Author Archive | Andrew Bieszad


Airbus Wins Major Trade Dispute Deal

In September 2020, I noted how two major companies to watch were C. G. Haendel and Rheinmetall, as they showed close ties to the German government. I had another company that I did not note but was on my list for possible observations, which was Airbus, as it is a major aerospace provider, and ten […]

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Russia Reports Record High COVID-19 Cases

With talk of infections for COVID-19 all around the world rising as a trend, the New York Post reports that Russia is experiencing record COVID-19 cases in spite of claims that the numbers have stabilized and may be in decline. Russia on Tuesday reported record high daily coronavirus cases and deaths, pushing total infections to […]

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Landlords Are Suffering Because Of The Effects Of COVID-19

I have noted here at that it is not just the tenants, but also landlords who are being financially squeezed by the effects of COVID-19. In short, if tenants can’t pay the rent, landlords can’t pay the loans that most hold to banks, and they can lose their property intersts. The result is the […]

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Johnson & Johnson Pauses Vaccine Trials Over Unexplained Illness

While Trump is touting his arguable business associate Leonard Schleifer by way of his company Regeneron, claiming that he was ‘cured’ by their vaccine in a few days and of which the company’s stock price has just so happened to increase, the major pharmaceutical-and-healthcare product manufacturer Johnson & Johnson has stopped trials of a COVID-19 […]

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Germanic Tyranny Influences The World Again

It is an unfortunate but generally true statement that when trouble in Europe starts, it begins with Germany and her attempts at pursuing some goal. In true to form, Reason magazine has noted a disturbing trend that Germany’s “hate speech” law is being used as a model by governments around the world to shut down […]

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Burkina Faso Called An ‘Epicenter’ Of Major Crises

About two years ago, started to note a rising trend of attacks in the tiny landlocked West African nation of Burkina Faso. We warned that amid increaseing persecution, violence, and social chaos, the small nation could become a catalyst for tipping off greater regional wars in West Africa as well as potentially causing a […]

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Russia Asks For Peace in The Arctic While She Proceeds To Militarize It has noted that a trend to watch for within the larger context of a coming global war will be militarization of the Arctic and the fights for the war being taken to the North Pole regions. The reason for this is largely because of Russia, since due to geopolitical and historical reasons, Russia knows […]

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Why Was A Greek Orthodox Metropolitan In The US Suddenly Censured By The Patriarch?

There is a well-known and problematic trend of persons attracted to both the same gender and small children entering into the priesthood and then using their positions to abuse children. However, this is not limited just to Catholics, for as I have pointed out, there is also the same problem in the Orthodox Churches, but […]

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Will Pennsylvania Become What Florida Was In Election 2000?

For those who remember, election 2000 was a nightmare in the state of Florida, where after much wrangling and talk of “dimpled chads”, “pregnant chads”, “tri-chads”, “hanging chads”, ballot recounts, and more legal wrangling, eventually was decided in favor of George W. Bush. There is an almost curious consistency to such thing that one might […]

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Will The Zoomers Show Up For Election 2020?

There are a lot of demographic changes happening right now within the country that will cause major changes for the nation. However, for now, the favor still restes with the Boomers for the election cycle. While Millennial are adults and well on their adult lives, Zoomers, or Gen Z, is another key bloc that may […]

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Mexican President Wants Catholic Church To Apologize For Stopping What The Drug Cartels Are Reviving

Slavery. Cannibalism. Human sacrifice. Organ harvesting. Murder of children. Openly blaspheming and worshipping devils. This was Mexico not today, but on the eve of the arrival of the Spanish to Mexico, where thanks to a combination of the Church and the Spanish Empire wiped out the infamos paganism and Christianized the natives. However, this is […]

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Polls Suggest Trump Victory In November 2020

One of the points that Ted, Walid, and I have noted is that their is a clear chance that Trump will win in 2020. There are various reasons for thus, but to summarize the main ones, 1) The incumbent always holds an advantage 2) Biden is objectively one of the worse candidates that one could […]

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Russian-Brokered Peace Between Armenia And Azerbaijan Falling Apart Almost Instantly After Agreement

Peace agreements are known to fall short in conflict situations, but according to Al-Jazeera, the current Russian-brokered peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan has scarcely been in effect for hours and already is in danger of falling apart. Azerbaijan and Armenia have accused each other of swiftly violating the terms of a ceasefire in the disputed […]

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Controversy Erupts With The Expanding Use Of ‘Keyword Warrants’

It has been a long running trend that privacy is disappearing, but many have warned along with us here at that a trend for the future will be the aggregation of data into a network that creates a Chinese-like surveillance state except by consent instead of by force at gunpoint. CNET News delves more […]

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JPMorgan Extends Tens Of Billions In Loans In The Name Of ‘Fighting Racism’

Racism can come in many forms. The obvious one that many people think of is the man who makes statements such as “[Group here] are [insult here]”. However, there are other forms of racism that are more insidious, such as the ‘racism of lower standards’ and the racism of, in the name of ‘fighting racism’, […]

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US National Debt Will Exceed The Size Of The Economy

One of the points that I have constantly emphasized as a major trend for the future is the growth of the national debt against the size of the economy and the ability to service debts. This is going to have severe consequences for the national and as a result due to the position of the […]

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