Archive | December 13, 2014

Muslims Murder Christian Man, They Then Go To His Mother, Shoot Her In The Hand, Shoot Her In The Leg, And Shoot Her In The Head

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria, all part of Boko Haram, ignited a bomb in the majority Christian area of Jos that slaughtered 31 people. After the slaughter, the Muslim terrorists subsequently began to execute the survivors. The bomb killed a young Christian man, they then went to his mother, Jummai Sunday, who survived, and […]

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Islamic Burial Practices Spreading MORE EBOLA in Muslim Super Majority Country (Media Ignores Islamic Part)

The spread of Ebola may not be making news headlines as much lately but it’s spreading in Sierra Leone as a result of Islamic burial practices and lax handling of other Ebola infected dead bodies. As has reported, that country’s Muslim population makes up approximately 73% of the total population. The rise in Ebola […]

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Pope John Paul II: A Freemason Heretic Or Saint. See The Movie And You Decide

By Walid Shoebat(Shoebat Exclusive) I watched this movie about a Polish man named Karol. When I finished watching it I decided to post it for my readers to see if they also wanted to watch it. I wasn’t sure how to introduce the movie so I went to the comment section to see the first […]

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