS facilitator

This video was produced in Iraq and has English sub titles Warning, contains bad language: Everyone in the world who has half a brain can deduce that Obama is facilitating ISIS, execpt the American media and the low information voter. This video just proves it! Awaken America before it is too late

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Egypt’s El-Sisi CLOSING 27,000 Mosques in Effort to Fight Islamic Terror

Egyptian President Gen. Abdel Fatah el-Sisi continues to demonstrate leadership on a world stage. As his country is surrounded by ISIS terrorists and threatened by Turkey, the el-Sisi government is closing more than 25,000 Mosques in Egypt. Known as smaller, “local places of worship” the closure of these facilities indicates that el-Sisi is taking steps […]

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Designated Terrorist Group CAIR on another witch hunt to get a Republican lawmaker reprimanded and/or fired

Republican lawmaker Sheila Butt in Tennessee suggested forming an NAACP for white people (NAAWP) and designated Islamic terrorist group CAIR is demanding that Republican leaders repudiate what it considers a “racist” Facebook post. Tennessean  Republican Rep. Sheila Butt’s Facebook post said, “It is time for a Council on Christian Relations and an NAAWP in this Country.” She was […]

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Did you know that 80% of Muslims in Europe live off welfare benefits?

Thanks to all you hardworking European citizens, Muslims are living nearly as well as you do, but you’re paying for it. Every now and then, Muslims show their gratitude by attacking you in your cities. A popular Muslim scam in Europe is to divorce your wife/wives, so that the divorced wife can get free housing […]

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