Archive | November, 2014

The Muslim Antichrist Has Just Given The Most Important And Shocking Speech Of The Century

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) with special thanks to The Right Scoop In what we consider to be the most shocking video recordings of Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at two speeches in Istanbul which reveals the amazing evidence to what has been saying over a decade, the spirit, goal and aim of the Muslim Antichrist […]

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College Students Caught Accepting ISIS and Rejecting Israel

Students at UC Berkeley prefer ISIS over Israel. If you go to the UC Berkeley campus and wave the Israeli flag, be prepared to suffer insults, profane gestures, scorn, mocking and maybe even assault from students. However, if you decide to wave the ISIS flag on campus, you will be ignored, encouraged or even embraced. […]

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Muslims Take Young Christian Girl And Smash Her Against Rocks, Right In Front Of Her Father

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Pakistan took a young Christian girl and smashed her against some rocks, and she died right in front of her father, Akram Masih. Her and her father and mother, Parveen Bibi, were slaves to a Muslim brick kiln, and they were constantly beaten and cruelly abused by their […]

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World Silent as Egypt destroys Gaza Homes with Bulldozers

There is a rule for the Jews and a different rule for the Egyptians and all other Muslim countries. If Israel lays a finger on a Palestinian or destroys the homes of the families of Palestinian suicide bombers the outcry from the left and the media worldwide is never ending. Time and time again when […]

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‘Geniuses’ Shocked ISIS Seizing Control of Libya

It is now being reported by so-called ‘experts’ that ISIS has seized control of Derna, Libya, which is less than 200 miles to the northeast of Benghazi. In this exchange between CNN’s Wolf Blitzer is beside himself over the fact that the U.S. helped to remove Muammar Gadhafi and now terrorists are in charge, which […]

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Satanists Manage To Get The Bible Banned From Florida School

By Theodore Shoebat A Florida school has banned the Bible from campus premises, thanks to the work of Satanists. I did an entire video on it: According to one report: A Florida school board has moved to change its policies to ban the distribution of Bibles and all other religious materials after a New York-based […]

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Benghazi SOLVED: U.S. Attacked By ISIS

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The west is losing its war with Islamic fundamentalism for one simple reason. It continues to play the game the enemy wants it to play. The Islamic world has learned that the more it parses itself up into separate groups for western consumption while actually operating as […]

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CNN Turns Muslims Into Victims After Terror Attack on Synagogue

Sorry folks, CNN gets no leniency here. There is no way this was an accident. We have already been informed by an unimpeachable source that CNN has been in collaboration with Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the past. The latest infraction is particularly despicable. In the moments after a Synagogue in west Jerusalem was besieged […]

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SHOCKING VIDEO: Muslim Leaders Issue Islamic Call To Prayer From Pulpit of Christian Cathedral

President Barack Obama once told the New York Times that the Islamic call to prayer was “one of the prettiest sounds on earth at sunset.” On November 14th, leaders from Islamic groups with distinct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood treated the pulpit of a Christian Cathedral as a Minaret and delivered that call. The date […]

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Ebola Kills Another Person In America

By Theodore Shoebat  Ebola has killed another person in America. A man named Martin Salia from Sierra Leon who was transported to Nebraska Medical Center: Ebola has claimed its second victim in the United States, as Dr. Martin Salia died this weekend after being transported from Sierra Leone to the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha […]

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Two Palestinian Terrorists Murder Four Rabbis in Synagogue

Two Palestinian terrorists found to be members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) stormed a synagogue in west Jerusalem, armed with axes, knives and a firearm then proceeded to commit acts of murderous jihad. Of the four rabbis who were killed, three held U.S.-Israeli citizenship and one was an Israeli-British citizen. […]

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Woman Screams “Christ Is Our Lord!” During Islamic Prayer Service In Washington Cathedral, And Then Gets Kicked Out

By Theodore Shoebat  A woman went into the Washington National Cathedral and protested the Islamic prayer session that they were conducting by declaring that Christ is Lord: According to one report: The first Muslim prayer service ever hosted by the Washington National Cathedral was interrupted by a protester taking a stand for Christianity. “Jesus Christ […]

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Obama Says Latest Beheading By ISIS Not Done By Muslims

The latest westerner to be beheaded by ISIS was a man named Peter Kassig who, after converting to Islam while in captivity, became Abdul-Rahman Kassig. In a statement, President Barack Obama kept up his ‘ISIL is not Islamic’ meme while insisting that Kassig’s murderers were not Islamic, despite the group’s leader having a PhD in […]

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VERY SHOCKING VIDEO ISIS Butchers Countless People To Send This Message To Americans: “We Will Begin To Slaughter Your People On Your Streets.”

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) ISIS just produced a shocking video in which the type of terror has taken a different turn, to slaughter in masse instead of slaughtering individuals as we are used to. They slaughter all of these people to send this message to America and to the West: “We Will Begin To […]

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U.S. State Department BUSTED Pushing FAKE Propaganda

Last week a video purporting to show a young Syrian boy braving bullets being fired at him by the Assad regime, in order to rescue a girl younger than him. It went viral. On one hand, here was a young Syrian boy displaying tremendous courage. On the other hand, the Assad regime was seen as […]

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Speaker John Boehner is a Traitor

What’s more outrageous, the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives allowing an Imam with multiple connections to individuals and groups whose stated goal is to take down the United States from within OR calling the Speaker a traitor for doing so? There will, no doubt, be those who think calling the Speaker a traitor […]

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