Tag Archives | terrorism

Michele Bachmann on Right Side of History as she Introduces Anti-Muslim Brotherhood Bill

By Ben Barrack U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann and seven other congressmen have formally introduced a bill that would designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and impose sanctions on its supporters in the U.S. Though the chances of the bill passing with a Democrat majority in the Senate and Barack Obama as […]

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Retired General and Fox News Guest uses Shoebat Research and then Dismisses it

General Tom McInerney (Ret.) appeared on a Fox News segment with Megyn Kelly and made a shocking claim after initially seeming to agree with something Shoebat.com has been saying for years, that the Islamic Caliphate known as the Ottoman Empire will be re-established in Turkey. After predicting that the Caliphate declared by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi […]

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Lois Lerner CAUGHT by Washington Post and CNN as being Accessory to Terror Funding

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Based on a 2009 article that appeared in the Washington Post and a March 2013 report by CNN, Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) – who authored a resolution calling for the Sergeant at Arms to arrest Lois Lerner for contempt of Congress – should perhaps point to a […]

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State Dept Spokesman calls Hamas Liars

Despite an admission by the most liberal mainstream media outlets like the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times that the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have formed a new unity government, State Department spokesman Jen Psaki said Hamas has no influence over the Palestinian Authority. In response to a question about the Obama administration’s […]

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Congressman gives IRS Commissioner Free Pass on Malik Obama

House Ways and Means Committee member Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) blew a golden opportunity with IRS Commissioner John Koskinen today. When given his time to ask questions of Koskinen, Kelly should have asked why the brother of the President received expeditious and illegal 501(c)(3) status from Lois Lerner in 2011 and why this was done […]

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State Dept Spokesman: Terrorism NOT on the Rise

There was a time when no one thought the “Baghdad Bob” schtick would get old. Well, thanks to the Obama administration, it’s as worn out as Light My Fire by the Doors. The latest incarnation comes from State Department spokesman Jen Psaki who, in response to a question about putting what’s going on in Iraq […]

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The Future War Between Christians And Muslims Is Coming

The future war between Christians and Muslims is coming. It is being foreshadowed by the many battles that have occurred between Christians and Muslims in Central Africa and Nigeria, and the tensions between Russian Orthodox Christians and Muslim Turks. All of these are signs that the tensions and numerous instances of violence will result in […]

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Jesus Christ Did Not Believe In Tolerance And Peace, But The Punishment Of Evil Doers And Evil People

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Jesus Christ did not believe in tolerance and peace, but the punishment of evil doers and evil people. I never accepted the modern perception of Christianity, as a sort of peace loving religion. Christ Himself said: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not […]

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Muslims Enter Airport And Make Terrifying Attack With Bombs And Firearms, Slaughter 18 People, And Then Muslims Say, “This is just the beginning”

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Pakistan attacked the Karachi airport with rocket launchers, firearms and bombs, and killed 18 people. Pakistani security forces managed to kill seven of the jihadists, but three of the terrorists blew themselves up amidst the incursion. According to Maj. Gen. Rizwan Akhtar, Seven terrorists were killed by security forces, while […]

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Christianity Is Not A Religion Of Peace! It Is A Religion Of War And Combat

By Theodore Shoebat Christianity is not a religion of peace! It is a religion of war and combat. This will be illustrated by a very recent event that took place in Central Africa, and then proven through a theological discourse by myself. Muslims in Bangui, Central Africa, attacked a church on Wednesday, called the Church […]

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The West Is Turning Crusader, And Christians Will Soon Take Up Arms To Destroy The Armies Of The Antichrist

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Last week news flashes globally gave some shock therapy to decades of prophecy hype as Europeans across the continent expressed through voting a desire to dismantle the European Union altogether. So if the European Union will be no more and Europe is turning right, what will happen now to the […]

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Another Sheriff Buckles to CAIR

There’s an old saying that people will only change when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing. When applied to cowardice in the face of Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the U.S., far too many institutions choose fear over courage. The latest example comes courtesy of a KAKE news […]

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American Muslim Civil Rights Group Makes Excuses For Boko Haram’s Kidnapping 200 Girls

Former Executive Director of CAIR-Florida, Ahmed Bedier was one of several Muslim leaders to speak at the National Press Club recently and equated the actions of Boko Haram to those of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) while making the case that one warlord named Joseph Kony is a Christian, in order to argue that religion […]

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Boko Haram meeting Vigilante Justice; Military not doing enough

Something the Obama administration may not have counted on when hamstringing the Nigerian government’s efforts to combat Boko Haram is vigilante justice. Villagers not much interested in political games have reached their breaking points: Villagers in an area of Nigeria where Boko Haram operates have killed and detained scores of the extremist Islamic militants who […]

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Mosque Chaired by Clinton Friend led by Boko Haram Apologists

The notorious Dar al-Hijrah mosque chaired for many years by a man who curried political favor with the Clintons and other politicians – over the span of several years – is defending Boko Haram, the group making headlines for kidnapping hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls. The Daily Caller reports that the outreach director, who has held […]

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Obamas Share Boko Haram’s Agenda to Eradicate Christian Education

By Walid Shoebat, Theodore Shoebat, and Ben Barrack **Shoebat Exclusive** Few pay attention to the common agendas shared by Boko Haram (the terrorist group that has kidnapped over 200 Nigerian schoolgirls) and the non-profit organizations ran by the Obama family. The primary goals of both is to eradicate western education in Africa; the evidence is overwhelming. To the […]

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