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Major German Politician Declares: “We Want A Europe Of The Fatherland”

By Theodore Shoebat A major German politician, Jorg Meuthen, of the nationalist Alternative for Deutschland Party (AfD), who sits in the EU Parliament, declared: “We want a Europe of the Fatherland” According to a report from Taz: “We want a Europe of the fatherland,” Meuthen calls into the hall. “Naturally allies” are Hans-Christian Strache, the Austrian […]

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Tommy Robinson Joins Major Organizations That Want To Destroy Christianity, Promote Homosexuality, Human Sacrifice And Terrorism

By Theodore Shoebat & Walid Shoebat ( Sunday Special) Do not trust Tommy Robbinson, he is only a lobbyist for pagans, racists and eugenists. Tommy Robinson is working with forces that want to war against Christianity. Robinson works with pagans who want homosexuality and  paganism, and instead of Christian sacraments, want a sacrament of gore […]

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Western Civilization Is Not Great Because You’re White

By Theodore Shoebat There is an idea that has been becoming something of a trend amongst the Right-wing, and that is that “Western civilization” is great because its native inhabitants. These people wish to make things about biology and genetics as opposed to spirituality. Here is the video: Click Here To Donate And Help Spread […]

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The Rejection of Accountability And Confession Is The Spirit of Antichrist

By Theodore Shoebat Jesus said that the only sin that will not be forgiven is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. As we read from Augustine, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the rejection of God’s forgiveness. This involves the rejection of confession and accountability. Thus, the rejection of redemption is of the spirit of Antichrist. […]

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The Trump Movement Has Become A Cult Of Personality

By Andrew Bieszad  Normally I don’t read comments, let alone respond to them. However, this time I would like to address a few issues. A number of days ago, I put up an article about a state representative from New Hampshire, Frank Sapareto, who is being sued by a pornographic director he worked with for […]

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Germany And France Are Collaborating To Create “A True European Army” That Will Be Independent Of American Power. Get Ready For The European Beast

By Theodore Shoebat  Europe, for millennia, has had wars. Before the US existed, Europeans were at war. Now all of a sudden the masses in the US, with their excitement for Trump, think the Europeans are cowards. Trump with his “pay your fair share” for defense talk has helped unleash the European beast. The president […]

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Now That Brunson Has Been Released From Prison, Trump Talks With Erdogan On Military Intervention In Syria

By Theodore Shoebat Trump just recently had a talk with the president of Turkey, Recep Tayip Erdogan, on maintaining their military plan in Syria. This conversation happened not too long after pastor Andrew Brunson was released. As we read in a report from the Daily Sabah: President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and U.S. counterpart Donald Trump […]

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The Aztecs Defended Their Heritage And Civilization From The Spanish Christian Invaders, According To The Right Wing, The Aztecs Were Right

By Theodore Shoebat There is this idea coming from Right-Wing forces that “heritage” and race should be the goal of a people. In accordance to this mentality, when the Spanish Catholics were invading the Aztecs and the Aztecs fought back, the Aztecs were the good guys because they were merely doing their patriotic duty and […]

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White People Will Slaughter Each Other In War

By Theodore Shoebat There are people who argue that homogeneity is one of the keys behind an orderly society. But even in societies where people are European or Native Indian or African, people still kill one another in horrific wars. I did a video on this subject: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website […]

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Addressing The Cult Of Western Civilization

By Theodore Shoebat There is a lot of talk about the superiority of Western civilization. But before Christianity influenced the West, there was plenty of evil satanic rituals and practices being done by Westerners. So the civility of Western civilization is not something that comes from the West itself, but something that comes from without […]

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If You Want To Fully Follow Greco-Roman Civilization, Then You Must Adopt The Gladiator Games

By Theodore Shoebat If you want to go full out with this reverence for “Greco-Roman” civilization, then what about accepting gladiator games? They were part of “Greco-Roman” culture, as part of paganism:   Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going

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Did Saudi Arabia Just Settle The Family Business While Cucking Turkey At The Same Time?

Saudi Arabia is toast. We asserted this over a year ago as Saudi Arabia moved Pakistani troops into her eastern quarters, who is her only ally as neither nation is liked by the rest of the Middle East. The two great powers in the Middle East are and have always been Turkey and Iran. Turkey […]

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