Archive | November 2, 2017

Liberal Commentator Chris Matthews Shocked About NYC Terrorist Attack, Cannot Understand How Islam Can Be Violent

Liberal commentator Chris Matthews reacted with shock at the recent terrorist attack in New York, saying that he could not believe what had happened and that it had any connection to Islam: Chris Matthews has put in a strong entry for the title of stupidest reaction to the Halloween jihad massacre in Lower Manhattan.  Was […]

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The Society Has Become Utterly Dumbed Down, And This Is Going To Lead Us To War

By Theodore Shoebat The society has become utterly dumbed down, and this is only leading us to war. This is the subject of latest video: Christianity Is At War, This Is Why We Must Prepare Our Souls For The Great World War That Is To Come. Click Here To Get Our New Book And Educate Your Mind […]

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Geert Wilders Declares: ‘I Don’t Want Swedes Or Moroccans In The Dutch Parliament.’

By Theodore Shoebat Geert Wilders has declared that he doesn’t want Swedes, Moroccans or Turks in the Dutch parliament. As we read in one report: Far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders has pushed for ethnic qualifications to decide who is able to become a Dutch lawmaker. “This is the Netherlands’ parliament, you have to be Dutch […]

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