On the morning of January 7th, Ben Barrack appeared on the Peter Boyles show on 710 KNUS in Colorado as news about the terror attacks in France were unfolding. Boyles had him on again one day later after more had been learned. Among items discussed were the reaction of the mainstream media and the problems […]
Tag Archives | freedom
Bashar Al-Assad Says America Will Soon Join His Side, And Will Work With Him In Fighting ISIS
By Theodore Shoebat Bashar al-Assad and his regime believe that America will soon come to his side as ISIS intensifies their activities to shape the Middle East into an Islamic sharia utopia. The United States and other Western forced backed up the jihadists last year, but in Syria’s eyes now since the chaos is increasing, […]
Religious Liberty Leads To Tyranny
By Theodore Shoebat All of civilization, came as a result of religious intolerance. When the Hebrews invaded Canaan, they overthrew the high places, for which children were burnt alive, toppled down the gods for which the heathens ate human flesh and indulged in the greatest violence, and placed the banner of Yahweh over the vanquished […]

Punish American People or our Govt; Freedom at Stake
By Keith Davies Inside the Washington beltway establishment, the rhetoric in the media would have you believe Republicans are evil and Democrats, saints. If one cares to understand propaganda when he sees it, it is blatantly obvious that this president is determined to force communism on the American people and even destroy the wealth of […]
Entebbe: The Price of Freedom
First published June 25th last year By Keith Davies Next week, on July 4th, we celebrate America’s 237th birthday but 37 years ago, on our 200th birthday, we had something more to add to our celebration of freedom. Our Bicentennial was also the day that Israel rescued 105 hostages that were held by Arab, German […]
My Nine Year-old Patriot
Keith Davies Three weeks ago, my son came home from school and exclaimed that his teacher said something he disagreed with. My son rarely discusses what he does in school and whenever I question him about how school went on any particular day, I usually get the same, one-word response most parents get from a […]
The United Socialist States of America
Keith Davies As the right has been betrayed by Chief Justice Roberts, who sided with the communists on the bench, the Supreme Court should be re abbreviated to SCOTSUS Supreme Court of the Socialist United States. June 28th 2012 is the day America became a socialist country and Chief Justice Roberts’ name will live in […]
Paging CAIR… Christian Woman in Pakistan charged with Blasphemy for not converting to Islam
Don’t you just love it when Muslim Brotherhood groups like CAIR put down roots in the United States and use the Constitution and U.S. laws like the 1964 Civil Rights Act to push their politically correct agenda while Christians in Muslim lands have no rights at all? The latest example is a Christian woman in […]
“One Dog Less”
Muslim Youths Attack Relatives of Dead in Funeral Processions Click here for video: http://shoebat.org/videos/attackDead.php …when nearly 5-10% of your minority population is Muslim this is the type of behavior you can expect. Intimidation and disrespect of the host country, demands of Shariah compliance and special rights for Muslims. When the population reaches 20% Muslim Islamic […]
Walid Shoebat’s Interview on Lou Dobbs Radio Talk Show [02/15/2011]
..And WALID SHOEBAT, former member of the Muslim Brotherhood, talked about the surprising decision by President Mubarak to step down as President of Egypt, what it was like to be in the Muslim Brotherhood, and if they are the threat to democracy in Egypt that many believe… http://shoebat.org/audio/loudobbs021511.php
Restoring America: Walid with his “pissed off American Christian” speech!
TheRightScoop.com says: Oh man, I have NEVER seen Walid Shoebat like this before! I mean, I love Glenn Beck, but it was Walid’s speech that had me pumping my fist in the air. You just have to take 30 minutes to watch this speech. It’s just the best speech I’ve ever heard from Walid, and […]
It is not the Economy stupid
The mid term election in November will be one of the most important midterms in our lifetime. It will signal either the stopping of the socialist agenda of the Obama administration along with its willing accomplices in the current Congress and their cheerleaders in the mainstream media, or it will allow it to continue and […]
Dear Promoter of the Truth
Dear Friend and Supporter Be a promoter of the truth Be a proactive campaigner to expose the agenda of Islam and its messages of hate and domination. It is not politically incorrect to speak against Nazism, the KKK or other White supremacists; then it should not be politically incorrect to speak against and expose the […]
Shoebat.com Shariah Watch Update: Imam Refuses To Call Hamas A Terrorist Organization
http://shoebat.org/videos/hamasNotTerror.php Shoebat.com Shariah Watch Update: Imam Refuses To Call Hamas A Terrorist Organization Click Here To Watch Video
What does Samuel Adams Say?
“How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!” I wonder whom we could be referring to here? “A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; […]
Attack Evil To Defend Freedom
The Jews and Christians like to whine, complain, procrastinate, retreat in fear, huddle together like sheep. Our adversaries i.e. the Islamic inspired terrorists, Muslim leaders and even Muslim “allies” act with pride, insult the USA and West without fear, they are aggressive in tone and have no problem taking to the Middle East street in […]