A billion Muslims around the world during Ramadan’s fasting month await the countdown and when the cannon fire sounds, the gorging begins. The sound of the cannon is what initiates the Aftar (breaking the fast) during Ramadan, that is when Muslims instantly begin gorging as soon as the cannon fires:
ردة فعل طبيعية، تغيض من حاول إخافتهم.#تفجير_المدينة_المنورة
كلنا_صف_واحد_مع_قيادتنا_وجنودنا pic.twitter.com/FAR6dA6WDQ— طلال العوني (@tl11tl1) July 4, 2016
In Saudi Arabia, as explosions by ISIS suicide bombers rocked the kingdom around that time, instead of paying attention, they simply gorged or continued their prayers at the holiest mosque in Islam (Muhammad’s burial shrine) thinking it was simply the sound of “chow time”.
Another suicide bomber was killed and two people were injured in an explosion near the US consulate in Jeddah at dawn, however this farewell for holy month of Ramadan (Trauma-Dawn), once more revealed the treachery of Islamic terrorism even against its own people and religion.
There were also several explosions that blasted a mosque in Qatif where body parts were reported flying around. But it was the last suicide bombing which exploded meters away from the carcass of Prophet Muhammad himself in Medina that upset a billion Muslims. One Muslim tweets “Even the prophet himself is not safe from them”:
قبل قليل تفجير إرهابي في مدينة رسول الله (ص) بالقرب من الحرم النبوي و مقبرة البقيع .. حتى رسول الله لا يسلم منهم
— المصلح #H16 (@The_H16) July 4, 2016
Or should we say ‘from his own offspring’.
Another explosion in the same vicinity rocked the Shariah court center. This 4th of July is great news for Islamophobes.

Abdulhadi Atibi, Saudi, 18 years old, suspect to being the suicide bomber, but this is not confirmed.
And why not rejoice. Isaiah 14 tells us that at the destruction of Babylon “The whole earth is at rest and is quiet; They break forth into shouts of joy”.
Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the current Caliph of ISIS vowed to hit the holiest places to Islam. He referred to the end of Al-Saud in the context of the apocalypse calling them “Āl Salūl”, the derogatory name used for Al-Saud. He was accusing the Saudi rulers of descending from Abdullah Ibn Abi Salūl, an enemy of Prophet Muhammad.
Only in Islam and only in the Bible can we find such an enigma where John declared that the harlot religion, stemming from the desert of Arabia, which rides this religious governance in the surrounding region, will be burned in the end by the very beast she rides. The chief of ISIS, Al-Baghdadi, while he is unaware that his Allah is the ‘devil in disguise’, promised to destroy the gate keepers of Mecca and Medina:
…Āl Salūl [Al-Saud] and the rulers of the Arabian Peninsula are not people of war nor do they have the patience for it. Rather, they are people of luxury and extravagance, people of intoxication, prostitution, dances, and feasts. They have become accustomed to the defense of the Jews and Crusaders for them and their hearts have drunk humiliation, disgrace, and subservience.”
And the Bible predicted:
“Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning, and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her. When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her. Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: ‘Woe! Woe, O great city, O Babylon, city of power! In one hour your doom has come! … Every sea captain, and all who travel by ship, the sailors, and all who earn their living from the sea, will stand far off. When they see the smoke of her burning, they will exclaim, ‘Was there ever a city like this great city?’” (Revelation 18:8-10, 17-18).
So start educating yourself and learn more on how Mecca and Medina are destroyed, please read: [here] [here] [here] [here]