Archive | 2020


Swedish Scientists Prepare To Blot Out The Sun In Experiment For ‘Cooling’ The Earth

There are a lot of, frankly, crazy ideas associated with science. One needs only to think of the mad “Dr. Frankenstein” and his infamous monster immortalized in Shelley’s tale, or of the eugenic madman in The Island of Dr. Moreau, who creates his own race of mutants to rule over on an island, only to […]

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Brazil Rules Everybody Has To Get A COVID-19 Vaccine Or Else Lose State Benefits, Face Movement Restrictions

COVID has brought about a lot of concern to many people, but given the rush to push for a vaccine, there are many questions that the public has, and considering how there have been public adverse reactions to such vaccines, it is understandable that people not want to just rush and take something, especially if […]

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Will Computers Become Scarce Over A ‘Global Chip Shortage’ Now?

For a while, I have noted that the disruption of supply chains caused by COVID is a bid matter and will have major consequences for the future. I have covered disruptions such as to the tool industry or shipping containers from China, based on the production times involved, but according to Reuters, most major electronics […]

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Russia Barred From Participating In The Olympics

One of the trends that has followed, alongside the remilitarization of Russia and looking back to her recent Soviet past, is that of the exclusion of Russia from the ‘world community’, likely with the intention of isolating her in preparation for her invasion and potentially destruction, for in spite of all the blustery talk, […]

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“Religious Leaders” Around The World Stand In Union For Sodomy has for years discussed the major issues concerning the LGBT and its effects and trends on society, which includes many facets but is not limited to religious freedom, personal liberty, and the changing nature of the laws. However, in spite of thousands of years of clear teaching, and opposition from other religions as well, […]

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Spain Legalizes Euthanasia

Once upon a time, Spain not only conquered the world, but Christianized many people with extensive and terrifying challenges to overcome, such as the Aztecs with their history of human sacrifice. But Five centuries later, much has changed in Spain, and not only is the Faith scarcely practiced any more, but many times it is […]

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Islamist Azerbaijani Soldiers Capture As Many As One Hundred Armenian Soldiers

By Theodore Shoebat The horrors of Islamist Azeri occupied Nagorno-Karabakh continue on. Last night we reported on beheadings of Armenian civilians by Azeri troops. Now it is being reported that as many as 100 Armenian soldiers have been captured by Azeris. As we read in BBC: Armenians have protested after reports that as many as […]

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New Satellite Technology Can See Through Walls

A man’s home may be said to be his castle, but what good is a castle if it is not secure? Hence it is why people put up walls, but what happens if one can ‘see through walls’? That is the question being asked now by Futurism magazine, as it reports that a new satellite […]

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Trump Swaps Freedom Of Speech For Chinese-Style Internet Censorship As He Backs The Destruction Of Section 230

President Trump has declared that he will veto a major spending bill unless a provision abolishing Section 230 of Federal Law is removed. President Donald Trump said Thursday he will reject the sweeping defense bill that authorizes a topline of $740 billion in spending and outlines Pentagon policy. “I will Veto the Defense Bill, which […]

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Study: Agnosticism Explodes In The US, Almost Half Of People Are Unsure Of God’s Existence

One of the trends that I have pointed out at is the rise of secularism with a complete lack or indifference to belief in God. America was even at her height a questionably Christian nation, with a long of unbelief. However, this has only become more apparent with time, and with the passing of […]

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Italy’s Population Is In Decline And Changing Because Of Her Choices

Nations are made of people, and as people change, nations change. Sometimes nations disappear because the people disappear, either usually by moving or refusing to reproduce and then being replaced by another group. Italy is an ancient nation, and while she is not ‘disappearing’, she is certainly changing. It is already interesting that she is […]

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New York Expresses Desire To Make Some Taxes On Wealthy New Yorkers ‘Retroactive’

When new laws are passed, they supercede previous ones. Historically in American and most laws in the world save for the worst of third-world nations ruled by tin-pot dictators, laws are generally ‘grandfathered’ in, meaning that if a change happens to a law, those who were in a previous state before the law are not […]

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My Post (69)

2027: The Year When The Nations Will Turn Their Plowshares Into Swords

“Beat your plowshares into swords And your pruning hooks into spears; Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’ ” — Joel 3:10 As the darkness of militarism and tribal nationalism permeates the earth with its vicious presence, an acceleration towards massive military build up is on the way. In the ongoing trends towards militarism, what […]

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