Archive | 2020


EU Files Antitrust Suit Against Amazon

Trade wars tend to precede more violent conflicts. Currently, the US and Europe have been locked in a series of trade battles, the largest being the Boeing-Airbus dispute that was ruled in favor of Airbus and with that opening the way for billions in tariffs on imported goods. According to a report from CNBC, Amazon […]

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kamala mao

What They’re Not Telling You About Kamala Harris: Her Mother Belonged To A Left-wing Cult That Admired The Mass Murdering Communist Dictator, Mao Zedong, Who Butchered 45 Million People

By Theodore Shoebat With Kamala Harris being declared as the next vice-president of the United States, its time to look at her Left-wing roots. What few have pointed out is that Kamala’s mother, Shyamala Gopalan, was a member of a radical-Left wing group in California’s Bay Area, which admired the Communist mass murderer, Mao Zedong, […]

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Legal Revolution In UAE Makes Major Changes To Laws On Alcohol, Divorce, Fornication, Inheritance, Women’s Rights

Revolutions do not always take the form of men with guns and death on the streets, but they can take the form of changes to laws that significantly alter the nature of a country in spite of previous or long-established patterns of behavior. According to the UK Guardian, the United Arab Emirates has made major […]

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Italy Gives Legal Protections To Sodom

According to Reuters, Italy has now given legal protection to sodomite behavior. Italy’s lower house of parliament on Wednesday passed an anti-discrimination bill that makes violence against women and LGBT+ people a hate crime, with those found guilty of such attacks risking longer prison terms. The bill was approved by 265 votes to 193 in […]

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Fine Print: Trump ‘Election Defense Fund’ Also May Be Used To Pay Down Campaign Debts

One of the interesting points uncovered by the Trump tax returns is that President Trump, in spite of his claimed wealth and appearance of wealth, is heavily indebtted, and has tens to hundreds of millions in loans which he is personally liable for. This did not so much affect the election for or against him, […]

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Biden Declares “230 Million Thousand” Americans Lost A Loved One TO COVID-19, Will “Make You To Sign Like The Sun”

I have warned that the Biden presidency, like that of Bush 2000, is going to be filled with all kinds of gaffes, except this time instead of “Bushisms”, it’s going to be “Bidenisms”, and likely more intense because of the clear signs of age-related mental decline. Many have already hear such things from him such […]

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Biden Now Has To Look Down The Abyss Of The Economic State Of The Country

I said and will keep saying that based on the conditions of the economy, the loser of this election was actually the long-term winner, as it enables the other party to “pin the tail” on the “winner”, who will be blamed for the upcoming structural problems in the nation. Biden won the election, but now […]

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UK Military Commander: COVID Could Bring About A Third World War With Robots

This report was originally from the UK Sun, and while I often do not like to reference pieces from them, this one is with note, because as has pointed out, pandemics often precipitate major regional or even global conflicts in various forms. As such, it is with great interest that a UK military commander […]

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Biden Plans Storm Of Executive Orders To Undo Trump’s Actions

One of the trends warned about was the use of executive orders by Trump to accomplish his particular tasks as opposed to using the legislative process. We said this could start a dangerous precedent for the future with results that turn the presidential seat more into that of a despot. As the Washington Post […]

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The 2020 Election, Or How The Loser Is The Winner

Since this election recount fiasco began, I have promised that I would deliver a fuller analysis once the vote count was for the most part settled. The AP announcement of Biden winning the election and the report by the mainstream press now affords the best time to do this. Biden won the election- but the […]

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AP Officially Declares Biden Victory

Based on the latest counts, the AP and major news media outlets declare a Biden victory. Democrat Joe Biden defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th president of the United States on Saturday, positioning himself to lead a nation gripped by the historic pandemic and a confluence of economic and social turmoil. His victory […]

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