The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation

My Post (1)

The Technological Elite, The Rise Of Eugenics, And How Wall Street Funded The Third Reich

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. (Matthew 19:24) Christ was not against wealth, but really was speaking of the elite of society. And for good reason. Anytime an evil ideology takes hold of society, you […]

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We Told You So- Russia Openly Discusses Plans To Annex Belarus

One of the points which I have noted is that as European nations are showing a desire to ‘re-assert’ themselves in Europe and around the world, the Russian are likewise trying to do the same by, based on a combination of statements made from President Putin as well as his actions, he believes that the […]

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Houses Get Bigger But Apartments Get Smaller

Something that tells a lot about a society is the use of space in new construction, as while renting is good, new construction is built always with contemporary values in mind, and so it can give an insight into the minds of the people at that time. According to a story from Zero Hedge, among […]

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Half Of US Christians Approve Of Fornication

Just because something is common does not make it good. For example, overeating is a common practice, but it is not good. The same can be said about fornication, for while a lot of people do or are doing it, such does not justify the practice. However, the Christian Post reports that many Christians- at […]

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House Moves To Vote On First-Ever Marijuana Legalization Bill

Marijuana is a popular drug with many, but still illegal on the federal level in spite of major changes at the state levels. However, USA Today reports that big changes may be coming as the House moves to vote on the first ever marijuana legalization bill at a federal level. The Democratic-controlled House will vote […]

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Poll: 52% Of People Under 29 Live With Parents

I remember the effects of the 2007/2008 recession and the decline that forced almost 40% of people under 29 to live at home. Now according to Business Insider, another poll says that 52% of people under the age of 30 are living at home, in what is a new record. Pete Davidson isn’t the only […]

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Sultan Aspirant Erdogan Threatens Greece Over Greek Island Claims

Asleep for almost a century, the notorious roar of the Ottoman lion from the past is being heard again as Turkey grows in military might and with it a desire to impress herself on the world. In a recent story from AP News, Turkish President Erdogan has made direct threats to Greece over her claims […]

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Nova Scotia Woman Loses Appeal To Stop Her Husband From Committing Suicide

Euthanasia, which is just another form of eugenics, is going to be a dangerous trend for the future in the West, as those who are old will be considered ‘disposable’ and simply put to death, as though it was a comparatively more ‘humane’ option than living out to one’s natural lifespan. In Nova Scotia, a […]

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Trump Takes Democrat Position, Suggests That People Should Vote Twice

Trump for many years was a Democrat, until he went with the Republican party for the presidential elections. It is also known that the Democrats have a long history of “voting twice” and “making the dead vote”, by rigging elections with multiple votes or votes from nonexistent or deceased persons. According to a recent statement […]

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Is The APA Making An Andropovesque Proposition?

If one has ever spoken with people who lived in the former USSR, a common theme that many will raise is how seemingly beginning around the late 1960s and continuing up to the fall of the USSR, there was an overlap between criticism of the government in any way at all, even perceived criticisms or […]

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Report: 90% Of COVID-19 Tests May Be False Positives

There are many questions that have yet to be answered about the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, but thanks to the hard work of many researchers, scientists, and journalists, there is more information coming out about this illness. One particularly shocking study from the New York Times reports that up to 90% of COVID-19 tests may show […]

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09042020a Prediction Comes True, Even Time Magazine Is Now Concerned About Sultan Aspirant Erdogan

For years, Ted, Walid, and I have warned about Turkish President Erdogan and his aspirations for the Sultanate of old and a revival of the Ottoman Empire. Many said that such a view was an overreaction or a misguided approach of some kind, but based on patterns of historical behavior and statements coming out from […]

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Claim: Trump In Private Calls Dead Soldiers “Losers” And “Suckers” For Fighting For The USA

Trump has made himself a practical king of controversy, but according to claims published in The Atlantic, sources allege that Trump has insulted veterans fighting for the USA, calling those who died “losers” or even “suckers” the report notes. When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, […]

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My Post

Is Covid-19 Being Used To Do An October Surprise In Favor Of Trump?

By Theodore Shoebat Anyone who has studied deeply the world of American politics, will have heard of the phrase “October Surprise,” or a major event that occurs in October that helps a particular candidate. Well, there has been much talk about the possibility of a vaccine for Covid-19 popping up by October, right before the […]

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Economic Indicators Tell The Obvious, The Services Industry Is Not Recovering

The service industry is in terrible condition. As I have pointed out before, the reasons for this are based on economic realities, and as the conditions of the economy continue to deteriorate, so will the service sector upon which the economy has been constructed, like a house of cards, since the late 1960s following the […]

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