By Theodore Shoebat
A new report from the Spanish newspaper, El Mundo, shows that both Google and Amazon financed and facilitated propaganda decimation in favor for the Catalonian separatist movement. The report reads:
The Government of Carles Puigdemont used criptodivisas, the so-called bitcoin , to pay Amazon and Google … to finance part of the Internet domains used by the Generalitat [Catalan government] to promote the vote for the independence.
As the Guardia Civil has investigated, Amazon was paid the infrastructure that the Generalitat used to count the votes of the call of October 1, and Google, the service by the so-called Project Privacy Shield, a tool that protects cyber attacks and that In this case, it could be used as a shield to prevent the control of the authorities.
To make use of this last instrument, the impellers of the 1-O [the Catalan referendum] had to ask permission to the matrix of Google in the United States, that granted it.
These are some of the data collected by the Civil Guard investigators working under the orders of the 13th Court of Barcelona , whose owner has sent a citation to both companies to explain the conditions of their relationship with the Generalitat in this regard of illegal voting.
The report confirms what we wrote already: big corporations and financial elites are behind the Catalonian separatist movement.
So how will the future axis of evil exterminate Christians? Its a process, a complicated one. The extermination of Christians is something that is repeated in history, where powers and principalities in high places, scheme together with industrialists, politicians and rebels. These are the steps that are taken towards genocide, which are being repeated today. Read on this very detailed essay, and learn what is happening.
We are seeing the rise of the masses, with a ferocity that cannot help but make us inquire as to what is taking place. We are speaking of Catalonia and the crises surrounding it, and how the rise of nationalism in that region may just lead to the fragmentation of Europe. Now, you may ask, ‘Why should we care about what is happening in that puny place called Catalonia?’ We will make it very simple for you: if unrest hits Spain, it will spark a ripple effect of chaos across Europe, violence and fragmentation. If Europe is taken by a tempest of violence, it will flood the world with chaos and pull the United States, as well, into war. This is why we must focus on what is occurring in Europe.
What is the agenda of the Catalonian separatists? For one, it is being backed by very wealthy people within the Catalonian financial establishments and it appears that their agenda is that, by severing Catalonia — the wealthiest region in the country — from the much poorer and depressed Spain, they may amass more wealth. But ultimately, what is the agenda of the Catalonian separatists? It is a sinister objective to purge the land of the Catholic Faith. During the Spanish Civil War, the Catalan republicans, the predecessors of today’s Catalonian secessionists, revolted and butchered thousands of Catholics. This antichrist spirit still lives. Today, as the leader of the Catalan separatist movement, Carles Puigdemont, hides in Brussels, he is accompanied by Antoni Comín, a homosexual, a socialist and a vehement anti-Catholic, who once said:
“We have to be very indignant with what the Catholic Church does with homosexuality (…) the homophobia practiced by the Church today is a grave sin before God”
Observe such words: he says we have to be “indignant,” that is, filled with hatred, against the Catholic Church because of its position on homosexuality. He then says that the Catholic position against the evil of Sodom is “a grave sin before God”, that is, to be against homosexuality is a sin to the new Nazis, a sin worthy of death. To these sodomites, to be against Sodom and for the Church is heresy, and in their inquisition a genocide more sinister than any other in history would be done. Ah, how we are reminded of the words of the wise Solomon:
“An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.” (Proverbs 29:27)
These deviants would not hesitate to slaughter Catholics as the atheists in the Spanish Civil War did in the first half of the twentieth century. These are the new monsters, filled with the spirits of old devils, embellishing themselves with new faces.
There is a delusion that we are seeing, spreading like fire in the dry grass, spreading like demons in an ocean of empty souls waiting to be possessed, spreading like a craze in a field of minds obsessed with power, obsessed with industry and power, pride and glory, blood and steal; a fixation that will smash the world and hit humanity like a sharp torrent, and bring mankind into a never ending cloud of abysmal darkness, of piles of bodies, of streams of blood, of mountains of skulls. It is this delusion that we write of, that we shed light upon.
In our last article on Catalonia, we explained that before Carles Puigdemont declared Catalonian independence from Spain, he signed an agreement with the French on pharmaceuticals. The agreement, as one report states, “will cover five areas of priority for both institutions, including: biomedical innovation and the pharmaceutical industry, education, urban waste management, the videogames industry and research.” The agreement between Catalonia and the French is interesting given the fact that Carles Puigdemont, after declaring Catalonia independent from Spain, fled from Barcelona to Marseille, in France, from where he then flew to Brussels where he is now taking refuge from Spanish authorities who want to arrest him on charges of sedition and rebellion.
That Puigdemiont fled to France from where he escaped to Belgium, shows that the French are helping him. Brussels is the headquarters of the EU, which indicates that there is help coming from powerful elites within the European Union who are conspiring to break Europe apart, which will only help Germany who would use the chaos of fragmentation to revive German militarism under the guise of ‘restoring order.’
Puigdemont is being protected by politicians of the New Flemish Alliance, a rightwing Flemish separatist party that has Nazi sympathies. Moreover, that Puigdemont fled to France shows a conspiracy by both France and Germanic elites to support the break down of Spain and accelerate chaos in Europe.
Furthermore, that Puigdemont made an agreement with the French on pharmaceuticals, and that Catalonia is the center of pharmaceuticals in Spain (and one of the centers of the world for pharmaceuticals), may indicate some sort of conspiracy on the part of pharmaceutical companies to push an agenda.
Lets look at the scale of the pharmaceutical industry to put things in perspective. With a population of over seven million, Catalonia only makes 1.5% of Europe’s population, and yet 42,100 Catalans work in the science industry (34% of that are in pharmaceutical companies) and these produce 1% of the world’s scientific production, and they produce 3.15% of Europe’s scientific production. According to one report,
“Catalonia has attracted 43 foreign investment projects from life sciences sector companies, creating 2,350 jobs and representing an investment of 750 million euros. These have mainly come from companies from Germany, USA, France, Switzerland and India. With 50% of the life science projects, the pharmaceutical sector is showing the highest level of investment in this industry in Catalonia.”
The Catalonian secessionist movement is huge, with over seven hundred thousand Catalonian separatists taking to the streets in its most recent demonstration. With such immense mobilization and organization, and with something so significant as the wealthiest region of Spain, and one of the wealthiest regions in Europe, wanting to split from its country, it would not be far fetched to say that elites within big industry have a say so in such movements.
Moreover, with Catalonia being so wealthy, the wealthiest region in Spain, it would not be adventuresome to say that this nationalist movement is being favored by wealthy Catalonians who want to split from a poor and depressed Spain, to get wealthier.
The pharmaceutical industry is the major conglomerate behind the current day eugenist movement. And, given the fact that Nazi Germany contracted with pharmaceutical companies to conduct human experiments, and that Nazi scientists would work with pharmaceutical companies after the Second World War, it would not be far fetched to say that there is a eugenist conspiracy behind the destabilization of Europe.
For, by breaking down the established order of the European Union, the euro will fragment, and since the idea behind the euro was to maintain peace through financial unity, such a chaotic situation will remove the incentive to be peaceful, and Germany, being the most powerful nation in Europe, and seeing the opportunity for conflict, will return to the warpath and conduct imperialism in the name of order.
The eugenist component in this makes perfect sense, since if Germany goes back to the warpath, it will also revive its social darwinist agenda for genocide, which would consist of human experimentation, and here is where the pharmaceutical companies come in.
To add to this observation, we cannot ignore the fact that the most prestigious scientific establishment in Germany, the Max Planck Institute, conducts human experiments on unborn children (as we have shown here, here, and here) and was being directed by Nazi scientists after the war. This fact indicates a continuation of Germany’s agenda of eugenics after the war, and it would not be adventuresome to affirm that Germany wants to expand this agenda to more lands, and to more atrociousness.
But, in order to do this, Germany needs an opportunity for war, and this is where the destabilization of Western Europe comes in. The breakdown of Western Europe, just as what happened when Yugoslavia broke down, will only lead to war, and in war, morality is overtaken by anarchy.
Let us see what pharmaceutical companies are stationed in Catalonia, and if they have any Nazi connection or eugenist activities.
One of the major companies in Catalonia is Boehringer Ingelheim, a German biotech company and one of the world’s top 20 leading pharmaceutical companies. In 2014, Boehringer Ingelheim stationed its global information technology centre in Catalonia.
The center was not just a single place for Catalonia, or even Spain, but, as one report says, it was built to “serve all of Europe from its location in Sant Cugat del Valles in the Technological Valley just outside of Barcelona”. The center was opened by Artur Mas, the former governor of Catalonia and a leading member of the Democratic Convergence of Catalonia, the very party of Carles Puigdemont, his successor.
Boehringer Ingelheim has Nazi connections. In 1954, Boehringer Ingelheim hired to be one of their scientists, Fritz Fischer, a Nazi scientist who conducted human experiments on Polish women at the horrific Ravensbruck Concentration Camp. In one experiment, Fischer amputated a man’s arm off, and then surgically attached it to a German man named Ladisch.
A medicine developed by Boehringer Ingelheim, Pradaxa, led to thousands of deaths and injuries in 2011, as we read in one medical report:
“Most recently, Boehringer has been embroiled in controversy after its blockbuster anticoagulant drug Pradaxa was linked to thousands of injuries and deaths from uncontrollable internal bleeding.
On December 7, 2011, the FDA announced an investigation into Pradaxa after receiving reports of 3,781 side effects and 542 deaths among users, the most of any drug in 2011.”
Another major pharmaceutical company that is in Catalonia is Hoffman-La Roche, a Swiss biotech company that has a central hub in Barcelona, as we read in its website:
“Situated in the trendy area of Barcelona, our hub in Sant Cugat hosts the majority of our Digital Solutions and IT management teams and is at the heart of shaping our organization’s digital solutions strategy.”
Like Boehringer Ingelheim, Hoffman-La Roche is a major company with Nazi roots, working directly with and supplying the Third Reich. As we read in one Swiss report:
“…several leading Swiss chemical firms – including JR Geigy, Ciba, Sandoz and Hoffmann-La Roche – put their own interests ahead of humanitarian concerns in their dealing with the Nazis.
The ICE concluded that the chemical firms’ bosses in Switzerland ‘possessed a high level of detailed knowledge about the political and economic situation in Nazi Germany… [and] incorporated their knowledge… into their economic planning and used it as a basis for decision-making’.
All the companies concerned owned factories in Germany between 1933 and 1945, as well as in wartime-occupied Poland, and were important suppliers of chemicals, dyes and pharmaceuticals for the Third Reich.
The report also singled out Geigy and Roche for using forced labour at their plants in Germany. It said at least 33 Dutch and French labourers were forced to work for Geigy between 1943 and 1945, while at least 61 prisoners-of-war and 150 foreign labourers were forced to work at the Roche plant.”
Today, the spirit of Nazism still possesses the soul of this company, as it is involved in human experimentation. One of the members of the board of directors for Hoffman-La Roche is Richard P. Lifton, an American biochemist and the president of the Rockefeller University in Manhattan. Which is not surprising given the very long history of the Rockefeller family of supporting eugenics.
In 2010, Lifton partook in an experiment together with western and Asian scientists, alongside numerous Turkish scientists such as Ali Kemal Öztürk and Mehmet Bakircioğlu. In the experiment was used the brains of aborted babies that were 19 and 20 weeks in development. According to a document from the scientists:
“Human fetal brains at 19 and 20 weeks of gestation were obtained under the guidelines approved by the Yale Institutional Review Board … from the Human Fetal Tissue Repository at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine”
Another big pharmaceutical company in Catalonia with Nazi roots is Bayer, which was once called IG Farben, the biggest pharmaceutical establishment that supported and aided the Nazis in their atrocities. Just to show how significant Catalonia is to Bayer, in 2013, Bayer decided to expand into Catalonia to control 25% of its global sales from Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia. As we read in one 2013 Catalonian report:
“The German chemical and pharmaceutical company has picked Barcelona to provide shared services to its subsidiaries in Greece, Turkey and Latin America, which account for 25% of the total group sales. … Bayer’s Shared Service Centre in Barcelona will expand its tasks and responsibilities by taking over the accounting, controlling and IT services for subsidiaries in Greece, Turkey, and Latin America. Bayer’s Barcelona offices will expand their geographical sphere of influence from 11 to 22 countries and manage the services of over 50 Bayer subsidiaries, representing 25% of the total group sales. The Catalan capital’s centre will take over the new tasks over 2014. Barcelona hosts one of Bayer’s 5 global headquarters, together with Berlin (where the company is based), Gdansk (Poland), Shanghai (China) and Manila (Philippines).”
According to a 2009 report, “German chemical group Bayer has opened a new line of production of MDI drums (isocyanate), a product used to produce polyurethane. The line, installed at the Tarragona plant, is part of Bayer MaterialScience unit (BMS) and will provide MBI in drums for both the Spanish and international markets.”
Under the Third Reich, the president of the Deutsch Bank was Hermann Schmitz, one of the richest bankers in Germany and amongst the most significant agents in the economics of the Third Reich. Schmitz, not surprisingly, was the the CEO of IG Farben (today’s Bayer), a chemical company that produced Zyklon B for the death camps, and that managed the slave labor and concentration camps, and whose scientists conducted human experiments during the Nazi Holocaust.
IG Farben, and other major industrialists, contracted with the Nazi government for slaves, paying the Nazi SS (Schutzstaffel) a few reich marks a day for each slave who they would then have work in unbearable conditions, like digging tunnels with their bare hands (since the Nazis feared that the slaves would use tools as weapons), pushing countless of them to die of exhaustion.
In the Holocaust, one can see clearly the cooperation between industrialism and State tyranny, the two working together for the enslavement of mankind. This fact of history is a reminder by which we can analyze what is taking place in the present and, seeing the cooperation between industries, financial establishments, nationalism and eugenics, we can see in the horizon but another genocide, another attempt at world domination.
At the end of the Second World War, it was difficult to find Hermann Schmitz. But, he was eventually discovered by American officers in his home in Heidelberg. Inside, soldiers found telegrams from Hitler himself and Hermann Goring. Behind his home, soldiers found an air raid shelter where Schmitz hid a trunk filled with IG Farben documents.
Present amongst the American officers was Edmund Tilley, the team leader for the CIOS (Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee), which was responsible for investigating Nazi technical and scientific research.
While in the Deutsch Bank president’s house, Tilley discovered a safe, and Schmitz broke down in tears, knowing that what was found would reveal his Nazi activity. Tilley ordered Schmitz to open the safe.
Inside, was a photo album. Tilley opened the album and on page 1 was written, “Auschwitz”. Scanning the page, Tilley found a photograph of a street in a Polish village, and next to the photo was a drawing (in the words of Tilley) “depicting individuals who had once been part of the Jewish population who lived there, portrayed in a manner that was not flattering to them,” and there was a caption underneath the cartoon that said: “The Old Auschwitz. As it was. Auschwitz in 1940.”
Schmitz’s album was actually a record, darkly illustrated, for the section of Auschwitz ran by IG Farben, IG Auschwitz, where 1.1 million people were exterminated. Tilley actually did not understand this at the time. Schmitz, the president of the Deutsch Bank, was celebrating and partaking in genocide.
Schmitz was found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to a measly four years in prison, alongside other IG Farben industrialists, such as Fritz Ter Meer, Karl Krauch and the notoriously cruel scientist, Otto Ambros, the manager of IG Farben’s synthetic rubber and fuel factory at Auschwitz and a member of IG Farben’s board of directors.
Ambrose was majorly involved in slave labor for IG Farben, being the manager of the Buna factory in Auschwitz. In 1950, Schmitz was released from prison, and where did he go in his freedom? He went right back to the Deutsche Bank. He became a member of the supervisory board of the Deutsche Bank in Berlin, before he died in 1960.
The big financial establishment brought back their own, regardless of the fact that he was a hardcore Nazi, amongst the biggest financiers of the Third Reich, and close to Hitler himself. None of this matters; for the spirit of Nazism never died, but only lives on under various manifestations. As industrialists were behind the rise of the Third Reich, so industrialists will also fortify whatever axis of evil will arise in the future.
There is a connection between Catalonian nationalism and the Deutsche Bank. A major financial company with ties with both Catalan nationalists and the Deutsche Bank is GVC Gaesco. According to one Catalan report, “GVC Gaesco is one of the historical brokers of the Spanish stock market, with more than 60 years of experience and some 45,000 million euros intermediated.”
According to Bloomberg, “GVC Gaesco Valores S.V. S.A. provides financial and brokerage services to the Spain market. The company offers products and services in the areas of equities, fixed incomes, derivatives, foreign exchange, investment funds, pension plans, personal advice, and tax.”
According to one business report, one of the highest positions that Gaesco has is with Deutsche Bank:
One finds a tie between big financial agents of Gaesco who are within nationalist circles and the Deutsch Bank. The major organization that has led the secessionist movement is Omnium Cultural, a nationalist group whose motto is, “Language, culture and country”. The president of Omnium is Jordi Cuixart, a radical separatist leader who is now in prison for sedition against the Spanish government.
Omnium has been receiving funds from the Vallvé family. Joan Vallvé Ribera is vice president of Omnium Cultural. His father was Joan Vallvé i Creus who not only helped found Omnium Cultural, but was managing director of the company Metales y Platerías Ribera, the company in charge of coining the peseta in a factory in Poblenou in the 1960s, which means that Creus was deep in the financial establishment. Creus was also president of the Association of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia. Again, we find the connection between the financial establishments and nationalism. In other words, the Catalonian nationalist movement is being backed by extremely wealthy people.

Joan Vallvé Ribera, one of the directors of GVC Gaesco, and vice president of Catalonian nationalist organization, Omnium Cultural
Shortly before his death in 1988, Creus wrote a list of candidates for the European parliamentarian election, from the Convergence and Union ( CiU), a political federation consisting of two Catalonian nationalist parties, the center-right Democratic Convergence of Catalonia and the Democratic Union of Catalonia, a Christian Democrat party (the federation dissolved in March of 2017). This is interesting considering that it was in the CiU where Carles Puigdemont, the current leader of the Catalonian separatist movement, began his political career before he entered the Catalan European Democratic Party in 2016.
Creus’ son, Joan Vallvé Ribera, is a politician who served as a member of the Catalonian parliament for the Democratic Convergence of Catalonia party in the 1980s, and in 1994 he was appointed as a member of the parliament of the European Union where he served until 1999. Between 1996 and 2004, Joan Vallve was president of the Association of European Border Regions (ARFE)
From 2006 to 2007, Joan Vallve chaired the Association of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia, and is currently the dean of the Catalan Industrial Engineers Association, where he has served since 2007.
Here we see the merging and interconnection between politics and industry in the Catalonian nationalist situation. The Catalonian nationalist movement was helped founded by Joan Vallvé i Creus, a major Catalan industrialist who was heavily involved in Catalan politics; his son, Joan Vallvé Ribera, is the vice-president of the Catalonian nationalist organization, Omnium and was an EU politician and was also an advisor for the Catalonian nationalist, Jordi Pujol, who served as the president of Catalonia from 1980 to 2003.
Joan Vallve Ribera’s sister, Maria Àngels Vallvé Ribera, is president of the GVC Gaesco Holding group. What is interesting is that before Carles Puigdemont declared Catalonian independence from Spain in October, Maria’s company, GVC Gaesco Holding, transferred its headquarters from Barcelona (the capital of Catalonia) to Madrid, in fear of the destabilization that would come from Spanish fragmentation.
In other words, the financial powers who are for and behind Catalonian nationalism and separatism, know about the dangers that secessionism brings, and want to stay clear from the precariousness as they support the very chaos that they are avoiding. The connection between Gaesco, its leaving Barcelona, and the nationalist movement, Omnium Cultural, was made by one Spanish periodical:
“GVC Gaesco states that it agreed in September to transfer its registered office to Madrid. The fact is that the member of the board of directors of the securities firm Joan María Vallvé is also the second vice-president of Òmnium Cultural, one of the nursery organizations of the independence thesis.”
Joan Vallvé Ribera, Maria’s brother, is a board member of GVC Gaesco Holding and vice-president of the Catalonian nationalist organization Òmnium Cultural. It is quite interesting: a company ran by a family of Catalonian nationalists leaves Catalonia weeks before Puigdemont declared independence. Its an indication that big industrialists are part of the conspiracy behind the fragmentation of Europe.
Maria’s husband is Joan Hortalá who is a shareholder of GVC Gaesco and the current president of the Barcelona Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Barcelona). Its interesting to look at the members of the Barcelona Stock Exchange; they include some very powerful financial players, such as the Deutsche Bank, Caixa Bank and GVC Gaesco, the very company ran by Maria Àngels Vallvé Ribera whose brother and father have been very active in Catalonian nationalism.
Also, if you look at the partners of Gaesco GVC, one will find the Barcelona Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Barcelona):
That the president of the Barcelona Stock Exchange is with the nationalists, shows the significant link between the financial establishment and Catalonian nationalism.
Gaesco is one of the few Spanish financial establishments that has a portfolio with Deutsche Bank. In the words of Spanish economist Vicente Varo:
“Very few Spanish fund managers have the bank [Deutsch Bank] among its main portfolio positions. As I see in Jucaspe, only the GVC Gaesco Multinational and the GVC Gaesco Europe had more than 5% at the end of the second quarter.”
Deutsch Bank is connected with GVC Gaesco, which puts a relation between German bankers, Catalonian nationalism, and ultimately, the destabilization of Europe. Very interestingly, the former Greek finance minister, Yanis Varouvakis, just recently said that the rise of nationalism in Catalonia is exactly what the elites within the EU want.
Varoufakis also links the rise of ethno-nationalism in Catalonia to the 2008 crises because, as he explains, when austerity was being imposed in Spain, the Spanish government used the austerity to justify controlling some of the economic decisions of the Catalonian government, and thus fueling nationalism in the region. In 2010, only 10-15% of Catalonians supported the idea of an independent state. Nationalist sentiment boomed in the last few years.
The economic crises in Europe was, in the words of Lord Mervyne King, the former Chief of the Bank of England, “almost as a a deliberate act of policy which makes it even worse”. This further confirms what Varoufakis said, that the rise of Catalonian nationalism is what the EU wants. As Varoufakis said: “this is unleashing demonic forces, not just in Spain, but across Europe.” As he says in this interview:
If the upsurge in Catalonian nationalism is what the EU wants, then it is linked to the Deutsch Bank, the official bank of Germany, the head of the European Union. Lets remember that the Deutsch Bank was a big player with the Nazis.
There were other Nazis involved in the Deutsche Bank who continued their activities after the war, such as Hermann Josef Abs who served in the board of directors in the Deutsche Bank. Abs was an extremely powerful Nazi banker and he was a very significant mover of Hitler’s economic strategy for Germany. A fanatic and devout advocate for Hitler, Abs partook in the German tyrant’s economic plan that “performed a planning, shaping, and guiding function in the Nazi economy.” William L. Shirer, an American journalist and war correspondent, reported that the Duetsche bank, under Abs’ direction, was amongst the establishments that played “a pivotal role in the final maneuver which hoisted Hitler to power” (The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, p. 144)
According to John Loftus, who was part of the Office of Special Investigations, which was charged with prosecuting and deporting Nazi war criminals in the US, Abs ”used an ‘old school tie’ in Britain to arrange for Nazi money to continue to flow through American cut-outs during the war. Abs had many friends in Britain. One friend, Lord Hartley Shawcross, was Britain’s attorney general and in charge of the Nuremberg Nazi war crimes investigations. At this time U.S. intelligence had prepared a 300-page report on Abs’s alleged war crimes, including financing the construction of the I.G. Farben plan at Auschwitz.” (Lotus, The Secret War Against the Jews, p. 67)
Abs was a member of the European League for Economic Co-operation, a group of elitist intellectuals that was set up in 1946 and that would also be a precursor of the European Union. This only further proves what we have been saying for a while now: there are Nazis within the EU who want to cause chaos and fragmentation within the European Union in order to justify despotism, militarism and ultimately, genocide and enslavement.
After the Second World War, Abs would serve as chairman of Deutsch Bank from 1957 to 1967. When Konrad Adenauer took power as West Germany’s first Chancellor in 1949, the genocidal Nazi, Abs, was his most significant advisor. Adenauer also made Ludwig Erhard Germany’s first post-war economics minister, and in 1963 Erhard — a man who worked with the SS — would become Germany’s Chancellor for three years.
Erhard was instrumental behind the Wirtschaftswunder, or the “economic miracle” that began in 1949 in which Germany saw an economic industrial boom and reconstruction from the war. The economic reinvigoration, which is attributed to Erhard, happened to a huge extent because of the Americans that the Germans relied on.
The United States gave Germany an immense amount of debt relief. Moreover, the Americans had conducted a meeting in London, in 1957, in which they had German creditors agree to pay the reduced debts of the defeated German nation. The United States also encouraged Wall Street and American multinational corporations to invest money in the Federal Republic of Germany, and to make stable prices and many markets for German exports. (See Varoufakis, And The Weak Suffer What They Must?)
This is eerily similar to what happened after World War One. The United States got J.P Morgan to give a loan of hundreds of millions of goldmarks in 1924, in what is known as the Dawes Plan. Before this happened, in May of 1924 — like today — German voters began to become more and more favorable towards nationalism. 7% of the German vote was for the Nazis, while 19% was for the DNVP or the German National People’s Party, a German nationalist party that would, in a shift of events, get dominated later on by the Nazis.
One of the selling points for the nationalists was their opposition towards the Treaty of Versailles, which put Germany under huge amounts of debt to the Americans and their European allies. The United States became somewhat concerned about this rise of nationalism and pan-Germanism in so far that it could have impeded the Dawes Plan.
So the American ambassador, Alanson Houghton, told leaders of the DNVP that if they rejected the Dawes Plan, the United States would not help Germany for another one hundred years. What is interesting is that the DNVP was being backed by big German businesses, and these pressured the nationalists to agree with the Dawes Plan in order to get money for the German economy, evidencing the reality that industrialists, and not solely politicians, are the true rulers of a nation.
On August 29th, 1924, under the pressure of their business supporters, enough DNVP members acquiesced to the US government so that Germany could get American money. On October 10th, 1924, JP Morgan gave 800 million goldmarks to the German economy which became instrumental in reviving German power that would eventually become an enemy again in the Second World War. (See Tooze, The Deluge)
What is worthy of our attention is the connection between the rise of Germany, the fear that France had for an economically superior Germany after the Second World War, the United States’ role in a postwar German powerhouse, the creation of the Euro and the current Franco-German alliance.
On July of 1944, just three weeks after the horrid battle of D-Day on the beaches of Normandy, in which thousands of American troops were slaughtered by the Nazi army, the United States and England held a meeting in the conference rooms of the Mount Washington Hotel in the town of Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The meeting was not on the war itself, but on the postwar world order, on a new global currency system.
The Americans knew that the Germans and their axis of evil were going to lose, now was the time to settle on the creation of a global financial system. The Americans had already concluded that isolationism was not a beneficial idea for preserving peace, as President Roosevelt abandoned American isolationism in a speech he made on July 1, 1944, in which he said: “The economic health of every country is a proper matter of concern to all its neighbors, near and far.”
After the war, the United States was the only country whose currency survived the conflict, perhaps with the exception of Switzerland (in whose banks the Nazis put their money to preserve it for the rebuilding of Germany). During the war, regimes that were working for the Nazis had printed so much of their currencies for the support of the Nazis’ war that by the end they were not worth anything. What was king was the American dollar. Europe needed to be remonetized, and this was what the discussion was on in the meeting in Bretton Woods.
Winston Churchill’s government sent as its representative John Maynard Keynes (a homosexual), who argued for a global currency. This was rejected by Roosevelt’s representative, Harry Dexter White, who wanted, understandably, for the American dollar to reign supreme. The conclusion of the conference was that Europe would be put under the American gold standard. In this system, known as the Bretton Woods system, $35 was worth one ounce of American gold, and European currencies would be conformed to this, matching the dollar amount that would match with the value of US gold.
But, if the American monetary system was going to succeed at the international level, the dollar needed economic “shock absorbers” to endure an international recession. The United States needed the dollar to be dominant in both Europe and Asia. Which countries, from each of these two continents, would be the economic powerhouses to provide strong currencies by which to back up the dollar? The United States chose Germany and Japan.
Germany was the most industrious country in Europe. Even though it was smashed with bombs, by 1945 Germany was producing twice as much goods as France was. Japan, regardless of having two nukes dropped on it, still retained the great majority of its factories, and a very disciplined, skilled and organized work force. Both countries were fully capable — with the help of the US — to reindustrialize themselves.
The US also, supposedly, believed that they could use Germany and Japan — two countries that fought Russia, and Japan of course fought China several times — to keep Russia and China in check. Its very interesting how this can be compared to how the US supported Turkey, arming the Turks to the tee (making them the second most armed nation in NATO) in the 1980s under America’s pro-Nazi and pro-nationalist program, Operation Gladio, to supposedly prepare for a Soviet invasion of Europe and the Middle East. These three very industrial and warlike nations — Turkey, Japan and Germany — have been militarized with the help of the US, and this will only be a monster that America and its allies will have to face in the future.
At the end of the Second World War, the Americans agreed that Germany must be reduced to an agricultural nation, dedicated to agrarian life and not to heavy industrialization which leads to a strong military force and imperialism. In the Potsdam Conference of 1945, the United States, Britain and the USSR, agreed on the “reduction or destruction of all civilian heavy-industry with war potential” and on “restructuring the German economy toward agriculture and light industry.”
This policy was reversed on September 6th, 1946, when James F. Byrnes, the US secretary of state, went to Stuttgart and gave his “Speech of Hope” in which he said that “the German people people [should] not … be denied to use … savings as they might be able to accumulate by hard work and frugal living to build up their industries for peaceful purposes.” Herbert Hoover echoed this on March 18th, 1947, when he said: “There is an illusion that the New Germany … can be reduced to a pastoral state. It cannot be done unless we exterminate or remove 25 million people out of it.”
Now, this leads us to the situation of France and the creation of the euro as the currency of the European Union. The French war hero who fought the Nazis in the Second World War, Charles de Gaulle, was always petrified at the idea of Germany financially dominating France. When Henry Kissinger asked de Gaulle what France would do to stop Germany dominating the European Union, he said, “Par la guerre!” “By war!” And this was not said in jest.
De Gaulle had lived his whole life seeing, and came from a generation that saw, the Germanians trying to dominate through industry and military might. Just twenty-eight years before de Gaulle’s birth, in 1862, the father of German unification, Otto von Bismarck, delivered his “Blood and Iron” speech in which he declared:
“it is not by speeches and majority resolutions that the great questions of the time are decided – that was the big mistake of 1848 and 1849 – but by iron and blood.”
De Gaulle knew that with a reindustrialized Germany, France would have to seek refuge with the Anglosphere, that is, America and Britain, something he did not want to do. Looking at how the US was enabling and facilitating the industrialization of Germany, de Gaulle realized that France could be a third-rate power under German domination, a thought that brought back wartime humiliations. The German deutsche mark was going to be the dollar’s fortifying currency in Europe. And it was only going to allow the US to dominate Europe and, more specifically to de Gaulle’s fears, France. “What’s the point of Europe?” asked de Gaulle, “It must serve to prevent domination either by the Americans or the Russians.”
This new world order made de Gaulle reconsider something that he had rejected years before: a united economic European union. This presaged the creation of the euro in 1999. Thus, the euro was a currency and a concept used to financially unify Europe and to, supposedly, prevent Germany from returning to the warpath. If the euro fragments, then there will be no incentive to be peaceful, and the old battle lines will reemerge, old hatreds will revive, old borders wished to be restored, through steel and blood. As Yanis Varoufakis wrote in 2016, on the breaking down of the euro:
“The moment a monetary union between different nations begins to fragment, and as the fault lines expand inexorably, only serious dialogue and a readiness to return to the drawing board can mend the fences on which peace and shared prosperity must rely. The lack of such dialogue in the 1930s led to the disintegration of that era’s common currency: the gold standard. Eighty years later, it is happening all over again in a Europe that ought to know better.” (Varoufakis, And The Weak Suffer What They Must? p. xvii)
We are already seeing the process that will lead to the culmination of a revived militarist Germany. And it is being enabled by American policy towards Europe. Remember that in March of 2017 Trump said:
“We have a massive trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay far less than they should on NATO & military. Very bad for U.S. This will change.”
Rex Tillerson repeated this when he said in the same month that “it is no longer sustainable for the U.S. to maintain a disproportionate share of NATO’s defense expenditures.”
While this may appear as good American patriotism, what the Trump administration has done is give the green light to Germany to increase its defense spending and make for itself a bigger military. Hence why the German Christian Democrat, Andreas Nick, said recently in an interview with Tim Sebastian: “I would like to broaden that perspective. We are talking about a 3% objective,” meaning that the Germans are taking the US government’s demand for more defense spending and exceeding it. This will show to be very dangerous. Tim Sebastian asked a good question for Andreas Nick in the debate:
“I’m curious on why you want to spend more on defense. Because every time there’s a crises the German view is: There’s no military solution; in Ukraine and Crimea, there’s no military solution (despite the fact that president Putin had taken one himself); in North Korea, there’s no military solution, we’re told. If there’s no military solution to all these crises, what do you want a bigger army for?”
Andreas Nick said that a bigger army would make a good “deterrence.” But, Tim Sebastian asks, if other countries know that Germany is not going to do anything, then what is the point of having a bigger army for “deterrence”? Andreas Nick said that Germany needs to defend itself and its “allies” against Russia:
“We have to support our allies in Lithuania and Poland, in other countries, against the threat from Russia.”
Not only are the Trump administration’s words giving the green light to German defense spending, but also to Turkey’s defense spending as well. Lets not forget, Turkey is the second most armed country in NATO, and Rex Tillerson said that NATO countries must spend more for their militaries, which means that Turkey is also taking advantage of this to go further into militarism.
Trump’s demand that Germany must spend more on its defense is reminiscent to what the US did in the 1970s, in which they forced Europe out of the American gold standard since Germany’s actions were undermining the Bretton Woods system and devalued the dollar in the 1960s.
The Bretton Woods system, as the world would quickly see, was not immune to manipulation and imbalances. Currencies were devalued, and at their expense, other currencies were made superior. People took loans of francs from the banks in France, and used them to buy deutsche marks. This devalued the franc and increased the power of the German mark. With the franc devalued, these people who took French loans used their deutsche marks to purchase so many francs that they had enough to pay back their loans and keep the difference.
To try to salvage their currency, the Banque de France, the French central bank, used whatever deutsche marks it had in its vaults to purchase francs and maintain an equilibrium between the mark and the franc. The mark was becoming supreme in postwar Europe. The only thing standing in the way for Germany’s currency was the US dollar. The Americans were sending their dollars into the European markets, either by purchasing European goods or by giving financial aid. However, what kept the dollar in a good position was a balance between Europeans buying American products and Americans purchasing European goods.
Europeans buying American goods, like Boeing airplanes or John Deere tractors, and Americans buying European stuff (like German cars or French wines), guaranteed that US dollars would make their presence in Europe and keep their value. So many dollars were in Europe that they began to be known as euro-dollars. The American Federal Reserve could then purchase as many French francs, British pounds or Greek liras, to maintain their official fixed exchange rate against the powerful deutsche mark.
But, things began to become imbalanced. Thanks to American help, Germany became an industrial powerhouse, and the US found itself buying more European products than Europe was buying American goods. This led to a flood of dollars in the European market, which meant inflation for the American currency. By the late 1960s, the situation got even worse, with the amount of dollars, in the words of economist Yanis Varoufakis, “grew larger than the Caspian Sea, and the Bretton Woods system came under siege.” The power of the dollar was being undermined by the Germans. The amount of dollars in Europe went beyond the dollar value of American gold, which meant that the Europeans, with the amount of American money they had, could have purchased all of America’s stockpile of gold.
This is when the Americans had to change their strategy and end their commitment to the Bretton Woods system of gold being $35 an ounce, and increase the dollar value of the precious metal. In 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson told his deputy national security advisor, Francis Bator:
“I will not deflate the American economy, screw up my foreign policy by gutting aid or pulling troops out, or go protectionist just so we can continue to pay out gold to the French at $35 an ounce.”
The Americans wanted to pull the plug on the Europeans. This was not done until the Nixon administration. Nixon’s treasury secretary, the former governor of Texas John Connally, famously said: “My philosophy is that all foreigners are out to screw us and its our job to screw them first.” Connally flew to Europe and in a room full of European finance ministers in Rome, said: “Gentlemen, the dollar is our currency. And from now on, it is your problem.”
In a press conference, Connally recounted what he told European heads of state:
“We told them that we were here as a nation that had given much of our resources and our material resources and otherwise to the world to the point where frankly we were now running a deficit and have been for twenty years and it had drained our reserves and drained our resources to the point where we could no longer do it and frankly we were in trouble and we were coming to our friends to ask for help as they have so many times in the past come to us to ask for help when they were in trouble. That is in essence what we told them.”
The US pulled the plug on Europe. This was announced by President Nixon on August 15th, 1971, in what is called the Nixon Shock. In his announcement, Nixon explained:
“We must protect the position of the American dollar as a pillar of monetary stability around the world. In the past 7 years, there has been an average of one international monetary crisis every year… I have directed Secretary Connally to suspend temporarily the convertibility of the dollar into gold or other reserve assets, except in amounts and conditions determined to be in the interest of monetary stability and in the best interests of the United States. Now, what is this action—which is very technical—what does it mean for you? Let me lay to rest the bugaboo of what is called devaluation.
If you want to buy a foreign car or take a trip abroad, market conditions may cause your dollar to buy slightly less. But if you are among the overwhelming majority of Americans who buy American-made products in America, your dollar will be worth just as much tomorrow as it is today. The effect of this action, in other words, will be to stabilize the dollar.”
This can be compared to what the Trump administration has said to the European powers, essentially: ‘You are on your own. Spend your own money on your own militaries!’ This is only giving the green light to German militarism. We are already seeing this with the German military preparing for a fragmented Europe by the 2040s. According to Business Insider:
“A secret planning document by the German armed forces has predicted that the European Union could fragment and collapse by 2040.
The 102-page future planning paper, called the “Strategic forecast 2040” spells out six possible scenarios, the most extreme of which see unity on the European continent pushed to breaking point.
It was written by the Bundeswehr Planning Office and leaked to Der Spiegel, the highly-regarded German news magazine.
The Spiegel report describes the scenarios, saying: “The worst-case-scenario is the sixth, that depicts a crumbling EU and a former leading power, the USA, trying in vain to stem an erosion of the world order.”
The document, according to the report, was written two years ago. If this is true, it shows that the German government plans for a fragmentation of Europe, and it substantiates what we have been saying: forces within the EU want to fragment Europe, to break down the established world order and remake the world order, As Yanis Varoufakis said recently: “the European Union deep establishment is doing all it can in order to destroy Europe.”
And what will this new order be filled with? With Turkey, Germany and Japan at the helm of this axis of evil? Violence, war, genocide and cruelty.
So lets answer the first issue that we brought forth at the beginning of this article: where are we heading, and how will the extermination of Christians look like? Look no further than to Catalonia when it revolted in the first half of the twentieth century, in which thousands upon thousands of Catholics were butchered by Catalonian supremacists.
In 1979, Joan Hortala, the president of the Barcelona Stock Exchange, became a member of the Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya or the Republican Left of Catalonia, a far left separatist political party. The Republican Left of Catalonia was founded in 1931 as a Catalonian separatist party and was led by Lluís Companys, a seditious radical responsible for the death of thousands of Catholic civilians, pro-Spanish soldiers and Catholic priests during the Spanish Civil War.
Companys even had 90 members of his party executed. Under the anti-Catholic reign of terror of Companys, 4 bishops, 1,536 priests (30% of the Catalan clergy) and thousands of lay people were exterminated merely because they were Catholic.
One story is the martyrdom of Jaime Hilario, a deaf boy who worked as a gardener in a monastery in Cambrils. He was arrested in 1936 and put under trial by “the People’s Court”. During the trial, the prosecutor told Jaime, “you learned Latin and you taught Latin.”
“ I have never taught Latin” replied Jamie.
“But you studied it!”
“In my first youth I did some humanities studies at the Seu.”
It was then declared: “That’s it! Why do we need more explanations? Have not you heard his statement? … He studied Latin, and that’s enough!”
Jamie’s last words were: “To die for Christ, my young friends, is to live”. He was shot five times by the firing squad commander.
The martyrdoms of the Catholic clergy were far greater once one considers all of the massacres done, not just in Catalonia, but in the whole of Spain. According to Julio de la Cueva: “6832 members of the Catholic clergy were massacred, including 13 bishops, 4172 diocesan priests and seminarists, 2364 monks and friars and 283 nuns.” Out of these thousands of priests that were murdered in Spain, over 1,536 of those were murdered in Catalonia. This should tell us what evils these Catalonian want to do if they have full reign. We can only hope that the situation in Catalonia will be abated. With such stories of these martyrs, are we reminded of the words of St. John:
I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held (Revelation 6:9)
In the province of Lleida, forty-seven percent of all those slaughtered in the first month of this reign of terror, were members of Catholic religious orders. During the Spanish Civil War, sixty five percent of the priests in Lleida were massacred.
In the official newspaper of Companys’ party, Diari de Barcelona, it boasted the destruction of churches by the republicans:
“we believe that our scruples about the burning of churches has been exaggerated. It is worth sacrificing the small heritage that [churches] represent, because if we leave churches standing, in the long term the [religious] processions will start again.” (See Andrew Dowling, Catalonia Since the Spanish Civil War)
This is the mass murderer, Lluis Companys, that the Catalonian nationalists revere. On October 15, 2017, Carles Puigdemont laid a wreath on the grave of Companys and said:
“Companys was the victim of a very unequal combat between the democratic legitimacy and the baseness of the Franco regime … he was murdered in the name of order and established legality.”
It was this murderous political party that Joan Hortalà, today’s head of Barcelona’s Stock Exchange, was a part of. What makes this more interesting is the fact that in 1993, Joan Hortala left the Republican Left and joined the Democratic Convergence of Catalonia, the very political party that Carles Puigdemont now leads.
These Catalonian nationalists want to bring about a racialist society. Joan Hortala, the current president of the Barcelona Stock Exchange, served as the general secretary for the Republican Left of Catalonia. His predecessor was Heribert Barrera, a eugenist and racist Catalonian nationalist. Barrera once said, “In America, black people have an intelligent coefficient, less than whites.”
Barrera was against immigration, even from other regions of Spain, saying: “Immigration is the main threat of Catalonia, we were able to overcome Andalusian waves, but now Catalan is in danger. I would like a Catalonia like that of the Republic: without immigrants.”
Barrera also wanted to have the mentally retarded people sterilized, saying: “the mentally weak of genetic origin should be sterilized”.
Berrira was really a part of the identitarian movement in his hatred against immigrants and the disabled, paralleling the Counterjihad or the Alt-right. After Berrira’s death in 2011, he was praised by the far-right Catalonian nationalist, Josep Anglada, who described Berrira as “a great patriot and a great Catalan identitarian (identitario), defender of freedoms and a person who is an example to follow”. What makes this even more interesting is that Josep Anglada is praised by the Counterjihad, being even included in a documentary by the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) as a fighter against ‘the jihad.’
Why do the Catalonians want to secede? why have they become so obsessed with nationalism? At the whole of it, it is racism. Look at the writings of some of the famous Catalonian nationalists and separatists. Pompeyo Gener, who was well known in Catalonian nationalism in the first half of the 20th century, described southern Spaniards as “Semites,” inferior to the northern “Germanic” Catalonians:
“Only in the North and Northeast have we seen real elements, both in the race and the country’s organization, that may someday develop into such a culture like their original Indo-Germanic national In the Center and the South, with the exception of some individualities, we have felt that, unfortunately, there is too much of the Semitic element, and more still of the pre-Semitic or Berber with all its quantities, arrears, bad administration, wasting of time and life, chieftainship, […] One would have said that, by expelling the Moors, the Austurians and old Castilians were getting infected by the African spirit. Saracens may have lost their lands but they won influence. Thus, New Castile overcame Old Castile, and Castile was overcome by Andalusia, and Andalusia by the Gipsy element, which prevailed in all Spain”
So, the old monster, of hatred against humanity and against one’s fellow man, returns. How difficult it is to slay a monster; it never dies, no matter how many times you strike off its head, it only changes its face and preaches with a new voice.
Today we write of current monsters, but who knows what new monsters will come out from the chasm of darkness. Perhaps the evil doers we write about now are but mere precursors to faces more terrifying, to the prevailing of ideas more sinister. These men that we write of, be they prime ministers or presidents, philosophers or thinkers, perhaps they shall one day be replaced or absorbed by mobs and figures with ideas more evil than what we are seeing now.
Perhaps we shall one day look back, remembering these times, and laugh at how they were so much easier than what we will one day endure and witness. Perhaps we shall one day look back, and remember these times as the events that we ignored, but foreshadowed whatever horror we shall see, as the world enters the cascades of utter evil, as the earth is pushed into an abyss so dark the light shall be at its brightest.
We Are About To Enter A New World War, A Blood Bath Is About To Commence As The Empire Of The Antichrist Will Rise Up. This Is Why I Wrote The Book, Christianity Is At War, The Most Exhaustive Study Ever Done On Christian Warfare. Click Here To Get The Book Today And Prepare Your Soul For The War That Is To Come.
For a study on the economics of the EU and the United States, see Yanis Varoufakis, And The Weak Suffer What They Must?
For a book on the politics of World War One, see Adam Tooze, The Deluge
For a detailed study on Nazi scientists, see Annie Jacobsen, Operation Paperclip