An elderly French woman had an encounter with a cafe’ Nazi who bears a striking resemblance to the infamous Soup Nazi. While donning a patriotic t-shirt that featured her country’s flag in an outline of France, the woman was told she wouldn’t be served because the waiter is ‘for the Arabs’. On her way out, […]
Archive | August 6, 2013
Turkey to fight for Mursi at White House with Obama?
As Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns rubs elbows with jailed Muslim Brotherhood leader, Khairat al-Shater, in an attempt to help the Brotherhood jockey for political position, a report has surfaced that Barack Obama has agreed to welcome a Muslim Brotherhood delegation to the White House. Also expected to be present is a Turkish delegation. […]
Did U.S. Arm Muslim Brotherhood in Sinai?
As the U.S. State Department continues to try to give the Muslim Brotherhood leverage with the new Egyptian government, the new Egyptian government is claiming that one of its offices was hit by a U.S. hellfire missile fired by… the Muslim Brotherhood? The missiles appeared to have been fired from a region where Ansar al-Sharia […]

Benghazi Bombshell?
Be on the lookout for another ‘Benghazi bombshell’ report from us. For the last several days, we have been working on something that just won’t end because we keep finding more… and it’s significant. We hope to have it published soon but if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that such things can’t be rushed. […]
U.S. State Department DID meet with Brotherhood leader
Khairat Al-Shater is one of the Muslim Brotherhood leaders in Egypt who was jailed by the military. Prior to Mohammed Mursi, he had been the Brotherhood’s leading candidate for president. Alas, he had to withdraw because he had been in jail five times on charges ranging from money laundering to funding the Brotherhood. Guess where […]
“The Christians in Syria are helpless,” says activist
From the Washington Times: The Arab Spring has not been kind to Christians, and Syria is a good example: The nation’s 2 million-plus Christians are caught in the middle of a Muslim war. Jihadist rebels threaten and kidnap them while coercing others to become Muslims. Government troops loyal to President Bashar Assad order them to […]
Nigerian President: Nigeria In State of Emergency Because of Boko Haram
From the UN: 5 August 2013 – The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) today reported that there is reason to believe that crimes against humanity have been committed in Nigeria, namely murder and persecution by the militant group known as Boko Haram. A report issued by the Office of the Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, […]