Archive | January 24, 2017

There Is A Huge Rise In Muslims Terrorizing Christians And Attacking Churches Across France- Europe Is On The Edge Of A Massive And Horrible Persecution Of Christians

Europe and especially France was once one of the strongest bastions of Christianity in the world. But after centuries of attack, France is now anything but Christian and thanks to the growing Muslim presence, France is becoming as dangerous a place to be a Christian in as the Middle East. Christians in France experienced a […]

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Donald Trump Is Starting A War With China. China Is Warning Trump With “Devastating confrontation” And That Trump Should “Prepare For A Military Clash.” So How Will This Confrontation Unfold? Find Out.

By Walid Shoebat Historically when it comes to newly elected U.S. presidents, be they democrat or republican, things rarely turn out the way the excited masses expect it to. Americans by large only care about domestic policy. But when it comes to U.S. foreign policy, dummies ignore a golden rule: when parties change foreign policy doesn’t. The same dummies ignore another […]

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Muslim Terrorists Are Now Using Mothers Carrying Babies As Suicide Bombers In Nigeria

Nigeria is undergoing great change right now. Once a stronghold of Islam, Christianity is spreading like a fire throughout that nation. As a result, it has provoked the wrath of Muslim terrorists who have been committing horrible atrocities. In a recent and new low, Muslim terrorists are now starting to use mothers carrying babies as […]

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The Ottoman Empire Is Rising Up, It Will Impale Christians Alive, And Major Tyranny Is Going To Spread Throughout The World

  By Walid Shoebat “Allah is greater than all tyrants” “Long live Erdogan” “Long live Turkey” “O Allah, Bismillah (in the name of Allah)” and “Allahu Akbar”. This was the chants this trained ‘police force’ where repeating in this video:   Türkiye’de eğitim gören Suriyeli polis güçleri, Fırat Kalkanı Harekatı ile kurtulan bölgelerde görev yapacak. — […]

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Christianity Is So Hated In Somalia That If You Say You Are A Christian The Muslims Will Behead You On The Spot

All Muslim nations are dangerous to be a Christian in, but none like Somalia. The violence against Christians there is so bad that according to a recent report, merely being accused of associating at all with Christianity will get you beheaded on the spot by the Muslims: North Korea has long been recognized as a […]

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