The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation

My Post (58)

The Harder The Media Attacks Trump, The Stronger Trump Becomes

By Theodore Shoebat There is a common narrative that the media is out to take Trump down. But one thing I’ve noticed over the years is that the more the media gives negative coverage on the person, the more attention that person gets. You cannot win a political election without attention, and since there is […]

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China Steps Up Trade War With Australia, Says To Stop Using Australian Cotton

Trade wars tend to precipitate hot wars, and as China has been militarizing on her own and as a trend trying to exert regional pressure in Asia, she is now attempting to economically pressure the Austrailian import-export market by pressing her manufacturing sector to refuse to use Australiian cotton and coal ore according to Zero […]

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Is The Biden Campaign ‘Up In Smoke’ Over A Series Of Business Deals And Laptop Photos?

There are some things in life that are generally bad decisions. These include but are certainly not limited to corrupt business deals with questionable foreign powers while holding a position of power or influence, smoking crack or other mind altering drugs, and fornication with loose women or prostitutes. Combining any of these things tends to […]

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Chinese Government Demands The Name “Genghis Khan” Scrubbed From French Museum Display About Mongolian History

I have written many times that the US and Anglosphere has mastered the art of lying, the Russians cannot lie by have mastered the art of bluffing (better than the Anglosphere), and China can do neither but when she attempts, she appears as an insane man making a barely veiled attempt to cover his criminal […]

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armenian church bombed

Christian Persecution Is Already Being Done In The Caucasus As Azerbaijan Bombs Armenian Cathedral

By Theodore Shoebat The anti-Christian nature of the war against Armenia is already revealing itself as Azerbaijan just recently bombed an Armenian cathedral. As we read in Christianity Today: Armenia accused Azerbaijan on Thursday of shelling a historic cathedral in the separatist territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, where nearly two weeks of heavy fighting has killed hundreds […]

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My Post (39)

Turkish Nationalists Storm Armenian Neighborhoods To Show Their Hatred For Christianity And Their Love For Erdogan

By Theodore Shoebat Turkish nationalists stormed Armenian neighborhoods to show their support for Azerbaijan against Armenia. As we read in France24: Turkey’s Armenian community is becoming increasingly fearful about reprisals as fighting rages in Nagorno-Karabakh, a disputed territory claimed by both Armenia and Azerbaijan, which has the support of the Turkish government. On October 5, […]

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The Sun Sets On The Golden Dawn As Its Leaders Get Lengthy Prison Sentences

The Golden Dawn is an infamous Greek National Socialist group which has written on and been one of the few outlets in English to describe her tied to satanism and a hatred of Christianity. While the group calls itself “Golden Dawn”, for now the sun has set on her as according to the UK […]

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Catholic Diocese With A Troubled History Gets A New Bishop

One of the most infamously corrupt archdioceses in the Catholic Church in the United States is arguably the Archdiocese of Boston, and within the oversight of Boston the Diocese of Springfield is known for a long history of very questionable behavior, as well as of having priests who are difficult. However, a new bishop for […]

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Things Just Got Real As Azerbaijan Accuses Armenia Of Planning To Attack Her Pipelines

The current Azeri-Armenian conflict over the region of Nagorno-Karabakh already has caused many war casualites. However, as with many wars, there are certain things that one does not do. Armenia alluded that they might attack Azerbaijan’s oil pipelines that lead into Turkey and which are the heart of its economy. Azerbaijan responded that if Armenia […]

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Colleges See Massive Declines In Enrollment

Education has always been an important matter, but in the US, one of the trends that I have identified at for the future is a major decline in enrollment in educational institutions, followed by a likely significant decrease in prices for education followed by a restructuring of the “college experience” itself to one that […]

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My Post (38)

Fifty-Two Syrian Fighters Go To Azerbaijan To Fight And Kill Armenians For Turkey. The Armenians Then Ambush Them And Kill All Of Them

By Theodore Shoebat Fifty-two Syrian fighters went to Azerbaijan to fight and kill Armenians for Turkey. They ended up never returning home as they were taken out by Armenian soldiers. As we read in a report from the Washington Post: Families gathered around a refrigerated truck at a Syrian-Turkish border post, waiting earlier this month […]

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Another October Surprise As Emails Allege Hunter Biden Busted Introducing His Father To Ukrainian Big Shots Following Curious Events

There is a long-recognized trend of “October surprises”, but this October seems to have surprise-after-surprise. In another turn of events, many news sources are reporting that Joe Biden’s son Hunter may have been caught in another interestin predicament by way of emails as introducing his father to key Ukrainian businessmen after claims of pressuring the […]

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Not Again: California Faces New Fire Threats

For years many sang the song “California Dreaming” with hopes of going to California for a better life, but right now it is the opposite, with people fleeing high taxes, oppressive regulations, and now, massive wildfires at historically unprecedented levels. The AP reports that amid the current wildfire issues, there is emerging even more new […]

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Netherlands Moves To Legalize Euthanasia For Children

The future of a society can be seen in how it treats its most vulnerable members. It has been known for a while that a lot of European nations have seemingly given up on their will to live by the choices they have been making. I speak not of any sort of ‘racialism’ or ‘nationalism’, […]

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My Post (37)

Mayor De Blasio Is Right, The Jewish Orthodox Enclaves In New York City Are Coronavirus Hot Zones And Need To Be Restricted By Anti-Covid Measures

By Theodore Shoebat There are hot spots of coronavirus in New York City, and many of their zip codes overlap with Jewish Orthodox enclaves. Mayor De Blasio has mentioned the high uptick in covid in these areas, and of course he is being accused of antisemitism. Even Donald Trump implied that de Blasio is antisemitic […]

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