Yet again, we have more evidence that until the west stops playing the word games that Islamic terrorists want them to play, the enemy will continue to remain unidentified. The latest example comes in the form of documents released in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch. The documents […]
Tag Archives | libya
ISIS Continues To Threaten Rome, Tells Every Muslim to ‘get out of his house, find a crusader and kill him’
The threat of ISIS to Italy’s shores from Libya is increasingly being felt. A significant problem is that Italy doesn’t seem to be prepared for it. In fact, Italy’s Prime Minister is actually putting forth the idea that the United Nations will be the force that will protect the country. According to one report: Last […]
Islamic Terrorists Bomb Civilian Airport From the Sky, Causing Panic and Flight Cancellations
Islamic terrorists who go by the name ‘Libya Dawn’ have carried out a bombing campaign on a civilian airport in western Libya. Once again, the name game is played here. The truth is these fighters are no different than other terrorist groups like ISIS. It was recently learned that ISIS joined with Ansar al-Sharia. No […]

Rome, Italy and ALL of Europe Under GRAVE Threat as ISIS Threatens to Ship Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants and Terrorists From Libya
It was just a few months ago that ISIS declared war on the Vatican and threatened to conquer Rome. Now it is threatening to ship hundreds of thousands of migrants, mixed with a substantial amount of ISIS terrorists, into Europe on mass boatlifts. When it comes to European countries that are closest to Libya, Rome’s […]
Tweet Shows ISIS Made Up of Foot Soldiers for the Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey
A tweet sent out by Mohammed al-Houfi is very revealing about just how aligned ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey are. explained much of this dynamic in a post entitled, Egyptian-Libyan Crisis for Dummies. Here is an image of the tweet, with a translation underneath: Translation: Why are they afraid of the Ottoman Empire? […]
Islamic Terrorists Who Attacked Benghazi OFFICIALLY Join ISIS (Ansar al-Sharia = ISIS)
Nearly two and a half years after the Benghazi attacks, it’s finally being reported that ISIS has joined with Ansar al-Sharia in Libya. It should not be considered news that Islamic terrorists joined forces but unfortunately, it is. As reported months ago, all anyone had to do was examine the flags that were being […]
State Department Spokesman Wonders Why ’17 year-olds’ Join ISIS Instead of ‘Try to Start a Business’
It never ceases to amaze how willing spokesmen for the Obama administration are to look completely vacuous on a national stage. In the latest example, State Department spokesman Marie Harf appeared with Chris Matthews to talk about ISIS. Aside from making the absurd comment that while the U.S. is ‘killing a lot’ of ISIS fighters, […]
After Helping Muslim Terrorists Remove and Kill Gadhafi, Europe is Under Greater Threat as ISIS Threatens to Control Libya
In 2011, NATO led the effort at regime change in Libya; that happened officially in October of that year when President Muammar Gadhafi was killed. Keep in mind that the vast majority of NATO member countries are European; Turkey is one of the few exceptions. Now, in 2015, ISIS not only appears to be on […]
U.S. Closes Embassy in Yemen Five Months After Obama Touted U.S. Success in That Country While Also Saying, ‘ISIL is Not Islamic’
Reality continues to remain at odds with what the Obama administration and State Department is telling the American people. The Latest example comes courtesy of Yemen. Five months after Barack Obama touted U.S. success in Yemen while telling the American people that ‘ISIL is not Islamic’, the U.S. Embassy in Yemen is being closed (h/t […]
LEAKED EVIDENCE Shows Senator McCain Involved in Major Islamic Conspiracy to Transform Middle East into Islamic State
Recently revealed conversations between the Pentagon and the Gadhafi regime in 2011 show that then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was serving the Muslim Brotherhood by pushing a false narrative to justify the removal of Muammar Gadhafi, as has reported. With the help of corroborating evidence, we’re closer to proving that Republican Senator John […]
LEAKED AUDIO RECORDINGS Reveal Hillary Clinton is a Muslim Brotherhood Agent Who Helped Muslim Brotherhood Take Control of North Africa and Middle East
According to a three-part series published by the Washington Times, it was Hillary Clinton who was insisting that the U.S. remove Libya’s Muammar Gadhafi in 2011 while pushing false narratives to do so. These reports have allegedly caught the attention of the House Select Committee on Benghazi. What must be included in this analysis is […]
**UPDATE** Retired Four-Star General and Former Head of AFRICOM Appears to Tweet ‘May Allah Bless you’ in Response to Tweet from CIA Director and Skype Account Appears to Show He was Friends with Fort Hood Jihadist
***UPDATE BELOW POST – ACCOUNTS FAKED / HACKED?*** Thanks to one of our readers who commented on an earlier post, we’ve been provided with two extremely bizarre yet fascinating screen shots from what appears to be the twitter and Skype accounts of a retired four-star Army General who was head of AFRICOM at the […]
Democrat Congressman Admits Obama and Hillary had ‘No After Plan’ for Libya but Fails to Understand That WAS the Plan
The claims made by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HA), that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had ‘no after plan’ in Libya once the removal of Muammar Gadhafi was complete, were a bit surprising, coming from a Democrat. In an interview about the deteriorating situation all across the Middle East, Gabbard was asked about Libya specifically. She […]
Liberal NYC Anarchists Should Look To Libya to See where Anarchy Leads but they won’t Because they’re Too Thick-Headed
As Barack Obama works with Al Sharpton and other community organizers agitators to sow discontent and anarchy domestically, the president’s foreign policy has succeeded in at least one regard. In Libya, chaos, disorder, mayhem and anarchy have been allowed to flourish since Obama’s administration led ‘from behind’ to remove Gadhafi from power. Instead of staying […]
U.S. Veterans Group Launches Series of Videos Slamming Obama’s Foreign Policy
Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) is launching a series of videos intended to highlight the ‘leading from behind’ strategy of Barack Obama’s foreign policy. The first installment is spot-on and is near perfect alignment with positions held by yours truly and others prior to the decision on the part of the administration to work for […]
Hillary’s Empathy For Muslim Enemies Got Four Americans Murdered
Empathy: the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. Earlier this month, Hillary Clinton may have inadvertently admitted to being responsible for the deaths of four Americans. During a speech at Georgetown University, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton insisted that America “empathize with (the enemy’s) perspective and […]