By Walid Shoebat
Analysis of blood stains on Turin Shroud reveals ‘severe polytrauma’ and a ‘violent death’ the new study, in the science journal Plos One revealed. Last week’s conclusions by researchers, professors and scientists now leaves less doubt on the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin since the blood stains are now considered real.
“The presence of these biological nanoparticles found during our experiments points to a violent death for the man wrapped in the Turin shroud” study of the iron particles on the cloth uncovered creatine nanoparticles bonded with 2 nanometre by 6 nanometre ferrihydrate structures.
“The kind, size and distribution of the iron oxide nanoparticles cannot be dye for painting but are ferrihydrate cores of ferritin,” the report said. That type of iron nanoparticle, the report said, comes from humans after “severe polytrauma.” The usual polytrauma that produces this kind of nanoparticle is torture which fits the description of a crucifixion as one of the most painful ways for any human to die, particularly as it can take days.
“This is not a situation typical of the blood serum of a healthy human organism. High levels of creatinine in the blood are observed in the case of strong trauma,” the report said. Creatine nanoparticles bonded in this way are usually produced when muscle cells are destroyed and release their contents into blood.
“The presence of these biological nanoparticles found during our experiments points to a violent death for the man wrapped in the Turin shroud,” the report said.
Those iron particles, the report said, “cannot be impressed on the TS by using ancient dye pigments, as they have bigger sizes and tend to aggregate, and it is highly unlikely that the eventual ancient artist would have painted a fake by using the hematic serum of someone after a heavy polytrauma.”
But all this new research simply confirms another link since this is exactly the case when one eucharistic miracle that took place in Lanciano, Italy roughly 1,300 years ago, the Body and Blood from that miracle are still preserved and another in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 1996 when three years later Dr. Ricardo Castañón, a Bolivian neurophysiologist, was called in to have samples from the Host examined in a laboratory environment.
That research concluded that the Eucharist transformed into heart substance of a tortured man. Dr. Frederick Zugibe, an esteemed cardiologist and forensic pathologist at Columbia University in New York tested the samples he was given and said the person whose heart it came from must have been tortured. Further, Dr. Zugibe was reportedly amazed that when he studied the samples, they were pulsating like a living, beating heart. Dr. Castañón first came across the miracle in 1999, he was an atheist and today, he’s a Catholic.
In the Basilica of San Francesco in Siena, Italy, 223 consecrated hosts have remained miraculously fresh and intact for nearly 300 years.
The miracle happened on 14 August 1730. The oldest written memory of the event was drafted the same year and signed by a certain Macchi. Thieves infiltrated the basilica, says the report, and stole the tabernacle containing 351 consecrated wafers. Three days later, all 351 hosts appeared in the alms box of the sanctuary of St. Mary of Provenzano, where they had been taken. They were mixed with the accumulated dust in the bottom of the chest powder.
Over the years, the hosts showed no sign of corruption or decay. On April 14, 1780, the Superior General of the Franciscan Order, Father Carlo Vipera, consumed one of the hosts and found that was fresh and uncorrupted. As some of them had been distributed in previous years, the Superior then ordered the remaining 230 to be saved and enshrined, and never distributed.
Hoping to further test the inexplicable phenomenon, in 1789 the Archbishop of Siena, D. Tibério Borghese, kept some unconsecrated hosts in a box under similar conditions of the consecrated hosts. After ten years, a committee of scientists to study specially chosen case opened the box and found only worms and rotted fragments. Meanwhile, the consecrated hosts have maintained their integrity, against all physical and biological laws.
In 1850 a similar test was made, with the same result: “The sacred articles are still fresh, intact, physically uncorrupted, chemically pure and show no beginning of corruption.”

Perhaps the most impressive verification took place in 1914, when Pope St. Pius X authorized a test that involved experts in food science, hygiene, chemistry and pharmaceuticals. The scientists concluded that the hosts were not prepared in any special way and had been stored in common conditions of humidity and light which should have caused them to deteriorate naturally. However, they were in such good condition and quite consumable, 184 years after their recovery.
Siro Grimaldi, a professor at the University of Siena and director of the Municipal Chemical Laboratory, was the chief scientist of the commission of 1914. He wrote a book with details precious about the miracle, entitled One scienziato Adora . In 1914 he declared that “grain flour is the best breeding ground for microorganisms, animal and plant pests, and lactic fermentation. Siena particles are in perfect condition, against the physical and chemical laws, despite all unfavorable conditions in which they were found and preserved.”
In 1922, 1950 and 1951, new analyses were undertaken, all with the same result.
During a pastoral visit to the city of Siena, 14 September 1980, and John Paul said II of the prodigious hosts: “it’s the Presence.” Citizens of Siena perform numerous acts in honor of Holy Communion wafers . Among them, the homage of the Contradas, and the gift offered by the children making their First Communion, the solemn procession on the feast of Corpus Christi, and Eucharistic adoration on the 17th of each month, in memory of the recovery that took place on August 17, 1730.