Archive | January, 2015

Muslims Take One Year Old Infant, And Rape The Child, They Also Take A Twelve Year Old Girl And Six Muslims Repeatedly Gang Rape Her

By Theodore Shoebat There was a very disturbing incident in Islamic Afghanistan in which a 1 year old infant was raped by a Muslim. Another story was reported very recently in which 6 Afghan police officers repeatedly gang raped a 12 year old girl. I did a whole video on it: In regards to these […]

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ISIS-Inspired Muslim Prisoner with ‘Psychiatric Problems’ Tries to Strangle Police Officer While Shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ and Almost Succeeds

After being arrested and jailed for purse snatching in France, a Muslim prisoner tricked one of the officers into opening his cell door and then nearly strangled him to death while shouting praise to his god. In the report below, we learn that the attacker had “psychiatric problems”. Are you beginning to notice the number […]

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MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH in the Case of Barack Obama and his Muslim Brother Malik

There has been a major breakthrough in the case of Malik Obama. It may also help to explain why members of Congress, mainstream media, and shockingly, even the attorneys for Tea Party groups targeted by the IRS have chosen to ignore the earth-shattering scandal involving the President’s eldest brother. This new discovery reveals a mosaic […]

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The Site Of Christ’s Trial Has Just Been Discovered

By Theodore Shoebat The site of Christ’s trial has just been discovered; this is what we are being told numerous archeologists. According to one report: The excavation of an old abandoned building near the city’s Tower of David Museum could have revealed the remains of a palace where the trial described in the New Testament […]

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Hindus Set Church On Fire, They Also Take Christians And Set Them On Fire

By Theodore Shoebat Anti-Christian violence is intensifying every day in India, and this new story further illustrates it. A church in Delhi was recently set on fire. The Indian police is saying that it was an accident, but the evidence speaks otherwise. All of the icons of Christ were gutted, and according to the priest, […]

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JUST RELEASED: ISIS Releases Absolutely Horrific Video Of Them Mass Slaughtering Innocent Pilots To Send A Message To Americans

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) A Youtube video claimed to be from the Islamic State ISIS (the user posted it under Al-Khilafa Al-Islamiyeh, Islamic State, ISIS) focusing on the Jordanian pilot Moaz Safi Yousef al-Kassasbeh who is held by Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists in Raqqa that gives the judgment of execution stating “cut off his […]

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HORRIFYING: Muslims Massacre 1,878 People, Hack Them To Pieces, Execute Them And Stone Them To Death

By Theodore Shoebat A horrifying report has just come out: Muslims, all members of ISIS, have massacred 1,878 people (and these are just the ones that have been recorded), by hacking them to pieces, shooting them and stoning them to death. This massacre was completed in a matter of about six months. I did a […]

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JUST CAME IN: More Than One Fourth Of All The Passengers On The Crashed Indonesian Plane Belonged To The Same Christian Church

By Theodore Shoebat New information on the passengers who died on the crashed Indonesian plane has just been released, and it shows something quite shocking: more than one fourth of the passengers belonged to the same Christian church. As we read in one report: More than a quarter of the victims on AirAsia flight 8501 […]

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Famous British Journalist Sells His Soul To Satan And Is Now An Official Propagandist For ISIS

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) I have always said that politicians and journalists are prime example of individuals who sell their souls to the devil and probably will be at the bottom of the pit of hell when judgment comes. John Cantlie was ‘kidnapped’ more than two years ago in Syria along with pro-Muslim American […]

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Facebook and twitter Accused of Helping Spread of Islamophobia on its Sites (Istanbul Process at work)

When Muslims and Muslim-backed useful, left-wing idiots complain that Facebook and twitter are facilitating the rise of Islamophobia by allowing posts that point out Muslim atrocities, they are pushing an agenda they may or may not even know about. They are part of the “Istanbul Process”, the primary and sole objective of the Organization of […]

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ISIS Members With Ebola Like Radioactive Human Dirty Bombs Who Believe They Must Kill Infidels Before they Die

It’s being reported as good news that ISIS fighters in Iraq may be contracting Ebola. On one level that may be true but as reported last year, ISIS has been planning to use its own fighters as radioactive human dirty bombs. As for how ISIS fighters in Iraq may have contracted the disease, the […]

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Five Homosexuals Take Young Boy, And Each One Takes Turns Raping Him. He Begins To Cough Blood, Begs For Mercy, They Gag Him And Rape Him To Death

By Theodore Shoebat Five homosexuals in India took a young boy named Sulla, and each one took turns raping him. He began to cough out blood, he begged for help, but they gagged him, and then raped him to death. They then took an adult man, each one took turns sodomizing him, and then they […]

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More Muslims Are Going To Be Hijacking Planes And Crashing Them And Butchering Thousands, If We Do Not Ban Islam

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** There are still many unanswered questions about Asia Airlines Flight QZ8501 but much more is known about its fate compared to that of Malaysia Flight MH370, which disappeared last March 8th. Sky News reported that ‘four big objects’ believed to be parts of the plane’s fuselage have […]

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“Ah, a baby! You cannot imagine the pleasure you get from cutting off a baby’s head.”

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Islam is like the song Hotel California where “you can check out any time you want but you can never leave”.  There is little difference between checking out on Islam or checking in. Mehdi Nemm-douche, an Algerian-born Muslim who felt compelled to leave the land of the infidel and check […]

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Muslims Go Room To Room Searching For Christians, And As Soon As They Find Christians, They Take Them Away At Gunpoint (And They Have Not Been Seen Since)

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Libya went into a residence, and went room to room armed with guns, and once they found Christians, they took them away. At least twenty Christians have been captured and have not been seen since. I did a whole video on the story: According to one report: Islamist militants have […]

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Muslim Man Goes Inside Of A Church, And As The Christians Are Worshipping God, He Ignites A Bomb And Blows Himself Up

By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim in the Nigerian city of Gombe went into a church premise, and as the Christians were worshipping God, he ignited a bomb strapped onto his body, and blew himself up. I did a whole video on the story: According to a recent report: Here is a photo of the bomb […]

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