Archive | 2019

The Yom Kippur Shooter In Germany Raises Far More Questions Than It Answers

On Yom Kippur, and there was a shooter at a synagogue in the city of Halle, Germany. He broadcasted the shooting live on Twitch TV before making his “escape.” There are lots of stories being written on it. According to a recent report by CNN, the man, named “Stephan B.”, did it because of “anti-semitic […]

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A Trump-China Trade Deal Means Nothing Other Than Securing Votes And Campaign Advertisements For 2020

China is a rising nation and a threat, but often times the threat is overly exaggeration. She has extreme internal problems, including an inability to feed her people without relying on the US and the US-dominated Western Hemisphere. She is known to make rash decisions, including bouts of extreme nationalism without clearly defined goals or […]

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Israeli Fury At Trump’s Support Of Erdogan Has Nothing To Do With The Kurds, It Is All About Oil Money

Right now, there are many American and Israeli Jews who are furious at Trump for giving license to Turkey to assert further control over Kurdish areas and to move into Northern Syria. Once hailed as a veritably living “messiah” for Israel, some Israelis have turned on him to the point of calling him all kinds […]

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Florida District Court Rules That Cities Must Cooperate With ICE

Right now the issue of “immigration,” legal and illegal, has become once again a political football being tossed back and forth between the left and the right. There is controversy over the idea of “sanctuary cities, or cities where people who are illegally in the US can legally “hide” from prosecution. As I have explained […]

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US Operation “Task Force Smoking Gun” Exposed With Mega Contracts Between Pentagon And Serbian Government Funneling Weapons Into Syria

The support of Islamic terrorists groups is a cornerstone of US and European foreign covert military operations, where weapons, money, and logistical support are given to Islamic terrorist groups who then use them to wage proxy wars on behalf of the US against her various enemies. The Russians do the same, but with far less […]

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Putin Has Rural Siberian Shaman Violently Arrested And Taken Away For Criticizing Him

A common English saying is that a man “Can’t see the forest for the trees,” meaning that a person is unable to see the greater series of events taking place at a certain time- what we would call “the big picture” -due to an overly intense or unbalanced focus on particular details. This is a […]

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US Economic Conditions Worsen As Railroad Car, Dry Van Volumes Crash

The transportation industry is known for violent swings of prosperity or poverty. Given that most freight moves by truck and heavy industrial materials or agricultural products by train, there is a relationship between the two and general economic health. US economic health has not been well for a long time. This not to say there […]

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It Is Amazing To Watch China Start The Process Of Committing Historical Suicide Again In Real Time

There is a consistent pattern in Chinese history of the nation gaining great power and then just as she reaches near the point of being able to make serious moves toward seizing power on a global scale, she begins to act arrogantly towards others and herself. This arrogance eventually results in, out of nationalistic pride, […]

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The Fact That People Are Seriously Talking About Hillary Clinton In The 2020 Democratic Nominations Shows How Much Of A Show This Is

The 2016 election was considered to be a major competition between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. She lost, and Trump won. Generally when one is the party nominee and fails to attain the presidency the first time, one does not run again. However, this may not be the case, as Clinton alluded to a potential […]

Continue Reading 0 Warning Comes True, Deepfake Videos Are Now Being Used To Cause Political Instability

I warned beginning in January 2018 about a dangerous trend involving the use of AI video technologies to edit videos and place famous people into adult films. I said this not because of the content, but because the fact that the adult industry seemed to be naturally adopting this trend was a warning that it […]

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STD Rates Hit Record Highs Even As Superbugs And Incurable Illnesses Increase

STDs have always been a problem with the human race, but in modern times due to unprecedented rates of promiscuity encouraged by a lack of morality, an emphasis on sexual license, freely available pornography, and technology that connects people to each other closer than ever before and most importantly, the rise of the sodomites in […]

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Thousands Of ISIS Fighters Will Not “Break Out,” They Will Be Called To Active Duty As Trump Prepares To Murder More Christians

Right now there is much talk about Turkey’s pending “invasion” of Syria, which has to be permitted by the US since if Turkey was really invading, she would just march in. Now there is a fear that if Turkey goes in, that tends of thousand of ISIS prisoners and “sleeper cells” will activate. ISIS fighters […]

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Is Refugee Crisis 2.0 In Progress Right Now?

The refugee crisis that began in late 2015 was directly connected to US foreign policy movement in Syria and Libya intended to weaken the nations and bring about a massive displacement of people from said regions and points further south and east into Europe. reported that it was uncovered on at least two occasions […]

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China Makes A Pathetic Attempt At Looking Competent In The Agricultural Markets

Right now, China is in the middle of a food crisis because due to serious agricultural mismanagement, a giant population, and systematic corruption, she cannot grow her own food and relies on the US to import key commodities such as soy and pork. Without both of these, China could face a revolution. But now, China […]

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Old Russian Woman Butchers Three Small Children Because They Were “Noisy”, Cooks Their Flesh Into Treats And Gave Them To Other Children To Eat

Cannibalism is growing as a phenomenon all around the world. While it has been a problem without boundaries, Russia has a historical problem with cannibalism and serial killers. In the infamous film “Sweeney Todd,” a barber ran a shop where he would slaughter his customers, grind the bodies up into ground meat, and then prepare […]

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Trump Administration Celebrates Highest Number Of Border Apprehensions At Over Three Quarters Of A Million For 2019

Border Patrol agents working the United States-Mexico border took into custody approximately 851,000 people in 2019. This is the highest numbers of arrests since 2007 according to government data. As of August 31st, 263,000 more people were encountered at ports and were not arrested, but simply denied entry. These numbers do not include additional arrests […]

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