By Theodore Shoebat Some thoughts on the populist nature of the conditions that lead to Fascism:
Archive | June 16, 2019

Raping The Future To Satisfy The Present, Or The Tale Of Jamie’s Mom
An article was published several days ago concerning the financial assessment of Millennials as presented through the “lens” of corporate America. In this article, it said that corporate America has come to the realization that, due to the financial evisceration of Millennials through institutionalized impoverishment, they have little disposable cash to spend and therefore their […]

Islamic Terrorists In Niger Issue Mandate To Christians To ‘Leave Or Die”
Islamic terrorists in Niger have been terrorizing Christians for a long time now. In a recent statement, they ordered all Christians in a nearby village to ‘leave or die’ according to reports: Boko Haram militants reportedly kidnapped a Christian woman whom they later released with a letter for other Christians living nearby: “Leave the town […]
Town In Texas Bans Abortion And Makes Itself The First Sanctuary City For The Unborn
By Theodore Shobat A nice expression of protest against infanticide (from USA Today): A small town in Texas has declared itself the state’s first “sanctuary city for the unborn” after its city council, made up solely of men, passed a resolution banning most abortion procedures. Waskom, Texas, has no abortion services available, but supporters of the […]
Homeland Security Inspector General Discovers Horrible Conditions In Immigrant Prisons: People Are Forced To Go Through Strip Searches, Bathrooms Are covered With Mold, People Are Made To Eat Rotten Food
By Theodore Shoebat A report from the Homeland Security inspector general (which can be read here) has shown that, upon observing the conditions of immigrant prisons, “our inspections of four detention facilities revealed violations of ICE’s 2011 Performance-Based National Detention Standards, which set requirements for facilities housing detainees.” The inspections observed the conditions in two […]
The Building That The US Government Wants To Use To House Migrant Children Was Used As A Japanese Internment Camp
By Theodore Shoebat The building that the US government wants to use to house migrant children was once a Japanese internment camp, as we read in a report from the Army Times: A U.S. Army base in Oklahoma that the federal government says will temporarily house children crossing the border without their parents was used during World […]