In 1973, Joanne Chesimard aka Assata Shakur murdered New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster. In 1977, Chesimard was finally convicted of that murder and sentenced to life in prison. Two years later, she escaped with the help of members of the Black Liberation Army and the Weather Underground. Chesimard would find refuge in Cuba and […]
Archive | December, 2014
Muslim Extremists say that Jews are the descendants of Monkeys and Apes, Some Monkeys, some Apes?
When Muslim extremists say that Jews are the descendants of Monkeys and Apes, stories like these seem to disprove this beyond doubt. Jews in Israel have come up with thousands of amazing inventions, technologies and cures, here is the latest amazing piece of medical technology developed by THOSE JOOOOOZ: MEDICAL 3D HOLOGRAMS from Israel Up […]
Muslims, Liberals and Racists to Blame For NYPD Murders and a Beer Summit Won’t Fix It
The marriage between Islam and liberalism is perhaps no more readily apparent than in the case of two murdered New York City police officers. A Muslim pulled the trigger and liberals have been rubbing raw the sores of discontent in Ferguson and New York City for months. In the hours after the shooting of Democratic […]
The Man Who Just Murdered Two Police Officers In Brooklyn Is A Muslim Jihadist (BE PREPARED FOR MORE MUSLIM VIOLENCE IN AMERICA)
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat So Ismaaiyl Brinsley the killer of the two cops in Brooklyn, NY, has two Muslim names “Ismaaiyl” and a middle name “Abdullah” (see mugshot bellow) which means “servant of Allah,” is a fan of sheikh Yusuf Estes, who is not only neck deep in the Muslim Da’wa movement (the call to convert […]
Churches In America Are Being Attacked By Terrorists And Set On Fire, Church Burnings In America Have Gone Rampant (CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION IS HERE IN AMERICA)
By Theodore Shoebat Church burnings are becoming disturbingly frequent in America. We talk about church burnings in Nigeria, in Iraq, Syria, India, but what we are not talking about is that its happening right here in the United States, without any calls of hate crime or discriminations. The media wants us to think that hate […]
Christians Create Well Organized Militia To Fight Off Muslim Terrorists From Attacking Their Villages And Churches (THEY HAVE ALREADY KILLED MANY OF THE JIHADISTS)
By Theodore Shoebat Christians have formed a new militia called the Syriac Military Council, to fight off Islamic terrorists from attacking their churches and villages, and they have already killed off many Islamic jihadists. I did a whole video on this: According to a report: The Syriac Military Council (MFS) was established in January 2013 […]
Obama Caught Favoring Muslims over North Korean Communists
Barack Obama’s reaction to SONY’s decision to not release The Interview based on hacked emails and bomb threats is in direct contradiction to his reaction to Google’s decision not to take down the Innocence of Muslims video after the Benghazi attacks. This reality has made it almost too easy to once again show just how […]
ISIS Is Now Using Churches As Actual Torture Chambers To Torture Christians And Force Them To Convert To Islam
By Theodore Shoebat ISIS is now using churches in Iraq as actual torture chambers to torture Christians and force them to convert to Islam. Abu Aasi, a priest in Mosul told the Sunday Times that Christians, and others, are being held captive in the churches of Bahnam Wa Sara and Al Kiama where they are […]
Obama Releases Major Muslim Terrorist Who Owned Uranium To Manufacture Nuclear Bombs
President Barack Obama having not succeeded in keeping his promise to close Gitmo within a year of becoming president is now resorting to a different tactic. He is releasing Gitmo inmates, and not just any Gitmo terrorist, but top Taliban intelligence official who kept Stinger missiles and uranium at his farm. But it even gets […]
Hindus Take Young Woman And And Gang Rape Her, As They Are Raping Her, They Take Her 2 Year Old Son And Crush Him To Death
By Theodore Shoebat In India, just recently, a gang of Hindus in India took a young woman, and gang raped her. As the animals were raping her, they took her two year old son and crushed him to death. The report says: A 27-year-old woman from Maharashtra was allegedly gang raped and her son brutally […]
Homosexual Teenager In Tennessee Attacks 69 Year Old Man And Rapes Him (SODOM AND GOMORRA IS HERE)
By Theodore Shoebat A homosexual teenager in Tennessee named Diontae Smartt attacked a 69 year old man while he was jogging and raped him, just as the homosexuals in Sodom wanted to rape the two angels. This is why we must out the homosexual agenda, or more of such evils will become more and more […]
NEW DISCOVERY: Erdogan Is Now Reviving The Religion Of The Antichrist That Will Enable The Islamic Mahdi To Declare “I Am God!”
By Theodore and Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Shockingly, while the world is asleep, here comes Erdogan of Turkey referring to Islamic theology that specifically declares man to becoming God and no one was paying attention. To explain all this we need to show that the theological interests of the soon to be revealed Antichrist of […]
U.S. Veterans Group Launches Series of Videos Slamming Obama’s Foreign Policy
Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) is launching a series of videos intended to highlight the ‘leading from behind’ strategy of Barack Obama’s foreign policy. The first installment is spot-on and is near perfect alignment with positions held by yours truly and others prior to the decision on the part of the administration to work for […]
Santa and his Gun vs. Muslim Terrorist with Knife
In an amazing one panel cartoon doubling as a Christmas card, everything that should be screamed from the pulpits of Christian churches is succinctly expressed without one word, neither written nor spoken. A knife-wielding jihadist intending to murder baby Jesus is confronted by a gun-wielding Santa Claus. Somethings just make Santa come out of a […]
Obama Administration Linked to Both Anti-North Korea and Anti-Muslim Movies
In a very interesting take on SONY’s decision not to release The Interview, a movie that features the fictional assassination of North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, the Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto refers to the controversy as a ‘sequel to Benghazi’. In so doing, Taranto inches closer to linking the Obama administration to the Benghazi […]
NEW DISCOVERY: The Antichrist Nation of Turkey Is Now Reviving The Mark Of The Beast
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) When it comes to the Book of Revelation John predicted that an Antichrist will arise who resurrects an image (emblem) of a wounded empire and last week Erdogan of Turkey did just this when he just proposed that within three months he intends to re-create and resurrect the dead Ottoman emblem for […]