To the sane individual, the Pallywood tactics that were exposed years ago, should be an absolute outrage. They should have lost their effectiveness by now. That the people in the video below actually engage in the tactics at this absurd level shows they’re still effective. Pallywood was first demonstrably discovered courtesy of the staged scenes […]
Archive | August 9, 2013

Simpson: Egypt after Mursi
Though this article by Steven Simpson is a couple of weeks old, it’s still quite salient. In addition to analyzing the potential for civil war in Egypt, Simpson makes an astute observation about what the Muslim Brotherhood might learn from Mursi’s full-speed-ahead-with-Sharia tack. Via American Thinker: In the irony of ironies, the first democratically elected […]
Egypt: Obama’s Honduras Re-dux?
By Ben Barrack Four years ago, almost to the day of the removal of Mohammed Mursi as president of Egypt, another head of state whom Obama sided with, was removed by his country’s military. On June 28, 2009, the president of Honduras – Manuel Zelaya – was abruptly awakened, put on a plane, and exiled […]
Janet Parshall: Walid gives clues about Bombshell Rpt
Walid was interviewed by Janet Parshall today and gave up a few clues about the upcoming Benghazi Bombshell report we will be releasing in the coming days. Today, Walid appeared on In the Market with Janet Parshall to talk on a variety of subjects. The interviewed opened with a discussion about the latest goings on […]
CNN (Coverup News Network) and Benghazi
By Walid Shoebat, Ben Barrack, and Keith Davies On July 24th, both Barack Obama and his press secretary Jay Carney made reference to “phony scandals”, which clearly meant that neither man misspoke; it was calculated. Each man knew it would be perceived as incendiary and insensitive; they had to have known it would generate a […]