By Walid Shoebat
America’s largest mosque complex, officially known as Turkish-American Culture and Civilization Center, was built with Turkish funding under the supervision of the Turkish religious foundation (Diyanet). The $100 million mega mosque in Lanham, Maryland, will soon be open for Muslim worshipers in the Washington, DC area, as their link shows: “Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdoğan and US President Barack Obama are expected to open the mosque.”
Erdogan’s newspaper Yeni Safak reports:
“The $100 million mega-mosque in Maryland, US will soon be open in the Washington, DC area, as Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdoğan is expected to open the mosque during his official visit to the US between March 29 and April 2.”
I guess you can learn about your president’s next step towards building Islam in the U.S., not from your media, but from Erdogan’s official media Yeni Safak instead:
Do you see “US Double Minaret Mosque” above in the article Erdogan published? Why “Two Minarets”?
An Ottoman sultan is addressed as such in prayer: “O God, assist the Sultan, son of the Sultan, Sovereign of the Two Continents, of the Two Seas, Destroyer of Two Armies, Sultan of the Two Iraqs, Servant of the Two Sanctuaries [Mecca and Medina]” (Ibn Iyas, 195-1960). Muhammad II was “Sovereign of the Two Seas, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.”
Turkey is an empire that will arise twice, once as the Ottoman Empire, then the second time after this deadly wound is healed as the Neo-Ottomans.
Even prophets like John recognizes this feature and Daniel recognizes that Antichrist loves to have his established castles between the “two seas”:
“And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the [two] seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.” (Daniel 11:45)
Indeed, Erdogan is planting tabernacles (mosques) even between the Pacific and the Atlantic with lightening speed. Will the West ever awake its slumber and learn just how packed each verse is in the scriptures?
America’s largest mosque complex, officially known as the Turkish-American Culture and Civilization Center, was built with Turkish funding under the supervision of the Turkish religious foundation (Diyanet).

Will Obama disappoint his Caliph? No. Stupid Americans voted for this servant of the Sultan, Sovereign of the Two Continents
Almost all $100 million for the mosque was funded by the Religious Affairs and the Religious Foundation of Turkey, part of the Turkish-Islamic Center also known as the “American Religious Center,” built on a large area in Lanham, Maryland that will have the capacity to host 3,000 Muslim worshippers indoors and outdoors which includes a community building, a guest house, traditional Turkish houses, library, conference and exhibition halls, meeting rooms, reception, museum of Islamic art, coffee house, gift shops, cultural center, amphitheater, computer lab, library and even Turkish baths in the old Ottoman style … the works. It “aims at bringing all Muslims together, to enlighten people about the facts of Islam and guide believers to a correct way” says Yeni Safak.
English: expect a spiritual Bubonic plague all with mystic Sufism and wakeup calls of Allahu-Akbar from loudspeakers thundering the community at the wee hours of the night.
And these projects are not only in Maryland (keep in mind, it was called Maryland, as in the Land of Mary for Catholics), in Dayton Ohio, watch these dumb Americans expressing Allahu-Akbar in the highest, And on earth Islam is peace among men:
But what is going on in the U.S., is nothing I’n comparison to Erdogan’s goal to revive Islam in the “far reaches of the north”. He is leading the Muslim world in shaping and spreading an objective: to speedily revive Islam in the regions of the north, the Turkic republics in Central Asia and African nations.
Believe it or not, the Turkish religious authority had had 200,267 meetings, conferences, panels and symposiums, all organized solely in the northern parts of the globe as an objective to influence non-Arab Muslim countries, especially in the Balkans. To Turkey Central Asia’s C.I.S nations (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan). This is the goal of this anti-Christ agenda and Turkey today takes the lead in what the Bible prophecies Antichrist will do in the region of Meshech, Tubal, Gomer and Beth Togarmah:
You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north (Isaiah 14:13)
A state-sponsored program to build mosques in countries from Kazakhstan to Cuba has emerged as a foreign policy instrument for Turkey, boosting the country’s claim to a place on the international stage as a leader of the Islamic world that looks after Muslims everywhere.
The Grand Mufti of Turkey, Mehmet Gormez, Turkey’s giant Directorate of Religious Affairs, which runs the country’s 85,000 mosques and employs 122,000 people, has assumed an increasingly active role in the government’s foreign policy.

Grand Mufti of Turkey Mehmet Gormez shakes hands with an onlooker after an inauguration ceremony in front of the Gazi Husrev Begova Mosque in Sarajevo, Nov. 15, 2012. (photo by REUTERS/Dado Ruvic)
A glance at its website is enough to see how active the directorate has become internationally. The institution’s 2013 activity report, available on the website, describes a transboundary agenda of “shaping and spreading an objective perception of Islam around the world.” It says the directorate aims “to present an understanding of Islam, which is based on Islam’s scientific foundations, and lead the efforts to spread it.” It notes that 200,267 meetings, conferences, panels and symposiums were organized abroad as part of this objective.
The above video shows more beneath the surface and Americans need to pay close attention! “Minarets have no mahya” says Erdoğan in the video speaking parables well understood in the region. Mahya is a string of lights that links minarets with Islamic banners. Here is a photo of the American mosque in Maryland from Erdogan’s own source, Yeni Safak, notice the connect between the two minarets, what is the message? Ship – Dua.

Notice carefully, the words “Ship-Dua”. “Dua” is Prayer and “Ship” is in Turkey’s symbol the Tugra (see image below). According to the Tughra Analysis and Form Turkey’s emblem represents a ship: “The three vertical letter “alef” (III) with what appears three looking squiggles SSS represent ship masts with the sails going westward to invade and conquer the west [Europe]” (to learn more click here).
This is Erdoğan’s dream, a symbolic link with all mosques (minarets) across the globe, especially in the Caucasus in order to unite all Muslim lands to himself. Such a connection is why Erdoğan is building a grand mosque in the U.S. (with many more to come with the help from President Barack Hussein Obama) as claimed by Turkey’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu. What Erdogan says in the video above is a prayer of victory:
“We all have a hoarse voice… do not leave
our minarets with no calls to prayer, my Allah!
Either bring us those who make honey
or do not just leave us with no hive, my Allah!
Minarets have no mahya [a string of lights set up between two minarets to flash a short text, often featuring moral or religious themes]…
Do not take the Milky Way away from our skies, my Allah!
Do not leave this country, which was kneaded by Muslims,
with no Muslims, my Allah”
Give us strength… Do not leave the field of jihad
with no pahlevan [wrestler], My Allah!
Do not leave these masses, who look for a hero,
with no hero, My Allah!
Let us know how to resist the foe,
do not leave us lifeless, my Allah!
On the path to tomorrows, do not leave
our years with no Ramadan [month], my Allah!
Either disperse your herd, if left unattended,
or do not leave them with no shepherd, my Allah!
Do not leave us, O, with no love, no water, no air
and with no country, my Allah!”
This is his prayer for the coming Mahdi “the hero” the “shepherd”. Americans need to stop thinking that Antichrist speaks English and should start tracking what Turkey has in store for the West.
Americans make fiction movies about the Antichrist; charismatic, powerful, slick … yet when this Red Dragon come up alive from the dead, with his crescent horn and hits them in the face speaking of how he will swallow Europe, they sleep:
All over Europe, the Middle East and Asia, Erdogan takes the lead where the Saudis dream of advancing as Turkey is in the mosque building enterprise. The directorate’s wide range of overseas activities includes 80 visits paid by official delegations to Islamic countries or countries with Muslim communities, as well as joint initiatives in 79 countries, mostly Turkic republics in Central Asia and African nations, to provide mosques, schools and other educational services. A total of 3,791 students have been brought from the Balkans, the Turkic republics and Africa to study in Turkey’s imam-hatip religious high schools, Quranic courses, and post-graduate and doctoral programs.
Observers of the directorate’s activities say the institution has notably increased its influence over Islamic institutions in non-Arab Muslim countries, especially in the Balkans.
Erdogan added that the Directorate of Religious Affairs, or Diyanet (Religion) a Turkish state institution that administers Turkey’s 80,000 mosques and runs the international mosque-building program via a foundation, and Turkey’s development aid agency, TIKA, would keep track of the mosque project in Cuba. “There has been no negative approach” by the Cuban authorities regarding the Turkish proposal, Erdogan said.
According to the Diyanet, Turkey is currently involved in the construction of 18 big mosques in about a dozen countries, including the United States, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Albania, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, Palestine and Somalia. In total, the Diyanet foundation TDV has overseen the construction of around 50 mega mosques in 25 foreign countries since it was created in 1975.
The ongoing project in Tirana, the capital of Albania, will be the biggest mosque in the Balkans, providing praying space for 4,500 worshippers. The Diyanet says it’s also helping to repair mosques abroad that have been damaged by war.
The purpose of the mosque-building project goes beyond the aim of providing Muslims in other countries with modern places of worship. Speaking about the mosques and Turkey’s humanitarian aid program, TDV official Mazhar Bilgin said recently that the country had “become the sole hope for Muslims in the world.”
The guise for Turkey in selling its idea is simple. The help offered by Turkey is claimed to prevent radical groups, but truth is, it is an instrument of soft power to widen Turkey’s influence and to become the role model for all Muslim nations.
In a nutshell, expect to see Sufi Islam in a mosque near you with sounds of Allahu-Akbar. And before you say Jesus is coming soon, expect Antichrist is coming sooner.
Americans need to wake up, pay attention, a woman come from heaven, and she will stomp this crescent, while the tares still believe in their fictions.