By Theodore Shoebat There used to be 300 churches in Iraq, and now they are only 52, which means the Muslims have destroyed 248 churches in the country of Iraq, alone. While the modern minded people (who think they are intelligent), give seemingly pious objections against Russia’s anti-sodomite laws, they do not lift a finger […]
Archive | January, 2014
Obama sending Gitmo Terrorists back to Sudan
There are four – count ’em, four – countries on the U.S. State Department list of State Sponsors of Terrorism. Not only is one of them Sudan but that country is led by the Muslim Brotherhood’s Omar al-Bashir, a man wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity. Nearly two years ago, […]
Congressmen, Senator Cruz have ‘Top Secret’ Documents
Our recent post – ‘Top Secret’ Documents Implicate Obamas, Clintons – is one of our most important articles. It corroborates much of our previous work and even further makes the case against the Obama administration and the Clintons. Accordingly, we faxed a 1-page document to all of the Congressmen listed below. This document was faxed […]
‘Top Secret’ Documents Implicate Obamas, Clintons
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack Shocking documents (screen shots at bottom of this post) by Egyptian security forces monitoring the movements of Malik Obama’s Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO) and the father (Essam el-Haddad) of a former Clinton employee (Gehad El-Haddad) sheds further light on the nefarious dealings of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. These […]
Russia Places Ban On Islamic Fundamentalist Literature
By Theodore Shoebat The Russian government has placed a ban on 16 books written by the Islamic fundamentalist writer, Said Nursi, after they were evaluated and concluded that they “encouraged hatred and restricted the freedom of people who do not believe in Islam.” It is reported that his books were in a suspect’s home in […]
Muslims Give Instructional Video On How To Stone People To Death
Posted by Theodore Shoebat Watch this video in which Muslims show the world, in a step by step process, how they savagely murder a woman by stoning her to death, to the sounds of Koranic prayers: AFTER WATCHING THIS, PLEASE DONATE TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES IN IRAQ AND SYRIA.
Muslims Attack Church, Christians Fight Back And Kill Five Of Them
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria, just this Sunday, invaded the villages of Oweto and Utuluewu, and murdered seven Christians. One John Ngbede described the attack: They killed seven of our community members in Oweto and Utuluewu villages in Agatu, while many others were injured in the attack …There was sporadic shooting in these two […]
Muslims Whip Woman, And Then Stone Man To Death
Posted by Theodore Shoebat Here is a video of a man stoned to death, and a woman being whipped by Muslims. According to the story, the woman was whipped because she was single, but the man, being married, was killed: AFTER WATCHING THIS, PLEASE DONATE TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES
Muslims Behead Man For Not Praying To Allah
Posted by Theodore Shoebat Watch this video of Muslims beheading a man for not praying to Allah, or conducting the Islamic prayer: PLEASE DONATE TO SAVE CHRISTIANS IN SYRIA AND IRAQ

Rep. Mike Kelly makes case against Himself
By Ben Barrack We know many of y’all may be familiar with this but we’re finding more relevant excerpts from Rep. Mike Kelly’s radio town hall in which I asked him about the Malik Obama scandal. In light of the fact that he’s said nothing since asserting that the charges against Obama’s brother are “spot […]
British Muslim Leader Runs from Jihad Opportunity
Anjem Choudary is the most prominent Muslim face in Great Britain. He has a history of exhorting his followers to engage in Jihad and insists that one day western civilization will fall to Islam. When British soldier Lee Rigby was beheaded in the streets last year, it was learned that his assailant was a Choudary […]
Muslims To Christians: “O Christians: Convert to Islam and you will be safe.”
By Theodore Shoebat When Muslim fighters entered the village of Maaloula, one of the oldest Christian villages in history, they made this proclamation: O Christians: Convert to Islam and you will be safe. Abu Sarkis, a leader in the National Defense Committees, told Al-Akhbar of what the Muslims said after this command was said: Afterward, […]

Lying NY Times Writer Busted, Doubles Down on Benghazi
The release of a bipartisan Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) report on Benghazi last week was preceded by a discredited New York Times piece by the paper’s Cairo Bureau Chief David Kirkpatrick. In fact, the SSCI report itself delivered a haymaker to Kirkpatrick’s credibility but alas, as liberal New York Times writers are wont […]
Arab Prostitutes in the Vatican
By Walid Shoebat When plugging “Patriarch” or “Bishop” in Arabic on Google, what type of spiritual prostitution that is found should surprise western Catholics, but is of no surprise to us from the Middle East who are used to reading daily the statements from the highest ranks frothing with virulent anti-Semitic rhetoric made under the […]
Son of God Trailer
We have not seen this film but the trailer does look good. In theaters on February 28th. Via Son of God Movie:
Muslims Attack Pastor’s Home And Burn It Down
Posted by Theodore Shoebat Watch this video of a Syrian Christian woman talking about how Muslims kidnap and murder Christians, and how they attacked the home of a pastor and burned it down. PLEASE DONATE TO SAVE CHRISTIANS IN SYRIA AND IRAQ