There are several trends that have been noted regarding COVID-19. One of those trends is how many COVID-19 recovered patients have some form heart damage regardless of the age. This is a serious concern with possible long-term medical consequences. As such, it is interesting that ESPN reports that the upcoming sports season may be gravely […]
Author Archive | Andrew Bieszad
If You Believe Russia Actually Has A Successful Vaccine Then Potemkin Villages Were Real
With the world scrambling from COVID-19’s effects and talk of a vaccine, there is a practical “race” to develop a cure. According to AP News, President Putin of Russia is declaring victory at developing the first vaccine for the illness. Russia on Tuesday became the first country to approve a coronavirus vaccine for use in […]
French National Assembly Votes To Murder Unborn Babies At Any Stage
Ever since the French National Assembly declared themselves as having power over the King of France, who they later overthrew and murdered, they have been the guiding legislative body for “the Republic” to the current day. There are many criticisms of the French government, but something decent is that they and much of Europe do […]
NY Times CEO Declares The End Of Paper Newspapers In Two Decades
The New York Times is one of the most famous and respected papers for many years around the world, as well as one of the largest. However, the current NY Times CEO has declared that paper newspapers will disappear in two decades. The New York Times was founded in 1851, but it would surprise outgoing […]
Price Of Metals Forecasted To Increase
According to CNBC, people who purchased gold (and by extension, silver) may be in for good times, as some analysts are predicting the metal will go up to $4000 per ounce. Gold prices could forge ahead to $4,000 per ounce in the next three years, but factors such as the development of a coronavirus vaccine […]
There Is No Hope Financially Now For The Millennials
The future is awful for anybody under 40, and the reason for this is because, as I have constantly noted, all of the wealth of the country has been sucked out of her owing to decades of abusive policies that profited the present-then and the expense of the future-now. The Boomers are going to be […]
Joe Biden May Split On Fives
There are certain things in life that you do not do because the consequences are often bad. Playing chicken on railroad tracks, drinking gasoline, and kicking a beehive are such examples. Another one is “splitting on fives”, which in blackjack terminology, means splitting one’s cards when one has fives, and the reason for this being […]
Thousands Potentially Infected With COVID-19 At Hagia Sophia Amid Erdogan’s Reopening
President Erdogan of Turkey has made very clear that he wants to revive a “new” Turkey made in the image of her former Ottoman self, and likely to do so by the 100th anniversary of the abolition of the Caliphate, as Turkey sees herself as the “protector” and “guardian” of Islam, and as Europe wants […]
A COVID-19 Related Death That Means More Than What It Seems
COVID-19 has killed many people, and some in more ways than expected. Such is reported by WUSA9 News, where a man, Ibrahim Bouaichi, was released from prison because of COVID-19 fears even with a rape charge pending, who went on to hunt down and murder his accuser before committing suicide. Ibrahm E. Bouaichi died from […]
Watch Out- Even The Liberals Are Warning Of A Pending “October Surprise”
You heard about it first here at, where Ted, Walid, and I have been warning that based upon historical patterns, there is the possibility of an “October Surprise” type moment that could happen in the 2020 election. Indeed, this is something that the “liberals” are well-aware of, as NPR notes that such a moment […]
Is Another Virus Emerging From China?
For the whole year, the world has been consumed with talk of the COVID-19 coronavirus. However, some epidemiologists have warned that COVID-19, while there may be a second wave, could also be the start of something greater, perhaps even a trend of emerging viruses from around the world. It is of interest then to note […]
First It Was Khashoggi, Now MbS Is Being Accused Of Sending A Hit Squad To Canada
Last year, the news media was in an uproar over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. We reported on this at, where we said that the murder was a hit that came from Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) and which was hastily covered up by the Turkish government, much to the anger of Erdogan […]
Famed Fox News Personality Tomi Lahren Goes On Anti-Male Rant
Tomi Lahren is a well-known “conservative” commentator at Fox News and other “conservative” outlets that due to her physical characteristics tends to attract the attention of men. This is notwithstanding her personality, which since the arguable inception of her career on the television screen has been one characterized by “sass” and female aggression towards her […]
Report: 81% Of Stocks Will Show Negative Returns In The Next Decade
When it pertains to economic matters, I generally do not like to discuss stock prices because stocks are largely useless unless one is playing with large sums of money, and even with that, stocks always have been an “old boys” club where old, monied interests support each other for their benefit. Anyone who doesn’t believe […]
Study: More Job Losses And Money Printing Are Coming, And The Stock Market May See A Major Collapse
For those who have been paying attention to the economic numbers and the reports coming out from the US Department of Labor, various independent studies from non-profits, economic data produced by major banks, and the speculations of investors, one may recall that as early as April 2020 there were signs of not just the first […]
Saudi Arabia Runs Scared To China As Turkey Gingerly Sharpens The Tip Of Her Khazouk
Saudi Arabia has been in and out of the news cycle with the exception of discussion about Mecca and the spread of COVID-19. But while the world is worried about the spread of disease, financial instability, and the growing problems of nationalism in Europe, the Wall Street Journal reports that the Saudis have turned to […]