Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) slams Homeland Security Secretary for planning to “give voice to the ‘plight’ of Muslims in America”

By BI:  Republican congressman Rep. Steve King of Iowa, said yesterday that Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson’s promise earlier this year to “give voice to the plight of Muslims living in this country and the discrimination that they face” was “just appalling.”

DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, Muslim or Muslim sympathizer?

DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, Muslim or Muslim sympathizer?

RWW  Iowa talk radio host Jan Mickelson played King a clip of Johnson’s remarks at a February summit on violent extremism, asking incredulously, “So the guy that we put in charge of homeland security thinks that it’s his job as chief of the homeland security to give voice to Muslims while calling Islam the religion of peace?” But that’s not all:


“This is just appalling to think that the man who’s in charge of protecting Americans domestically would take a position like that, Jan,” King responded.

DHS Secretary Johnson was honored at the “Empowering Voices” conference (3/20/2015) held by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s front group, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), where he was given an award by the enemy for his outreach and engagement activities with Muslims. Johnson is the same guy who declared the “War on Terror” over in 2012.


“The president can dredge up his Crusader history and try to leverage that back against us to guilt us,” he said, referring to President Obama’s remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast, “but what’s this discrimination that’s going on against Muslims in this country? I’m not seeing it.

I mean, they’re beheading Christians on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, and some people are speaking ill of that component. So where are the moderate Muslims speaking up?”

Muslim-sympathizer Chris Cuomo of CNN attacks Steve King for his decision to invite Geert Wilders to speak at several events in America:
