Can the Donald Trump of Hungary save Christianity?

By BI: Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban Victor Orban’s historic speech appears to be putting Hungary on a war footing. Orban believes the Muslim migrant invasion to Europe from the Middle East and Africa may be part of a left-wing plot to eliminate the Christians while packing the continent with sympathetic welfare-dependent voters.


Breitbart  Orban, who was the first European leader to erect a strong and almost impenetrable border fence, has previously hit out at pro migrant invasion individuals and ideologues including Hungarian-American businessman George Soros, whose Open Society Foundations provide funding to almost every pro-migration activist and talking head in the English-speaking world.

Now, Mr. Orban has ramped up his rhetoric, insisting that there is a “master plan” by left-wing activists on both sides of the Atlantic, specifically pointing to “radical American Democrats” for their involvement, and the fact that Western, Judeo-Christian culture is being ignored in the whole debate.

“Nobody has raised the question whether this is about our very existence, our cultural identity, our way of life. READ MORE
