The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


Election Year Generally Overlooks Mainline Protestant Churches

If one looks at the US, one can say that many of the founders were of Anglo stock and were either a variant of English Protestant Christian persuasions, sometimes known under the title of “mainline Protestant”, or a sort of agnosticism under an equally diverse list of names. But whatever one was, the fact is […]

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Anarcho-Queer And Loving Demons- The New Face Of The GOP

If the Democrats are the “real deal”, then then Republicans are the same thing, just a watered-down version of them. This is an observation that many political observers have made throughout the years, and while it is certainly not an “official” position, it is based on clearly documented and consistent themes. The Democrat Party in […]

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San Francisco May Allow Sixteen-Year-Olds To Vote

Voting is one of those activities that draw the attention of the public because whether one believes in it as an efficacious tool of expressing political will or not, the vote is one way that binds all citizens to voluntary participation in the life of their nation. Voting is traditionally a practice reserved for adults, […]

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China Returns Five Missing Nationals To India After Confirming She Captured And “Educated” Them

The situation between China and India has been steadily deteriorating. The two have already had one shootout this year, and border clashed in villages in the Ladakh region are threatening a second shootout. Earlier this month, five Indians went missing in Arunachal Pradesh, which is located in the eastern region of India in the area […]

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Germany Discusses Possible Sanctions On Russian Gas Lines

There is a lot going on right now in Europe between Russia and Germany as the two historical powers are making attempts to exert their influence on the European continent once again. According to Reuters, there are now discussions coming from Merkel’s administration about possible sanctions on a Russo-German gas line. Chancellor Angela Merkel does […]

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Three Dozen Women Discover Their Child’s “Parent” From A Fertility Clinic Was Not A Genius, But A Dropout And Drunkard With Mental Problems

I do not believe I have ever covered the issue in writing, but from reading about trends in the fields of parenting, adoption, IVF, and essentially a modern and new form of trafficking in children, that in the name of ‘helping’ families, it would lead to serious abuses. One of the most obvious and blatant […]

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My Post (38)

Theodore Shoebat VS Andrew Bieszad: Should Priests Be Forced To Report Pedophiles To The Police?

By Theodore Shoebat A number of days ago, one of our authors, Andrew Bieszad, wrote an article on how the Australian government wants to force priests to report other priests to confess to them (in the confessional) that they have been molesting children. Andrew objected to this, arguing that it would break the Seal of […]

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Water Conflict Grows On The US-Mexican Border

Wars fought over resources are always a constant fact of human history. However, while many people think of “resources” such as farmland, mines, or wealth (gold), there is one commodity that is even more important than all of these- water -because without this simple thing that is so hard to acquire at times, entire civilizations […]

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Prepare For A Repeat Of 2000

One may remember the year 2000, where during that presidential election, amid chaos and confusion, Florida was the ‘swing state’ that swung the election from Al Gore to George W. Bush. Now there are still a LOT of questions about that election and the ‘vote counts’ that went on, and with good reason. But speculation […]

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My Post (5)

New Report Reveals: Turkish Soldiers Were Ordered To Murder Syrian Troops To Spark A War Between Turkey And Syria

By Walid and Theodore Shoebat Isaiah 10 records the Assyrian who gives a speech and says: “Is not Calno like Carchemish? Is not Hamath like Arpad? Is not Samaria like Damascus?” (Isaiah 10:9) Few focus on the Assyrian’s grand project to unify the entire Levant—that is the Fertile Crescent under his rule. This sound bite […]

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Study: Youth Suicide Rates Increase

One of the trends that I have pointed out to watch for the future is suicide rates. Most of the time I have discussed this in the context of the Millennial women, since owing to the fact that many are not married, nor having children, nor have any plans of having children in the future, […]

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Ten Percent Of Oregon Forced To Flee Because Of Wildfires

Yesterday, I made the point that California is fleeing wildfires, and some of these people to other states as part of a large migration, since political conditions as well as climate change (in the non-political sense) cause people to settle into different areas. I noted how this would have major impacts on politics as well […]

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University Of Michigan Forced To Apologize For Promoting 1960’s-Style Racism

For a long time, one of the hallmark points made by the civil rights movement and other anti-racism advocates- and a correct point, I should add -is the disparity of goods and services that was offered to certain races versus other ones. Most famously, the example of the “whites only” and “coloreds” signs on bathrooms […]

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Major Floods Swallow Up The African Sahel Region

The Sahel region of Africa stretches from Senegal to Cameroon, and is the lands between the jungle and the desert. It is a vast region under the strong influence of the French and increasingly with American military assistance. According to France 24, while the USA is having a bout of severe fires in the Western […]

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California Fires Continue To Grow In Size, Severity

Wildfires are a well-known problem in California. However, it seems that with each year, the wildfires are getting worse. There may be truth to this, as the AP reports that the current round of California wildfires are some of the worse on record and continue to sweep the state. When it comes to California wildfires, […]

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AI-Written Editorial Says It Won’t Destroy Mankind While Declaring It Will

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) poses a very serious set of consequences for the world, as it contains within it the seed to potentially alter forever the means of human interactions, economics, and more fundamentally speaking, what it means to be a human and the relationship of man to robotics. There have been many […]

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