By Theodore Shoebat Now that Youtube is purging people from its platform, both the Left and the Right are only going to get further polarized. Prepare for the political surge:
Archive | June 7, 2019
Forty Percent Of Americans Under Fifty-Five Believe They Will Never Retire
Retirement is a long-stated goal of many who have spent their lives laboring, and for a long time it was assumed that nearly all people would retire. However, this is not true anymore, as due to the declining economy, in spite of proclamations by political and industrial figures, is forcing people to work so much […]

Home Flipping Drastically Declines
Many people make money by fixing homes and selling them for a quick profit, called “house flipping.” However, many of these people are leaving the market at the current time as profits have greatly declined: Here’s one consequence of the slowing U.S. housing market: Home flippers are heading for the exits. Homes that were resold […]
Catholic Bishop Who Excommunicated All Sodomites In His Diocese Bars All Pro-Abortion Legislators From Communion
Bishop Paprocki became famous in 2017 for publicly issuing a public declaration of excommunication against all sodomites in his diocese, barring them from receiving the Eucharist. Such is not a new development, as what he did was merely to reinforce the already stated and timeless teachings of the Church, but what makes it so important […]
Childlessness Has Become The Normal Way Of Life In The US
The Federalist recently put out a piece talking about the future of a society where childlessness becomes the normal way of life and the serious social implications it would have: This year, the birthrate in the United States has fallen yet again, to 1.7 children per woman—well below the 2.1 replacement rate. With the exception […]
President Trump Markets Sodomite Pride Hat For His Presidential Campaign
Trump was given a more than a fair chance to put his words into practice that he promised on the campaign trail years ago. Many people who call themselves Christians have been willing to overlook his many public sins of which he has made clear he has not and does not desire to repent of […]