AARHUS, DENMARK: Another European city nearly destroyed by Muslim immigration

By BI: Danish citizens, unfortunate enough to find themselves living in the middle of a Muslim-dominated ghetto, report being spat upon, beaten, and and having stones thrown at them, by a population, many of whom have a lot of time on their hands because they live on welfare benefits.


10 News  “Aarhus (2nd biggest city in Denmark) has a master plan for changing the ghetto. The price for the plan is several billion kroner. It aims to transform the city’s major ghetto Gellerupparken into an attractive town which the Danes will like to live in.

Gellerupparken is also increasingly being populated by devout Muslims who work to shape the region toward a parallel society where norms and social behavior is increasingly shaped by Islamic law, Sharia. It is now notorious as a lawless area where gang crime and disorderly conduct with vandalism and arson are wide spread.

Only 2 out of 14 Mosques in Denmark were willing to decline support for the Islamic State

Only 2 out of 14 Mosques in Denmark were willing to decline support for the Islamic State

Just 10 years ago there were hardly any women wearing headscarves and long, concealing clothes. Today it is almost the rule, also for underage girls.

In the ghetto lies also the mosque Grimhøjvej (the mosque in Denmark that has sent the most jihadis to Syria). According to the mosque itself it is to the mosque which attracts the largest number of children and young people from the local area.

TV2 East Jutland (major Danish news channel) have visited a couple of Danes who lived in Gellerup right from the start.

In Denmark, multiculturalists have successfully managed to establish the neologism nydansker or “new Danes,” a vibrant new breed of people currently displacing the tired and boring “old Danes.”

In Denmark, multiculturalists have successfully managed to establish the neologism nydansker or “new Danes,” a vibrant new breed of people currently displacing the tired and boring “old Danes.”

Allan Fisker, who today are retired, moved in in the mid-seventies. “One is spat upon, thrown stones at or beaten,” says Allan Fisker, adding that he some things are positive, but he can give no examples of what the positive is about.

Inga Sorensen moved into Gellerup in 1969 and the children have gone to the local school. Today she does not trust that the politicians’ big plans will change the negative trend in Gellerup. She says that the area began to change in the middle of the seventies, when many Muslim foreigners moved in, preferably Turkish families.


According to Inga Sorensen, in the beginning, they were like everyone else. The children play with each other and so on. There were never any problems. But in the early nineties it dawned on Inga Sorensen that the district really had changed.

“I was sitting on the balcony and thought ‘My God, where are you living? Not a single one of the kids are talking Danish’. ‘I have also experienced being on the bus, when it was only me who was Danish. I think it’s a little disheartening, even for them because they do not learn the language when they do not socialize with Danes,’ says Inga Sorensen.

Inga Sorensen says the area’s reputation is destroyed. ‘I do not know a Dane who wants to move here, I do not, do you?” She asks the journalist from TV2.”

