Tag Archives | Ottoman Empire

How The CIA Supported the Rise of The Muslim Caliphate and Antichrist

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Over the last two decades, every U.S. military intervention has been justified by humanitarian concerns. These occurred in areas that had been part of the Ottoman Empire and where secular regimes were replaced by Islamist ones. From bombing Serbia in support of Izetbegovic’s Muslim Regime in Bosnia in 1995 […]

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The Cross Of Christ Is The Truest Image Of Christian Warfare Against The Antichrist

By Theodore Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Open your eyes and gaze upon the Cross, and allow your soul to be awakened. Stare upon the Holy Wood, and what do you see? You are not reminded of sorrow, but of victory; not of defeat, but of conquest; not of passivity, but of war. What you see, is […]

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ISIS a Common Enemy of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad and U.S.

Those who supported the idea of a U.S. air strike on Syria’s Bashar al-Assad – to include Karl Rove, Bill Kristol and everyone else on this list – have major ostrich egg on their faces because they’ve had their heads in the sand for quite some time. Obama’s air strikes in Iraq prove it. The […]

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Saudi King Labels Muslims the ‘Enemies of Islam’

Saudi King Abdullah represents a country that has been exporting Islam all over the globe for decades. In fact, it has funded its arch-enemy – the Muslim Brotherhood – with untold amounts of money to help spread Islam. Earlier this year, Saudi Arabia has done what the U.S. has not; it has labeled the Muslim […]

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Retired General and Fox News Guest uses Shoebat Research and then Dismisses it

General Tom McInerney (Ret.) appeared on a Fox News segment with Megyn Kelly and made a shocking claim after initially seeming to agree with something Shoebat.com has been saying for years, that the Islamic Caliphate known as the Ottoman Empire will be re-established in Turkey. After predicting that the Caliphate declared by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi […]

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Top Muslim Scholar who wants Caliphate says Caliphate In Iraq Is VOID because it doesn’t fit Ottoman Model

Sheikh Yususf al-Qaradawi, the top Sunni Muslim scholar and the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood stated that the caliphate declared by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is null and void under Sharia law since al-Baghdadi’s version of a caliphate doesn’t comport with the resurrection of the Ottoman Empire. “We look forward to the coming, […]

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Muslims Take Christians And Keep Them As Slaves For Twenty Five Years Straight

By Theodore Shoebat A Christian family in Pakistan was kept as slaves for twenty five years straight in a brick kiln. They lived without any basic comforts, such as toilets. As one report states: There were no reports of arrests, with police allegedly reluctant to further investigate the case. In statements obtained by BosNewsLife, Christians […]

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Man Challenges Muslims, Muslims Take Man, Cut His Head Off, Wrap It In Plastic, And Dump His Head Into The Local Mosque

By Theodore Shoebat A man in Libya, Abdul Moaz Abdul Razk Turkawi, challenged some members of a Muslim jihadist group. The next day his head was found wrapped in a plastic bag dumped in a mosque. According to a Libyan report: The severed head of a Derna student who apparently challenged members of an Islamist […]

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Major JIhadist Leader: “fill the suppressed hearts of believers with joy, and fill the apostates and infidels’ hearts with fear”

By Theodore Shoebat Major Jihadist leader in China’s Xinjiang region, Abdulheq Damolla, who heads the terrorist group, Turkistan Islamic Party, congratulated the Muslim Uighurs for their killings of Chinese people in the knife and bomb attack at the railway station in Urumqi on April 30th. He described the attack was “good news” done by “our […]

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China Arrests Twenty-Five Muslim Women For Wearing Hijab, Muslims Try To Fight But Chinese Kill 2 Of Them

By Theodore Shoebat China has arrested up to twenty-five Muslim women for wearing hijabs, or the Islamic veil. As Shoebat.com has reported, the Chinese government recently outlawed the Muslim veil and Islamic beard, and now they are seriously taking this law into action. The Uyghur Muslims were furious on account of the arrests, and so […]

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Muslims Attack French Soldiers With Machetes, French Open Fire And Take Victory

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim adults and children, armed with machetes and knives, charged after French troops in Bambari, Central Africa. The French responded by opening fire in what would end being a very intense battle, leaving one Muslim dead and number of others injured. Here is a picture, provided one source, showing an injured Muslim […]

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Muslims Attack Russians, Russians Fight Back And Kill Off Seven Jihadists

By Theodore Shoebat Russian security forces surrounded a house in the highly Islamic North Caucasus province of Ingushetia in which Muslim jihadists were hiding, and when the Muslims opened fire, the Russians fired back and managed to kill off seven jihadists, including a leading terrorist leader who was accused of murdering “a regional security chief […]

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Russia Is Getting Tougher On Islam, While America Opens Its Arms For Violent Muslims Who Kill Christians

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Russia is getting tougher on Islam, while America opens its arms to violent Muslims who are the enemies of Christians and Christianity. The is being made more and more obvious in the current legislation of Russia. Russia banned the Islamic organization of Hizb ut-tahrir, and they will now be outlawing […]

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The Empire Of The Antichrist is Very Near

(SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE) By Walid Shoebat The empire of the Antichrist is very near, and it will be Turkey. Before we examine the issue of Turkey, we must first examine the monumental problems in much of what circulates the prophecy arena in the West. Perhaps the major problem with modern Bible Prophecy Analysts in the U.S. […]

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Muslims Take 13 Christians And Chop Their Heads Off

By Theodore Shoebat Just two days ago Shoebat.com reported on the brutal massacre that took place in the Syrian Armenian village of Kessab in which Muslims, sent by Turkey, butchered eighty Christians. Well, according to Barnabas Fund, it turns out that amidst this slaughter, Muslims took at least thirteen Christians and chopped their heads off […]

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Antichrist Nation Of Turkey Wants To Revive Genocide Of Christians

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat While the FSA (Free Syrian Army) is loosing momentum in Syria, the Muslim terrorists are working with the Turkish government. Shoebat.com yesterday reported attacks on Kessab, a predominately Christian Armenian city of 50 thousand inhabitants in which over 80 Armenian Christians were massacred and today we obtained footage of further […]

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