Archive | February, 2015

Governor Tells people to ‘Look Elsewhere’ If They Want Him to Criticize Rudy Giuliani for saying Obama ‘Doesn’t Love America’

There haven’t been many prominent figures who’ve chosen to stand with former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani after he said he doesn’t believe Obama loves America. As reported, not only did right-leaning Fox News host Megyn Kelly choose to distance herself from Rudy’s sentiment; she grilled him in an interview for making the […]

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Watch Leaked Photos Of Muslims In The West Praising The Carcass Of A Dead Terrorist

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) It is one thing that a terrorist kills westerners after being allowed to immigrate into western lands, but to see the Muslim community flock in praising him as a martyr should be where the buck ends. Or should I say where the kroner ends, since this event happened in Denmark. […]

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ISIS Produces A Promotional Video To Promote Lone Wolf Terrorist Attacks On The U.S., Canada and Europe

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) ISIS is pushing what they termed “Lone Wolf Agenda” and has produced a promotional video for Muslims living in the U.S., Canada and Europe to kill whom they termed “Crusaders” even including the cover on one promotional piece with “War On The Cross” against the U.S Coalition depicting President Obama burning in flames. […]

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Jewish Rabbi Sworn-In as Obama’s Ambassador for Religious Freedom Said He has Worked with Huma Abedin and Muslim Brotherhood Front Group ‘for Many Years’

Rabbi David Saperstein was recently sworn-in as Obama’s Ambassador-at-large for Religious Freedom. This is no doubt, intended to demonstrate religious diversity within the Obama administration but Saperstein’s past stands, comments and associations indicate he is at best a dupe who is being used to further a Muslim Brotherhood agenda. At worst, he’s in league with […]

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Radio Talk Show Host Mark Levin Quotes from Anne Frank’s Diary, then Tells Obama There are ‘Tens of Thousands of Anne Franks’ RIGHT NOW and to DO SOMETHING about it

During an appearance on the Hannity television show, Mark Levin insisted that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani was absolutely right in his recent comments about Obama. Of particular relevance in the clip below is when Levin brought up Rashid Khalidi, a Muslim and former PLO media spokesman who is one of Obama’s friends. […]

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CNN HOST DECLARES: ‘Right-Wing Citizen Extremists’ May be MORE Dangerous than ISIS

The propaganda coming from the left is increasingly staggering. In this one example, CNN host Carol Costello actually says that ‘right-wing citizen extremists’ could be more dangerous than ISIS. After introducing the report, Costello kicks it over to someone who provides two extremely questionable examples (h//t GWP): The two examples cited by the man Costello […]

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Radical Cleric and Hundreds of Muslims Attend Funeral of Islamic Terrorist… IN EUROPE

Islamic terrorist Omar El-Hussein was shot dead by authorities in Copenhagen recently but only after he murdered two people and injured two police officers. Yet, his funeral was attended by hundreds of Muslims, mostly young males who covered their faces. A radical Salafi cleric was there with his own photographer and had photos of him […]

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The Swiss Guard, The Official Bodyguards Of The Pope, Says: The Pope Could Be Killed By The Muslims

By Theodore Shoebat The Swiss Guard, the official bodyguards for the Pope, just recently stated that the Muslims could just assassinate Pope Francis. For this reason they have intensified security measures and are ready to fight for the Pope if he is attacked by terrorists. I did a whole video on this: According to the […]

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Tough Questions That Are Impossible To Refute Proves That Obama’s Policies Are Part Of A Master Plan To Revive The Grand Muslim Caliphate

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Years ago, hints on questioning Obama’s loyalty to the U.S. was considered conspiracy theory. Today  Americans are becoming increasingly more suspicious struggling to find rhyme or reason for Obama’s latest Middle East policies. Rudy Giuliani seems to attribute Obama’s policies to be influenced through his affiliations with radical socialists like Frank Marshall Davis. But […]

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Islam’s greatest contribution to the United States was Slavery, How about that Obama? Here is the proof!

Our dear leader loves to talk about how Islam has been in the fabric of our nation since its birth. My Colleague Ted Shoebat has talked about the Barbary Pirate wars, but prior to the American Revolution the Arab Muslims of North Africa biggest economic trade was to supply Slaves all over the world of […]

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While Talking About ISIS, Secretary of State John Kerry says, ‘You Cannot Defeat what you don’t Understand’ and then Reveals He Doesn’t Understand ISIS

To understand ISIS, one might be best served by watching the sermons of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who has a PhD in Islamic Studies. Another way to understand why they do what they do is to pick up a Qur’an and read what they read. Still another way would be to admit that the […]

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ISIS Continues To Threaten Rome, Tells Every Muslim to ‘get out of his house, find a crusader and kill him’

The threat of ISIS to Italy’s shores from Libya is increasingly being felt. A significant problem is that Italy doesn’t seem to be prepared for it. In fact, Italy’s Prime Minister is actually putting forth the idea that the United Nations will be the force that will protect the country. According to one report: Last […]

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ISIS Responds Back To Egypt And Libya’s Airstrikes By A Massive Bombing Campaign While Egyptian Libyan Relations IS Falling Apart

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) ISIS is now running a bombing campaign in retaliation to the Egyptian-Libyan strikes on ISIS’s installations which came as a result of the massacre of 21 Coptic Christians.   A series of bomb blasts in a small eastern Libyan town of Al-Qubba killed at least 41 people and left dozens […]

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MUST WATCH: Fox News Host Megyn Kelly Grills Mayor Giuliani for Telling Truth About Obama

Mayor Rudolph Giuliani made news recently when he said he didn’t believe that Obama loves America. This was the reason for his appearance on Fox News with Megyn Kelly. After giving Giuliani the opportunity to apologize, Kelly hammered the former New York City Mayor for not doing so. Giuliani then invoked two names when describing […]

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Islamic Terrorists Bomb Civilian Airport From the Sky, Causing Panic and Flight Cancellations

Islamic terrorists who go by the name ‘Libya Dawn’ have carried out a bombing campaign on a civilian airport in western Libya. Once again, the name game is played here. The truth is these fighters are no different than other terrorist groups like ISIS. It was recently learned that ISIS joined with Ansar al-Sharia. No […]

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U.S. and Turkey Agree To Train And Arm Syrian Rebels Who Want Islamic Caliphate

The Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS both want the same thing – an Islamic Caliphate. In fact, it was recently revealed by that members of ISIS are actually beginning to support the return of the Ottoman Empire. This reality puts ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood on the exact same page. Despite this, the U.S. is […]

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