The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation

If The Circumstances Are What They Seem, It Would Most Likely Be A Gross Injustice If That Trucker In Minneapolis Was Prosecuted

I have been following a very disturbing story about a truck driver who may be facing prosecution for being attacked by a mob in his truck with gun and then trying to escape and accidentally dragging a person along under his truck. Bogdan Vechirko, 35, of Otsego, was jailed Sunday evening on suspicion of assault […]

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Twitter Account Called “Antifa_US” Pushes For People To Attack Rich White Suburbs. Now It Turns Out That That The Account Was Being Ran By Right-Wing Racists Trying To Incite Conservative Rage

By Theodore Shoebat A few days ago, there was a tweet going around from an account called “Antifa_US”, calling for the looting of white suburbs. The post read: “Tonight… we move into the residential areas… the white hoods…. and we take what’s ours.” A lot of people were passing this post around with concern and […]

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Reports: NYPD Is Using Undercover Police Disguised In Taxi Cabs To Arrest Protesters

There have been a lot of suspicious events associated with the current series of riots and events. I have discussed some of these, but many more continue to emerge. One of these is a report from Zero Hedge which alleges, with some evidence directly from the NYPD, that the NYPD is using taxi cabs filled […]

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So Many People Are Dying Of COVID-19 In Brazil That Families Only Have Ten Minutes To Pay Respects As Undertakers And Gravediggers are Overwhelmed

It’s not a big deal. Don’t worry about it. COVID-19 is a meme and it does not matter. People keep saying this, but the reality is that COVID-19 is a serious threat that is killing people all around the world. In Brazil, which is emerging as a major hot spot of the illness, so many […]

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The Government Of Turkey Declares: “Hagia Sophia has been conquered and belongs to Turkey.”

By Theodore Shoebat In sparking tensions further with Greece, the government of Turkey just recently declared: “Hagia Sophia has been conquered and belongs to Turkey.” The Hagia Sofia is the most prized church in the Eastern Orthodox world, and one of the most central ecclesiastical monuments in Christianity’s history. Orthodox Christians see the Hagia Sofia […]

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Poll: Most Americans Sympathize With The Protesters, Disapprove Of Trump’s Response

There are a lot of opinions right now about the rioters, but not a lot of good information. However, Reuters reports an interesting piece of information, which is that according to a recent poll, most Americans sympathize with the protesters and likewise disapprove of Trump’s response. A majority of Americans sympathize with nationwide protests over […]

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As Iran’s Economy Is Utterly Crippled Because Of US Sanctions, Coronavirus Infections Are Now Returning To High Levels

By Theodore Shoebat Iran’s economy has been horrendously devastated by US sanctions, and now that they are working to reopen their country, coronavirus infections in the country are returning back. As we read in the Wall Street Journal: Iran is rolling back coronavirus restrictions as it attempts to revive its battered economy, despite a surge […]

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Trump’s Approval Rate Seemingly Continues To Drop As His Disapproval Rate Increases

Presidents go through periods of approval and disapproval. With the exception of nations where obviously faked results are standard practices, there is never a complete approval of every leader, and that number generally fluctuates depending on the political conditions. Trump is a very controversial figure, but something that one can note is that is approval […]

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The Top Epidemiologist Of Sweden Now Admits: Sweden Should Have Done Some Sort Of Lockdown

By Theodore Shoebat After so many people were praising Sweden’s top epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, for producing extremely lax response to the spread of coronavirus, now he now admits that Sweden should have done some sort of lockdown, since now his country has one of the highest death rates from covid-19 on earth. As we read […]

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New York Representative Engel Caught On Hot Mic Saying About The Riots “If I Didn’t Have A Primary, I Wouldn’t Care”

In the 1998 film Bulworth, California Representative Jay Billington Bulworth takes out a life insurance policy on himself with the intention of suicide by assassination set up by him because he hates his life and the path it has taken. Knowing that his doom is imminent however, Bulworth realizes that nothing else matters to him […]

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Trump And Atty General Barr Promise To “Maximize” Law Enforcement Following Protests

In light of the many protests taking place around the US, Trump and Atty. General Barr have reportedly promised according to the AP to “maximize” the presence of law enforcement . U.S. officials vowed to “maximize federal law enforcement presence” in the nation’s capital Monday night after days of violent demonstrations led to fires across […]

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Was NBC Reporter Jo Ling Kent Attacked With A Firework, Or A Military-Grade Police Weapon?

Journalists have been coming under more attack than ever in the US. First it was the left-right division, then Trump worsened it with his use of the “enemdia” or “lying media” language, which has a direct parallel with Hitler’s use of the term “Lügenpresse” (“lying press”), and the the most recent series of events with […]

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Trump Congratulates Himself For “Overwhelming Force” And “Domination” Ordered By Him Against Protesters

Phrases like “overwhelming force” and “domination” used together congratulating themselves on this seem to be people with a sick mind inclined to delusions of grandeur, people who are sadistic and enjoy hurting others, or the description to some disgusting pornographic film. They are not used together, generally speaking, by healthy people of sound mind and […]

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Rioter Attacks Man, The Man Shoots The Rioter And Kills Him

A man in Omaha, Nebraska, shot and killed a rioter who attacked him and his business, as we read in a report from A handful of grainy and graphic videos led Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine to conclude that a white bar owner acted in self-defense when he shot and killed a 22-year-old black […]

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New Autopsy Concludes That George Floyd Died From “caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain.”

By Theodore Shoebat The situation around George Floyd just got itself a new dimension after an independent autopsy has concluded that the his death was “caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain.” As we read in a report from MPR News: The […]

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New Study Says That 37% Of Americans Would Give Up Porn In Exchange For A Peaceful Rest

Pornography is a huge problem in the US, and while there are many reasons that one can guess why this may be so, it is likely related to stress. Basically, it is a substitute for cocaine or heroin, since a lot of people are frustrated, tired, and use it to “relax” since many lead miserable, […]

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