By Walid Shoebat
We warned last year precisely predicting how Muslim Sufism will become the main key to advance the religion of Antichrist. Sure enough the U.S. and Europe are promoting Sufism as the solution for Islam. Foreign Policy now reports:
“With the Syrian civil war in its fourth year—and now with Russia’s direct intervention on behalf of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad—Washington is more keen than ever to push back the self-proclaimed Islamic State … Assad government spokesperson Mohamed Jihad al-Laham reached out to the U.S. Congress to ask for support in the fight against ISIS … In his letter, Laham also suggested promoting Sufism—a mystical branch of Islam—as a mechanism to alter the violent behavior of terrorist actors … since 9/11, such sentiments have become routine as the United States, the United Kingdom, and other Western countries .. the West has opted for a multi pronged response … and the sponsorship of “friendly” and “tolerant” interpretations of Islam both domestically and abroad. The logic is that messages of tolerance could thwart would-be jihadists from becoming indoctrinated by less tolerant religious strands.”

DANISH ISMAIL / REUTERS A Kashmiri Muslim man prays at the shrine of Mir Syed Ali Hamdani, a Sufi saint, in Srinagar, India, July 2015.
The report adds: “In fact, the sponsoring of Sufism is a popular choice around the world, including in Algeria, Morocco, Pakistan, and Russia. In Algeria, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has invested resources in promoting Sufi education; the state has promoted Sufi leaders’ activities and also allows Sufi groups to disperse information and literature in the country. King Mohammed VI of Morocco continues to call upon Sufi symbolism in his speeches and has attempted to control and reshape religious education in the country by promoting a Sufi agenda. In Pakistan, political leaders often go to Sufi shrines in order to show the public their closeness to Sufi orders. Furthermore, they court Sufi leaders for political support. And in Russia, President Vladimir Putin has also promoted Sufism in Chechnya through the installation of Ramzan Kadyrov as head of the republic. A strong ally to the Kremlin, Kadyrov is a member of the Qadiriyya Sufi order and frequently uses Sufism to counter Islamists in the region. All this provides Putin with greater control over the region and the state with an opportunity to support a brand of Islam that challenges more literal interpretations of the faith.”
The author Fait Muedini correctly argues and warns of a negative outcome: “But the question remains of why Sufism is the brand of choice for many governments. Sufism is not a separate sect within Islam, but rather a specific approach within the religious tradition. Sufism does not ignore sharia (Islamic law) but is known for placing importance on a more direct relationship between an individual and the divine. For many Sufis, the objective of their spiritual journey is to reach a state where they are in the complete presence of God …”
Fact is that the United Kingdom after the July 7, 2005, London bombings, the British government supported for the creation of the Sufi Muslim Council (SMC) including British Secretary of State Ruth Kelly and despite the high hopes, the SMC was plagued by issues of distrust as Muslims questioned why the British government was even getting involved in matters of religion and why the government was backing a Sufi organization as a result. The British government ultimately moved away from supporting the group.
As it turns out nothing works and even worse, government across the world are falling for the greatest of deceptions.
For example, in Washington among think tanks and policy analysts who yielded one report titled “Understanding Sufism and Its Potential Role in U.S. Policy” which centered on ways in which Sufism could be used in foreign-policy making and building Sufi shrines and creating financial funding for Sufi education centers.
The sentiment that Sufism is a more tolerant iteration of Islam still persists within the United States.
And in response to critics to the Ground Zero mosque, then New York State Governor David Paterson attempted to justify the establishment of the center by saying that “this group who has put this mosque together, they are known as the Sufi Muslims. This is not like the Shiites. . . . They’re almost like a hybrid, almost westernized. They are not really what I would classify in the sort of mainland Muslim practice.” In other words, Paterson suggested, Sufis were acceptable, unlike Sunni or Shiites. In his attempt to legitimize Sufi Islam, Paterson ended up speaking ill of other forms of the religion.
But here are the facts that dismiss such delusion. The Sufi Muslims who comprise one-fifth of the Muslim world and some serious shock therapy to show the soul prepping of the armies and mass multitudes of this Antichrist religion. Sufis are making themselves ready for the coming of whom they term “The Sign” (the Mahdi) and the Caliphate of end-times. One can easily refute all such policy with one simple question: Erdogan of Turkey is a Sufi Muslim, has he been peace loving towards Israel and the Armenians?
The Sufi Naqshbandi order openly joined the ranks of the most notorious Muslim terrorist organization in the world; the ISIS becoming one of the largest five armed factions that joined the opposition to the Iraqi government and are preparing to establish the Muslim Caliphate.
Such preparation by Muslim Sufis in Turkey has been going on for decades. Here is Nazim Qibrisi, who was the head of the Naqshbandi Sufi movement, giving a fiery speech in Erdogan’s presence in Germany about the coming “Sign” (The Mahdi) and how the Ottoman wound will heal and revive again to conquer once more (start 3:00):
The stupidity does not only encompass liberals. Speaking at an event in Detroit, I was speaking with James Woolsey, the former director of the C.I.A (Central Intelligence Agency) who said that “moderate Islam exists”. Asking him to point to his favorite peace-loving Muslim scholar and sect, he answered expressing his admiration for Sufis, especially the mystic Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Qabbani, who at the time, according to Woosley openly speaks out against terrorism.
I asked Woolsey if he has ever read Qabbani’s book “Paving The Way For The Coming Mahdi”? Woosley’s darling talked about how the Mahdi’s armies soon will come from the region of Iran:
“Hadith indicate that black flags coming from the area of Khorasan [Iran] will signify [that] the appearance of the Mahdi is nigh. Khorasan is in today’s Iran, and some scholars have said that this Hadith means when the black flags appear from Central Asia, i.e., in the direction of Khorasan (Iran), then the appearance of the Mahdi is imminent.”
And if the head of the former CIA director who is considered conservative was so mediocre not to comprehend the threat of Mahdism and the Caliphate, what makes the rest of our intelligence and media anymore brighter? Today even Shiite Sufis are seeing the closeness of Mahdi’s coming, especially when they see Iran’s Shiite Revolutionary Guards are parked in Baghdad.
Even more dangerous, Sufism is also the ecumenical force in which it is the best uniting factor between Shiite and Sunni Muslims. Sunni Sufis adore Shiite icons and like Shiites are mystical and charismatic and even provides a link between Islam and shamanism. In contemporary Muslim culture Sufism introduced the old practice of shamanism as it was combined with elements of Sufism in order to adapt to wider Islamic society. Shamanistic Sufi Islam thus expands deeply into Central Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and the Balkans and shows how the Muslim shaman, like his Siberian counterpart, cultivates personal relations with spirits to supposedly help individuals through what they believe as healing and divination. This ‘Islamized shamanism’, covering the geographic areas of modern-day Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kirghizstan, northern Afghanistan, the Turkoman province of Iran and the Uygur district of Xinjian province of China will play a major role in the end times and we predict that the Antichrist is likely to be Sufi.
Turkey is especially plagued with Sufi Islam and Edorgan was raised as a Sufi Muslim and Shamanism pervaded Turkish Sufism which naive tourists are fascinated with when they watch Dervishes who spin and rotate as they get into a trance. Shia Islam in Iran follows metaphysical Sufism, and pre-Islamic shamanism. The figure of the shaman has always been a prominent motif within the Islamic world, particularly in relation to the mystical domain of Sufism.
In Turkey, they do not treat Erdogan as mere man, but prophet. Whirling dervishes is not just Turkish art, but the process of Fana, on how one can become God.
Even the Finance Minister did not face any sanctions from Erdogan for declaration of divinity and neither did AKP lawmaker Fevai Aslan who on January 16th when he said: “Erdogan is a leader who gathers all of Allah’s qualities in himself”. Neither did the Deputy Health Minister Agah Kafkas was reprimanded when on May 19, 2013 he said: “To do what Erdogan does is sunna”. “Sunna” which the Deputy Health Minister was referring to is the obedience to Muhammad. In other words, to obey Erdogan is to obey the Prophet himself! And neither was AKP lawmaker Huseyin Sahin on July 20, 2011 was reprimanded by Erdogan for saying: “Believe me, even touching our prime minister is worship to me.”
Sufism has all the elements of creating hitlers and was the main avenue for most of the Jihad violence during the Ottoman Empire. Al—Ghazali whom the “eminent” Islamic scholar W.M. Watt stupidly said of him that he was: “acclaimed in both the East and West as the greatest Muslim after Muhammad” talked about catapulting and enslaving Christians and Jews including that Jews and Christians should be enslaved and that if you enslave a Jew or a Christian that “his marriage is automatically revoked” so a Muslim can take another man’s wife to his bed. And that a Muslim “must destroy their useless books” that Jihadists may “take as booty whatever they decide…they may steal as much food as they need…”
It was the spirit of Al Ghazali’s teachings on jihad warfare that in fact inspired the Turkish Ottomans into carrying out jihad campaigns that ravaged neighboring Asia Minor from the 11th to the 15th century.
Sufis ruled in the early Mughal periods in India were the greatest massacres in human history ever, took place that dwarfed the Holocaust, and in recent times, the Northern Caucasus like Sufi Naqshbandi leader, Shamil Basayev showed Sufism’s true colors when he orchestrated the brutal Beslan massacre.
Sufism will be the venue in which the West will be fooled by, the ancient occult of the Turk will revive, the unifying factor which will bring Iran and Turkey together and the primary method in which Lucifer will be worshipped.
From my own life experience, my father was a Muslim who dabbled in mystic Sufism. He would meditate for days until he eventually developed a split personality. He would do things the normal human being would see bizarre; speaking to jinn (demons), running in the nude in the wee hours of the night during the cold winter roaming tombstones from the local graveyard to only sneak in before the sun came up and hibernate for days. He cursed the Holy Cross as loud as he could from the rooftop and harassed every priest he would run into. This different personality was no longer my father and he was completely someone else I never knew. When he came to the U.S. and later in life ended in the elderly care in California, I’d warn the nurses who reprimanded me for believing in “fairytales” since according to these liberal twits, he was “a nice old man who was diagnosed with a mild bipolar manic depressive illness”, until I was called by them when the police had to storm in after he held a nurse with an entire ward of patients hostage for her refusal to abandon Christianity for Islam. He continually spoke to the Jinn whom he kept there names secret. It was way later that I learned about exorcism that even Jesus would have the demons reveal their names in order to be cast out.
Then we had Sophia, an Iranian girl whom we knew who dabbled with the Shiite version of Mystic Sufism until one day she knocked on our door seeking help to only find a zombie who urinated on herself. I had some friends at our local Baptist church attend her and her family to only see the whole family scream like zombies at the first uttering of words from the Holy Bible. My Baptist brothers and sisters were unaware of what they were dealing with.
I have seen things I would rarely describe having lived in Islam and dabbled with things I should have never done to only see an orb so bright that its fluorescent shine was impossible to gaze at lit the room. And yes, I had a friend who witnessed the whole ordeal. People would simply not believe it, but it’s true. Having read Scripture, I finally understood that Jesus healed the man who roamed in the nude and that Satan appears as an angel of light … all these stories are true to me since I have seen them first hand. Today I kiss the Holy Cross and thank the Almighty for His Son, the healer of all who simply ask. Why can’t we promote Christ in the Muslim world as the ultimate solution.
In the meanwhile, please consider the serious issue on Christian persecution which will increase as we see these events unfold. we operate a very effective mission in rescuing fellow Christians. We are a unique organization (Rescue Christians) who rescue Christians, predominately in Pakistan that live under the Muslim yoke baking bricks in kilns under the heating sun. Christians in Pakistan are also burned in furnaces. To see an example out of the thousands we rescue, click here, and listen to the amazing testimonies first hand on how you can help and make a difference, now in this life and for eternity.
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