Archive | June 8, 2019

Admitted Sodomite Pederast Nominated “Grand Marshall” Of The “Straight Pride” Parade

Milo Yiannopoulos has been nominated as the “grand marshall” of an upcoming “straight pride” parade in Boston according to a report: Organizers of Boston’s “Straight Pride” parade on Friday announced controversial right-wing pundit Milo Yiannopoulos, who is openly gay, as grand marshal. John Hugo, president of Super Happy Fun America, which argues that “straight people […]

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President Trump Gives Contract To Saudi Arabia To Build High-Tech Bomb Parts

President Trump recently gave a contract to Saudi Arabia to build high-tech bomb parts for the US military according to a report: A controversial arms deal for Arab allies approved by the Trump administration will allow U.S. hi-tech bomb parts to be manufactured in Saudi Arabia, giving Riyadh unprecedented access to a sensitive weapons technology. […]

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Company Makes Robot That Can Pick Thousands Of Raspberries Per Day And Work For Twenty Hours Straight

Robotics and artificial intelligence are going to re-shape the economy permanently in major ways as they are used to replace humans for tasks they would normally do. In a major change coming to the farm industry, a company has created a robot that can work for twenty hours at a time and pick thousands of […]

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