Archive | June 2, 2014

Susan Rice Lies and Dishonors Dead Soldiers on Sunday Shows… Again

Susan Rice clearly didn’t learn the ‘fool me once, shame on me. fool me twice, shame on you’ lesson. After the Benghazi tragedy, Rice was instructed to lie about a video being responsible for the attacks. She did so on five Sunday talk shows. In so doing, she dishonored all who died. After the announcement […]

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Muslim Snipers Take Aim On Two Christian Teenagers And Shoot Them All To Death

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim snipers in Syria took aim on two Christian teenagers and opened fire on them, killing them both. As our Middle East correspondent, Sister Hatune Dogan, wrote to us: On May 28 two Christen teenagers were shot by a sniper as they were riding their motorcycle, returning from the village of Tel […]

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Chuck Hagel Implies Taliban not Terrorists

It’s not uncommon for politicians to say things that later come back to bite them but Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel did it all in one interview. On one hand, Hagel insisted that the Obama administration ‘didn’t negotiate with terrorists’ in reaching a deal on a prisoner swap involving five Taliban terrorists and Bowe Bergdahl. […]

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Jay Carney LYING about Threat of Taliban Terrorists

When White House Press Secretary Jay Carney was challenged about releasing five hardened Taliban terrorists to Qatar in the exchange for Bowe Bergdahl, he assured Chris Cuomo that there was nothing to worry about. About such concerns, Carney said: “…the threat potentially posed by the returned detainees was sufficiently mitigated… we do believe and have […]

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Bergdahl’s Release and Page 261 of Obama’s Book

By Ben Barrack Evidence suggests that when Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was released by the Taliban in a ‘prisoner swap’ negotiated by the Obama administration, the Taliban actually released one of its own, as reported. In doing this, Obama could be sending a signal that he thinks “political winds” are “shift(ing) in an ugly direction”. […]

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Father Of Soldier Who Obama Released, Declares Muslim Victory Call, And Obama Smiles As Soon As He Hears The War Cry Of Allah

By Walid Shoebat And Theodore Shoebat (A Shoebat Exclusive) JUST WAIT TILL YOU READ ALL THE EVIDENCE WE ACCUMULATED ON THIS SUPPOSED RESCUE OPERATION. FIRST THINGS FIRST While the Obama administration is proudly touting how it was able to free an American soldier who was captured by the Taliban, what no one picked is the […]

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Muslims Murder 102 Year Old Man, And Burn His Relatives To Death

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims entered a town in Syria called Zanuba and murdered a 102 year old man just because he was of the Alawite sect. They also murdered four of his relatives, burning a number of them alive while they were asleep. As one report tells us: Jihadists belonging to the Islamic State of […]

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