Iraqi teenager Ismail Al-Kanon was captured by ISIS with his mother at the age of fourteen. For two years he and his mother were subject to constant abuse, horrific beatings, and being forced to watch death and murder around them, knowing they might be next. He was forced to publicly convert to Islam with his […]
Archive | January 27, 2017
Donald Trump Calls Muslim Terrorists “Sneaky, Dirty Rats.” And Will Be Ordering Major Strikes On Islamic Terrorists
By Theodore Shoebat Donald Trump recently called Muslim terrorists, “sneaky, dirty rats.” And he will be, according to a report, ordering some big strikes on ISIS. As we read in one report: White House officials are drafting a presidential directive from President Trump that calls on his newly appointed defense secretary to take a more […]
Muslim Terrorists Break Into Christian Family’s Home, Grab The Wife And Take Turns Raping Her
By Theodore Shoebat Muslim terrorists in Pakistan broke into a Christian family’s home, they grabbed the wife and took turns raping her. According to one Pakistani report: The influential Muslim named Mohammad Din along with three others entered forcibly in home of Christian woman when her husband has on work and gang raped her with […]
Christian Pastor Gets Kidnapped In Mexico, And Has Now Been Found Dead
By Theodore Shoebat A Christian pastor was went missing in Mexico, was found dead this month. The murders of priests has been on the rise on account of the rise of power of drug cartels in Mexico. The name of the priest was Joaquín Hernández Sifuentes, and here is the photo of this martyr: […]
We Are About To Enter A New World War, Christians Are Going To Suffer The Most Horrific Persecution, Humanity Is About To Enter Its Darkest Moment, A Great Cloud Of Evil Will Flood The Earth, And It Will Create An Ocean Of Blood And Death
By Theodore Shoebat “I do insist,” Hitler once said, “on the certainty that sooner or later — once we hold power — Christianity will be overcome and the German church established. Yes, the German church, without a Pope and without the Bible, and Luther, if he could be with us, would give us his blessing.” […]