By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special)
Sunday, tomorrow, while you remember the resurrection of our Lord, there in Pergamum, the seat of Satan in Asia Minor, satan will attempt to resurrect his wounded beast. It is going to be the day for the entire sleepy world to behold the near century-old Turkish secular republic, that was created in the aftermath of wounded Ottoman Empire breathes it’s last and revive its previous form “rising out of the earth and speaking like a dragon”.
Erdogan of Turkey has been clamouring for years for this day when he finally becomes the Sultan and Caliph and he chose it on April 16th, Resurrection Day, as a symbol of “resurrection” for on it, we Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ and for Muslims its the Resurrection of an Empire that will soon come after the Christian saints, the followers of Jesus Christ.
Erdogan’s dragon rhetoric called the EU an ‘alliance of crusaders’ because some EU leaders went to visit the Pope at the Vatican last month stating that its time for a ‘clash between the crescent and the cross’ all because a court ruled that two women could be fired for failing to remove their hijabs.
But few understand what is behind this story or why this fits prophecy. By Erdogan calling for war on behalf of two Muslim women, he was mimicking Caliph Al-Mu’tasim who answered the call of a Muslim woman captured by the Christian Romans. Al-Muʿtaṣim bi’llāh was the eighth Abbasid caliph (833 – 842). A younger son of the boy loving pedophile Harun al-Rashid, he rose to prominence through his formation of a private army composed predominantly of Christian slave-soldiers (ghilmān) kidnapped and brainwashed not to honor the God of their Christian fathers.
Erdogan warned his own people that if they vote ‘no’ against him on Sunday they put at risk their very afterlife and that by saying “no” they will lose their salvation. His own cleric wrote yesterday that voting ‘yes’ is their Islamic duty.
Reuters reported a narrow majority of Turks will vote “Yes” in Sunday’s referendum on changing the constitution to grant President Tayyip Erdogan sweeping new powers. Two opinion polls showed on Thursday, the first from Konda reveal that the number of “yes” voters stood at 51.5 percent while pollster Gezici put support for the constitutional change at 51.3 percent, with “no” votes at 48.7 percent.
UPDATE AS OF April 16th:
If Edogan wins, what’s at stake is more than just rewriting the Constitution, but it will give Erdogan sweeping new powers – including the ability to completely dissolve the parliament if his AKP party loses their majority for some reason.
This is no joke. Erdogan will use these powers to establish his new Ottoman Empire in 2023 of which he will be Caliph, exactly a century after the deadly bruise of the former Ottoman Empire.
Erdogan today mentioned 1923 as the day when that wound began which he promised to end.
LIVE| Erdogan: Discussions about the regime ended in 1923. We always supported the unitary state #TurkeysChoice
— TRT World (@trtworld) April 14, 2017
Already, Erdogan’s own AKP party have been calling him their Caliph and even deifying the man for years. Islam gained Constantinople in 1453 by Muhammad the Conqueror and according to Islam, lost it to western-style secularism when the Ottoman’s were wounded in 1924 with the abolition of the Caliphate. The secularization of Turkey meant that Constantinople needed to be re-conquered. This has been the grand-dilemma for all Muslims.
We will explain prophecy in very simple terms that all can understand to see why this is so significant. Most who study prophecy do not pay close attention to detail or the complexity of unraveling prophecies. In the Bible, the last beast is a lamb with “two horns”. This two-horned beast “looking like a lamb and speaking like a dragon” comes right after a beast with “seven” and even “four” heads:
“And I saw a beast [first beast] coming up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten diadems, and upon his heads names of blasphemy.” (Revelation 13:1)
First comes a seven headed beast. This has already happened (more on that later) and then the final beast:
“And I saw another beast [second beast] coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns, like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon.” (Revelation 13:11)
Daniel depicts a beast with “four heads”. John depicts a beast with “seven heads”.
So who are these?
These are empires that consecutively come and then in the end these also come together. John in the Apocalypse combines the “Leopard” and “the Bear” together.
Okay, let me explain it simpler so that even a dummy can understand.
This first beast that received a deadly wound and is currently arising from the earth (the pit) will come again as the second beast.
To be able to interpret this seven headed beast, first we must ask a Jesus-style question: where in history that any historian can find something that qualifies to compose seven kingdoms, yet they are four kingdoms, and they are sequentially led by ten kings that will ultimately come again, a second time, as the eleventh horn (king) in the ends of days comprising of a lamb with two composites led by two horns one of which being the Antichrist?
This is the complex puzzle.
So how can one solve this puzzle?
Answer: there are no empires that match this besides Islam’s dynasties. They are the only ones that fit. Perfectly.
Look it up. Only the Islamic dynasties had Four Main Caliphates (Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman) yet there were also Seven caliphates (Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid, Ayyubid, Almohad and Ottoman) and ten crowns which represent the seven caliphates that also arise in the end as two horns (Turkey and Iran).
The seven headed beast which came “out of the sea” that is, the mediterranean sea, was the first threat to God’s people, the Church. This has come and gone and the second beast (lamb with two horns) will come out of burial “out of the earth”. This is what is coming soon.
Keep in mind, the beast is what persecuted the Church throughout history. With Islam, everything fits like a glove. Even the crowns. Anyone can check what we write from history:
The first head that persecuted the church is the Rashidun dynasty, which sparked the conquest of Christian Syria in 637 and later Armenia. It had two, (1st crown) Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq and (2nd crown) Hasan ibn Ali’ , Grandson of Muhammad, Son of ‘Ali ibn Abi-Talib’ which branched into the Shiites. This divide sprouted the two horns (Shiite, Sunni) and is why it is a “divided kingdom”.
Then the Umayyad Caliphate (second head, 661-750) appointed Muʿāwiyah ibn ʾAbī Ṣufyān (3rd crown) centered in Mecca and Abd-ar-Rahman III (4th crown) centered in Christian Spain after invading that major center of Christendom, and then Christian North Africa, the intellectual center of Christianity and reached to east China borders and Christian southern France.
Then the Abbasid Caliphate (third head with two horns (750-945/1258/1517). Founded by Abul `Abbas al-Saffaḥ or the butcher (5th crown) centered in Baghdad and Al-Mustansir Billah (6th crown) centered in what was Christian Cairo in the heart of Egypt.
Then the Fatimid Caliphate (fourth head 910-1171) which was founded by al-Mahdi Billah (7th crown) established the Fatimid rule (Shiite) throughout much of North Africa, Hejaz, Palestine and the Levant.
Then the Ayyubid Caliphate (fifth head 1171-1260) with the famed Sultan Saladin (8th crown).
Then The Almohad Caliphate (sixth head, 1147-1269). The Alomhads (9th crown) ruled major areas of the Maghreb (North Africa) and Muslim Spain.
Then the Ottoman Caliphate (1517–1924 the seventh head), founded by Selim I (10th crown) and by that he was the tenth and final horn of the seven heads.
This last one encompassed all the previous ones and is the seventh.
But when one pays close attention to Apocalypse 17:11, this “seventh” also arises as “the eighth” (in our time) as the 11th little horn. It is little because it only spans 7 years. The length of the horn is its time ruling.
And this one comes as the two last horns of the “lamb that speaks like a dragon” with its crescent moon (Revelation 12) coming after the saints to finally be stomped by “The Woman” and her seed. Only the ones who consider Mary as “mother” are entitled to this.
Whoever persecuted the church throughout history must be the beast (the threat) mentioned in scripture and this will include all heretical movements. Nothing in history so perfectly fits like these seven heads and ten crowns. Anyone who disagrees must answer: where else would anyone find a beast that persecuted the woman (the church and the seed of Mary) like these seven Islamic dynasties?
The cause for these errors in not understanding prophecy is simple to explain: selfishness or ignorance.
Most believe that these prophecies either ended (Preterists) or is exclusively for the last days (Dispensationalists).
Both views are lacking.
Most forget that prophecy spans history. God always aids the Church throughout history. Apocalypse is not intended only for the end times, but for the entire history of the people of God, especially during the church era and also including the ancient faithful of Israel.
Once you read Revelation 13 and Revelation 17, you will clearly see this. Pay close attention to what John was saying. John includes the historic threat to all of God’s people; Israel (the Jews) and post Israel (the Church) with multiple fulfillments that can be sliced and diced in multiple ways.
Let me explain this from scripture. When John says of the seven headed beast that “five [mountains/empires] have fallen” (Rev 17:10) these are pre-church that pertain to ancient Israel. Then he says “one is” (the sixth, at John’s time, the Roman, during the primitive church) yet He then refers to another “the other that is not yet, the seventh” is regarding the church age after pagan Rome was converted and lost its empire.
Therefore, this church age suffers two beasts (two massive threats) as clearly described by John; one comes as a “seven headed beast” which its seventh head is wounded to also come again as the second beast in the end described as “a lamb with two horns”.
Therefore, understanding that God does not instruct only a select group helps tremendously in understanding these prophecies. Church history has already endured the first beast (which will revive again). So here is the first beast:
“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the [Mediterranean] sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. [denies Father and Son (Trinity), see 1 John 2:22]”
This beast was controlled spiritually by the Arabian harlot city, Mecca and it made war with the church specifically at the Mediterranean region (the Sea): “it was given unto him to make war with the saints,” and “to overcome them” and it ruled “over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations”.
Many watched this Bill Warner’s description on Islam’s conquests, yet neither he or the viewers paid close attention to the Bible. The red dots he presented on the Mediterranean sea, are all the battles against the Church. Where were they fought? The Mediterranean sea. When scripture speaks of the “sea” its always the Mediterranean sea.

Each of these red dots is a war or battle between Christians and Muslims. which is also “the eighth” kingdom of the Antichrist’s empire:
All “Four Beasts” in Daniel chapter 7 arise out of “the Great Sea” (Daniel 7:2). “The Great Sea” is the Mediterranean region, not the entire globe. That with all the literal nations of end-times encompasses only the Middle East and Asia Minor. If the first beast (Babylon), second beast (Medo-Persia) and third beast (Greece) all were out within the “Great Sea” (Mediterranean) then the fourth beast of Daniel 7 could only pertain to the Mediterranean Sea as well.
To make the Antichrist rule a global one, many western interpreters today allegorize “The Great Sea” as “the sea of humanity.” In so doing, we lose the meaning and the intent of the prophecy. This reference to “The Great Sea” cannot be an allegory pertaining to the “sea of humanity” since every verse in the Bible refers to “The Great Sea” as the Mediterranean Sea (see Num 34:6-7, Jos 1:4, Jos 9:1, Jos 15:12, Jos 15:47, Jos 23:4, Ezek 47:10, 15, 19, 20, Ezek 48: 28).
Our analysis becomes crystal clear when we examine John:
“And the beast which was [Greco-Roman], and is not [at John’s time]: the same also is the eighth [the coming Antichrist], and is of the seven [the seventh], and goeth into destruction.” (Revelation 17:11)
So the two beasts John spoke of, one with seven heads, which finally got a mortal wound, this deadly wound, has to be on its seventh head, the last head, the Ottoman, and then the one which “looks like a lamb” is the eighth, the final one and “is of the seven“.
This is crucial. So what fell in 1924, which was the Ottoman, must revive, most likely after 100 years in 2023-2024. All the biblical text that mention the literal names of nations involving the end-times match this Ottoman geographical composition to exact. If in doubt examine history in light of all nations in Ezekiel, Isaiah, Amos, Joel, Zechariah, Galatians … they all follow this model.
For a grasshopper to say that Rome is the harlot, they would have to answer a Jesus-style question: how did Rome ride (spiritually control) a seven headed beast that had ten kings at the point of all transfers of kingdoms?
No Luther, no Zwingli and no Calvin has ever answered such a question. It is impossible unless these admit error.
And err, they did, miserably. In Luther’s day, this same Ottoman threat arose with him responding to the threat from a prophetic paradigm that still repeats itself today:
“From the prophecy of Daniel 7, Luther concluded three determined realities that shaped his entire perspective on the Turks: (1) the Turks would never conquer European Christianity; (2) they [the Turks] would never be conquered by European Christianity. (3) they would always oppress Christianity militarily.” (Eschatology And The Turks by Nicholas Proksch from Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary)
All three theories, as it turned out, were wrong assumptions by Luther.
The Turks, according to Luther’s view, which we still see in the Protestant world of today, resembled no serious threat, since Luther believed that the real serious threat would arise out of the Roman Empire which according to him was the fourth beast with its ten horns signifying ten nations that were once part of the Roman Empire.
Luther did not know what to do with the Ottomans who were rising at his time to threaten the church. So instead of viewing them from the whole of scripture, he was confident that the Turks must somehow occupy “some prophecies” while he ignored the bulk of verses that spoke of this threat etched by John in the Apocalypse. According to Luther “the Turk is also so great and powerful… [and] such a powerful thing has to be stated in Scripture” and so Luther reserved Islam’s prophetic role as “the Little Horn” while reserving the Catholic Church as “Harlot” and the Holy Roman Empire as “the beast”.
How such “Catholic Harlot” rides this “Muslim little horn” was unexplained by Luther. Revelation 17:3 mandates that this whore in “the desert” “sat upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.” Also, biblically, this little horn only rises after the ten other horns.
This is a major twist of scripture.
Although Islam was the main threat to Christendom from before Luther and during Luther and after Luther, yet to Luther, the more insignificant the Turk was made, the better it was for Luther’s arguments and actions to fit neatly in his faulty paradigm.
In fact, Luther’s reaction to the Ottoman beast had terrible consequences. While Luther’s main paradigm in his eschatological interpretations turned out false, Luther believed that the Turks were ‘a chastisement,’ ‘a scourge’ and a ‘rod in the hand of God’ to ‘bring Christians to repentance’. Luther, instead of encouraging preparedness, he instructed fatalism since in his view:
“the Turk ―has good fortune in waging war against Christians and usually gains the upper hand and obtains the victory… [but] here in Daniel it is announced beforehand that Christians are punished here on earth on account of their sin and the innocent are made into martyrs.”
In other words, when it comes to Ottoman victory, to Luther it was “God wills it” and so not much should be done. How can an “innocent” be deserving to be “punished” was an odd observation. In other words, in Luther’s view, the Catholic Church deserved the Turks who were according to Luther’s interpretation only a “little horn” which cannot expand beyond to Germany since God, according to Luther, protected that nation.
Luther’s reason for pointing the Ottomans as this “little horn” was that in his view the Turks had conquered three Roman dominions: 1) Egypt, 2) Asia Minor and 3) Greece, which according to Luther’s reckoning, was a clear fulfillment of Daniel 7:24. How Luther separated “Greece” from “Asia Minor” (Greece after all is in Asia Minor) was another oddity. Luther simply jimmy-rigged his theory to fit a text so long he slandered the Catholic Church.
This is also classic interpretation in our days, where people find a number in the Bible (3 horns plucked out of the root) and equate it with a current incident making a grand claim out of it. And since this little horn uproots only three, using Luther’s textual isolation, he believed that the Ottomans resembled no danger to Europe (especially Germany) since they can only knock out and uproot three horns from the Roman Empire and nothing more.
Luther’s error is simple to explain. In his view, the Holy Roman Empire was the beast, which also included Europe. Since Luther sits in Europe, he was already living in what was destined to be Antichrist territory in the ends of days which this separate little horn only knocked out three of its previous provinces. Therefore, this “little horn” will not knock out any other horns besides Germany, so he was safe and Germany was also safe from Muslim wrath.
Luther’s eschatological blunders should be a lesson which must be revealed and exposed since the bulk of Protestant Christians still follow a similar error. Fitting a handful biblical verses without applying all other verses has been incredibly the most dangerous outcome to western Protestant Christian society.
This Muslim empire used the sword and whoever gave allegiance to it ended up on the side of the dragon, swept by the river that spewed out of the dragon-beast and was bound to hell. The only ones who would have been saved are the followers of Jesus Christ, but they must also be of the seed of the woman in Revelation 12.
This beast used the sword:
“He that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.”
It also requires the “patience and the faith of the saints” to endure till the end (by death or victory) in order to be saved. No patience or endurance; giving up; or accepting the beast to spare one’s head from amputation; meant spiritual death; while having their heads amputated meant victory. (Revelation 20:4)
However, this beast was killed after receiving a mortal wound. This is why we have two beasts. This happened in 1924 with the ending of the Ottoman Caliphate. This is why we have a pause. This is why the last seven years has a pause. Then when one continues reading John then ‘pop’, we have yet another beast, the ends of days beast:
“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth [from the grave after being wounded to death]; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon and it exercises all the power of the first beast [which went to the grave] before him … whose deadly wound was healed [coming out of the grave of the dead].”
The first beast comes out of “the sea,” which are multitudes of nations, tribes and different tongues within the Mediterranean region then is “swallowed by the earth” (Rev 12:16). This is the same as when the seventh head (Ottoman Caliphate) which was wounded to death and John explicitly tells us “is also the eighth”.
This “also” makes it clear. Its the same empire.
This is the “seventh,” which is also coming back as the “eighth” and is also “the second beast” resembling “the first beast” which comes out of “the earth” after it was “swallowed by the earth” having received the deadly wound.
Keep in mind “it exercises all the power of the first beast“. Scripture several times makes this point. So it must be the same type of empire.
Some still even today, allude to Rome as this beast. But this is impossible. Rome did not expand throughout church history persecuting the church. For Rome to fit, one must show how it persecuted the saints throughout the ages. This is impossible. While some allude to the Cathar wars, these were no saints and no sound Protestant today would agree with their heretical theology (examined here).
But Islam fits, like a glove.
So the last one (lamb with two horns) comes in 2 powers: Sunni (Turkey) and Shiite (Iran). This is well described in Ezekiel 38 with the hordes from “Meshech” (Turkey), “Persia” (Iran) and “Libya” (North African hordes) including Sudan and Somalia “Cush”. Apocalypse 13:1 makes the case with the “Leopard” (Greece/Turkey) and the “Bear” (Persia, Iran) BOTH previous empires are lumped up in one beast. These are two (last beast with two horns). And with “the mouth of the lion” (Babylon) which Isaiah 21 tells us clearly its destiny: “Babylon is fallen is fallen” while referring literally to “Arabia” by name.
All this makes a solid case where any other theory will simply not fit. Remember, everything needs to fit like a glove. It can’t get anymore accurate than this where we find scripture even giving the exact locations of the harlot:
“Babylon is fallen is fallen” (Isaiah 21:9).
“The burden against Dumah” (Isaiah 21:11)
“The burden against Arabia” (Isaiah 21:13)
“All the glory of Kedar will fail” (Isaiah 21:16)
Can the grasshopper point to anything that fits all these references we provided so far by confirming their theory from a historic map and fit the text to anything besides the Muslim world centered in Arabia as its spiritual center?
This is the Jesus-style question that no scoffer can answer. To do to so, they would have to exclusively use the allegoric references where they can hide their slander. It is all what grasshoppers do.
It is impossible.
And these locations all tie to this “Babylon”.
Keep in mind, the strictest form of interpretation. Isaiah lumps “Kedar” (Isaiah 21:16) “Dumah” (Isaiah 21:11) and “Arabia” (Isaiah 21:13) in his theme of “Babylon is fallen is fallen” (see Isaiah 21:9).
Therefore, no interpreter can escape that same rendering “Babylon is fallen is fallen” which must also pertain to Revelation 18:2 “And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen” and Revelation 14:8 “That great Babylon is fallen, is fallen” which these as well have the same rendering as in Isaiah 21.
How Luther and others excluded and dropped Isaiah’s prophecy which clearly and literally mentions “Arabia” by name is rather astonishing. It reveals ill intent. This is especially true after one examines Paul in Galatians 4:25, who mentions “Arabia” by name as the main source of all bondage for the true Church.
These prophecies can never be regarding Rome, but regarding the enemies of Rome.
This is why the Muslim and the anti-Catholic, both rejoice at the hint of Rome being threatened. And while the Church falls away, as Paul predicted it will do, they then scoff alongside the Muslim and declare that “her hour is near”.
But when Isaiah explicitly states that this “Babylon” will fall by the sword of “Elam”, that is Iran (Isaiah 21:2), this leaves another major dilemma for the naysayers: is Iran going to destroy Rome anytime soon or is Iran continually threatening Saudi Arabia, the spiritual head of Islam? Remember, the beast must “destroy the harlot and burn her”.
But here is even a greater dilemma. If the beast is Rome, the text is strict, that to pin-point the beast, we must also pin-point the harlot’s haters and destroyers for they are that very beast (Revelation 17:16-17):
And the ten horns which thou sawest in the beast: these shall hate the harlot, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and shall burn her with fire. For God hath given into their hearts to do that which pleaseth him: that they give their kingdom to the beast, till the words of God be fulfilled. And the woman which thou sawest, is the great city, which hath kingdom over the kings of the earth.
So when did the Holy Roman Empire destroy Rome?
Indeed, throughout history, the attacks on the Kaaba by Muslims started within a century after Muhammad’s death. It has been destroyed and re-built several times. Keep in mind, it was exclusively destroyed by Muslims, never Catholics. This puts a nail in the coffin of naysayers.
On the 3rd of the Islamic month of Rabi al-Awwal in 64 AH (Muslim calendar), October 29, 683 AD, the city of Mecca was savagely attacked by the Omayyad forces of Yazid ibn Mu’awiyah, who ordered the desecration of the sanctity of the Ka’ba by raining down fire and brimstone through catapults placed on mountains overlooking the Masjid al-Haraam or the Grand Sacred Mosque.
The Kaaba was then destroyed in the second siege of Mecca in 692, in which the Umayyad army was led by al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf Al-Thaqafi who catapulted the Kaaba destroying it.
Then in 693 AD, Abdul-Malik had the Kaaba razed and completely destroyed it.
And then in 930, Muslim Qaramitans, under the Abbasid caliph in Baghdad, attacked Mecca, and even stole the Black Stone from the Kaaba.
And in 1630, even a flood swept Mecca, almost completely destroying the Kaaba.
And in 1979, the attack in Mecca (the Grand Mosque seizure) where Muslim insurgents succeeded in terrorising the place for 2 weeks. They were well armed, shootings and killings. Had they wished to destroy it with an explosion, there was nothing that could have stopped them. This is reserved for a later time when Iran finally destroys it by nuclear.
And just last year, an Iranian ally the Houthis nearly landed a scud on the Kaaba.
And if in doubt about Elam (Iran) wanting to destroy the Kaaba just as Isaiah 21 predicted, read (here).
Catholics have no desire to destroy Mecca and have never once destroyed it. But to make a flimsy theory that Rome is the harlot, one must show how an empire wants to destroy it. Yet keep in mind that the ones who destroy it are also considered God’s enemies in the Bible, not because God loves the Kaaba, but because He promised that the harlot is destroyed by her own children:
For God hath given into their hearts to do that which pleaseth him: that they give their kingdom to the beast, till the words of God be fulfilled. (Revelation 17:17)
Can anyone establish this by attributing the verses to Rome? Impossible.
Protestantism insists that they hate the harlot which they say is Rome and will rejoice at her destruction. If Rome is indeed this harlot and the Protestants want her destruction, this theory then will encompass the very Protestants as “beast”. So by this, the grasshoppers are killed by administering to themselves their own medicine.
Yet for centuries, volumes and volumes of writ on Rome, all of them avoiding Isaiah 21 and a multitude of verses, which gives us the LITERAL names of nations.
These LITERAL references to nations in the Bible is unescapable. It is the type of checkmate Jesus used to do.
How could all these so-called western ‘prophecy experts’ miss this, where a simple eastern shepherd can read it plainly?
These prophecies regarding the ‘harlot’ are all in Arabia, which is destroyed by Iran “Elam” (Isaiah 21:2).
And it spiritually rules the two forces, Shiite and Sunnis who are set up for Armageddon.
There is another facet to this beast confederacy which arises in the end of days. This ten regional confederacy under the authority of the little horn being Muslim is plausible. Daniel teaches that the Last-Days Empire will be a divided empire. The division, of course, that this passage speaks of is truly an appropriate description of the Islamic world, as it has existed from its earliest days until modern times with its major sectarian division between Shiite and Sunni: “it will be a divided kingdom”. (Daniel 2:41).
This division of the final Antichrist Empire which will be ten. Islamists clearly indicate this division.
These states are:
1. Anatolia (Turkey)
2. Kurdistan
3. Gogaz, (C.I.S, which includes Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan)
4. Khorasan (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and possibly Indonesia)
5. Iraq
6. Sham (Syria, Lebanon)
7. Qinana (Egypt, Sudan and Somalia)
8. Maghreb (which includes Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania)
9. Yemen
10. Hijaz (which includes the Gulf States)
So we still have some time till this is fulfilled. When Erdogan steeps into his power, it is not unlikely for his administration to catapult a “league” (Ezekiel 30:5) to have a representative for each of these Muslim emirates who are led by “the prince”. Islam’s Caliph is called “the Prince of the faithful”.
And just as the first beast arose, this second beast is imitating the first beast. It is just as the eighth is the seventh. The latter mimmic the former.
And we see this already happening. This week, on April 12th, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said that he was just like the Prophet Muhammad when he was protected by a spider from his enemies who sought to kill him during his migration from Mecca to Medina when it built a spider web around the cave where Muhammad was hiding from his enemies. Erdogan likewise claimed he was miraculously protected from putschists on the night of a failed coup attempt on July 15.
Erdogan wants to be a second Muhammad mimicking the same false-miracles. Speaking during a live ATV-A Haber joint broadcast on Tuesday night Erdogan said:
“[We later learned that] they [the putschists] had come to the Dalaman [airport] before us and examined our plane. Very interesting things took place there, they went into the plane, looked around and left. We were unaware of this at the time. … Their [putschists] arrival and departure… It was in the Bull Cave, was not it? They [the Prophet’s enemies] are coming, our beloved Prophet is there with [his companion] Abu Bakr Siddiq, but a spider spun a web and the enemies saw it [the web] and said: ‘Since a spider has spun a web here, nobody must have entered,’ and they turned back. Now, when the [putschists] came and saw nobody in the plane, they too turned back.”
AKP Deputy Chairman Mustafa Ataş said on March 28, 2016 that President Erdoğan was a blessing from God to the ummah, the worldwide community of Muslims.
AKP Aydın provincial chairman İsmail Hakkı Eser was quoted as saying that he and party sympathizers love Erdoğan so much they think of him “like a second prophet.”
In a similar vein, Deputy Health Minister Agah Kafkas once said:
“When we lay the foundation of a [facility], we also provide the date of its opening. This is the sunnah (mandated Muslim practice) — Muslim practices based on the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad — of Tayyip Erdoğan.”
No government officials or supporters have publicly objected to the statements.
AKP Bursa deputy Hüseyin Şahin is known to have said that touching Erdoğan is a form of prayer, while AKP Düzce deputy Fevai Arslan said Erdoğan has all the attributes of God himself.
Doesn’t Antichrist proclaim himself as God?
Also on April 12th, Erdogan’s mentor Masr Oglu stated that “aiding Erdogan is a religious necessity”:
“Opponents of Prime Minister Erdogan, and his competitors dive into infidelity and unbelief (Kufr), The need to support Erdogan in the face of opponents is a necessity of Islam.”
In other words, obeying Erdogan is now a sacrament.
Remember, Antichrist must invade Egypt. President Donald Trump plays a role in the coming fiasco when it comes to the convergence of views between Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and US President Donald Trump has seemingly led Trump to turn into a facilitator of Sisi’s dreams. These dreams include banning the Muslim Brotherhood and founding a joint Arab force. On Feb. 15, The Wall Street Journal quoted unnamed Arab officials as saying that the Trump administration is in talks with Arab allies about forming a military alliance that would share intelligence with Israel to help counter their mutual foe, Iran.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi attends the graduation of the 83rd batch of the Egyptian Air Force Academy in Cairo, July 20, 2016. (photo by The Egyptian Presidency/Handout via REUTERS)
But Trump’s Arab version of the NATO and US support for the alliance is not an advantage to counter Iran. First of all, Egypt is not beneficiary of countering the Iranian influence since Iran poses no threat to Egypt but to Saudi Arabia. Trump’s call to include intelligence cooperation with Israel is also out of the question for most Arab regimes, especially Egypt.
However, an Arab military alliance with support of an international force like the United States will put the U.S. against Iran and if Iran united with Turkey, both would be under the wrath of the U.S., “the most terrible of the nations” (Ezekiel 28:7-8).
The negatives for the U.S. attacking Syria are in essence has positives, that is resisting Iran’s influence will positively affect the fight against Iran. However, Turkey will resist an Arab NATO and Egypt is destined for destruction (Isaiah 19:5-8, Daniel 11:43) just as Syria will also be destroyed (Isaiah 17).
Erdogan is already speaking of targeting not just the West but North Africa (Biblical Phut). On April 12th, 2017, during his nonstop “yes” campaign ahead of an April 16 referendum on a switch to an executive presidency, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said the West has not forgotten losing Istanbul to the Turks in 1453:
“We [Turks] made a big decision when we opened the gates of Anatolia in 1071. Similarly, we made a big decision when we conquered İstanbul. For centuries some have not been able to forget the pain of losing İstanbul in 1453,”
“Some could not get rid of the anger of our mark on the Balkans, North Africa, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. For centuries, they have lived with the pain of losing that paradise-like land. They want our nation to pay for it.”
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s chief advisor Mehmet Uçum has said on the 10th of April, that the Turkish nation is engaged in a revolution and will establish “its own state” on April 16 when a constitutional reform package will be put to a public vote.
Writing from his Twitter account on Sunday, Uçum said: “Are you aware that our people are engaged in a revolution that is not silent, but loud and strong? The nation is taking a step to establish ‘its own state.’ May April 16 be beneficial to that end.”
“Establish its own state”? But isn’t Turkey a “state” already?
What they mean is an Islamic state. Erdogan wants to be the fulfiller of Muslim prophecy.
When the Roman Empire was seized by the Ottomans when Constantinople fell in 1453 AD, this according to Islam fulfilled Muslim prophecy when they say “first Constantinople” (in Muslim view on their version of prophecy) and now comes “then Rome”, this will be the second seize of Europe itself through the “flood” “from the mouth of the red dragon” (Turkey) spoken of by St. John in Revelation 11-12.
Islam gained Constantinople in 1453 by Muhammad the Conqueror and according to Islam, lost it when the Ottoman’s were wounded in 1924 with the abolition of the Caliphate. The secularization of Turkey meant that Constantinople needed to be re-conquered. This has been the grand-dilemma for all Muslims. According to Muslims, Erdogan “the Prince” fulfilled a prophecy.
Erdogan last year prophesied hinting that he, with his Muslim army (not secular), will conquer Constantinople. This is major, for the conqueror of Constantinople according to Islamic prophecy is The Mahdi. In Islam, “Many Muslim scholars from various countries will set out to seek the Mahdi … “We are looking for the Mahdi (a.s.), who will end this Fitna (strife) and conquer Constantinople”. Islam has its own version of Armageddon involving Constantinople where:
“The greatest war, the conquest of Constantinople and the coming forth of the Dajjal (Antichrist) will take place within a period of seven years.”
In Islam this is done without weapons:
“The conquering of Constantinople by Muslims will occur without a fight and their weapons in that day will be by chanting (Allahu Akbar)”.
فتح القسطنطينية على المسلمين بدون قتال وسلاحهم يومئذ التكبير والتهليل وبقيادة المهدي
This is exactly what happened, the Islamists controlled Turkey on July 15th and this coming Sunday, Resurrection Day (if the Referendum passes), without a war. Tons of Muslims rejoiced referring to Erdogan fulfilling the prophecy. Last year, even Syrian revolutionists tweeted on July 16th:
“in Erdogan’s era, people entered Islam by the droves and Constantinople was conquered yesterday by chanting Allah Akbar”.
It is time to now watch Erdogan, not just as leader of Turkey, but also as a prophet for the Muslim Brotherhood.
Erdogan repeated the words of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam saying: “Lataftahanna al-Qustantiniyya” (Thou shall conquer Constantinople). This “Thou” is the Mahdi. It was Erdogan’s prediction he made hinting to his people:
“Erdogan in Arabic: Lataftahanna al-Qustantiniyya wa lani`ma al-amiru amiruha wa lani`ma al-jayshu dhalika al-jaysh.”
“Translation: Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will her Prince be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!”
This “Prince” (Ameer in Arabic) is now Erdogan (“the Prince” is also how Antichrist is depicted in Daniel), this army is no longer the Turkish secular army, but his Muslim Brotherhood army. Turkey is angling to rush in as a “savior” and become the ideal Muslim state under a Muslim confederacy of ten states, thereby recreating the glory of the Ottoman Empire.
For two decades, we have warned of all of this and watching it all unfold is quite amazing. And to add such accurate fulfillments do build my faith. While evidence builds my faith, doubt also builds my faith. I was astonished at first why the worshippers at the Catholic Church were always kissing the hand of the priest, until last night, I attended a Catholic church, I was shocked when I was selected to be one of twelve to be separated from the rest. Then the priest, whom I had to on occasion complain “why do they have to kiss his hand?” he ended up kneeling to the ground washing my foot then dried it and he did not even complain. Lord forgive. Lord have mercy. What love is like this?
A priest washed my feet? Hard to imagine. But its easy if you try. Now I see the priest and I see Christ. But that too is hard to imagine. Its easy if you study “just as you did it to the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto Me”.
It truly taught me a lesson about them hated Catholics. Lord have mercy.
In the meanwhile, are you ready for a war?