A PBS documentary on the Rise of ISIS is quite unflattering to Barack Obama’s role in the growth of the terrorist group. Of course, there’s the issue of pulling U.S. troops out of the region in late 2011. Former Obama Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta has already voiced significant criticism for that (Panetta is also […]
Archive | October, 2014
Chickensh*t Comment Opens Can of Worms After Going Viral
While Ebola has been traced back to bat excrement, it’s ‘chickensh*t’ that’s making news at the moment. The revelation that a ‘senior official’ in the Obama administration accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of being a ‘chickensh*t’ is getting significant traction; it’s actually going viral days away from an election. Steve Hayes made an excellent […]
Militant Christianity IS The Soul Of Christianity
By Theodore Shoebat The Apostle John said, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” (1 John 3:8) Christ came to fight, and to destroy. For this reason do I say that militant Christianity is the soul of Christianity. It is an inherent part of […]
ISIS Takes 48 Innocent People And Butcher Every Single One Of Them With Pure Cruelty
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Jihadists from the Islamic State group have executed at least 46 members of a tribe that fought against them in Iraq’s Anbar province, sources said. ISIS jihadists have overrun large areas of Anbar, and the killings are likely aimed at discouraging resistance from powerful local tribes, who will be key […]
Rise of Islamic Terrorism is Requiring a New Level of Islamic Deception
As Islamic terrorism continues to rise and as the horrors of ISIS continue to take root in the collective consciousness of westerners, stealth Jihadists (stealthists) and Muslim sympathizers (sympies) need to reach a new level of deception. Non-Muslims will seek clearer lines of demarcation between Muslims and radical Muslims, even between Muslims and non-Muslims. As […]
ISIS Beheads Several Men For Cursing THE DEVIL
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) While several western blogs reported the case of ISIS beheading several men for “cursing God,” they err since the official ruling by ISIS which was announced in Middle Eastern sources stated that these executions were carried out for “Sabi Rabul-Alameen,” in English “for cursing The Lord of the Worlds”. Westerners do not understand that the […]
Russian Police Raid Islamic Centers, Mosques, Muslim Schools, And Shut Down Jehovah’s Witness Churches
By Theodore Shoebat In Crimea, which is now under Russian jurisdiction, police are now raiding Islamic centers, they have shut down numerous Jehovah’s Witness churches, and have even banned the Global Human Rights Torch Relay by the Chinese cult, Falun Gong, a spiritual movement that incorporates Buddhism with some Taoist elements. According to one report: […]
Obama Administration On Netanyahu: “The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chickenshit… The good thing about Netanyahu is that he’s scared to launch wars.”
By Theodore Shoebat Obama administration officials have been caught saying: The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chickenshit… The good thing about Netanyahu is that he’s scared to launch wars. According to one report: US-Israeli relations have sunk to new lows after Obama administration officials were cited calling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “chickenshit” […]
Obama’s Plan to Bring Ebola-Infected, non-U.S. Citizens from Muslim Super Majority Countries to U.S. a Step Closer to Federal Quarantines for Americans
Of the three west African countries with the biggest Ebola problem, two of them have Muslim super majority populations. We now have confirmation that Barack Obama wants to bring many of them to the U.S. for treatment. Making this prospect more precarious is the Muslim burial practices, which tend to facilitate the spread of the […]
Groveling Police Chief Falls Victim to Good Cop / Bad Cop
It seems the police chief of Ottawa, Charles Bordeleau is falling victim to a game of good cop / bad cop. After Corporal Nathan Cirillo was murdered by a jihadist who then stormed the Parliament building before being shot by the Sergeant-at-Arms, Bordeleau went to work, shamelessly pleading with leaders of Muslim groups who themselves […]
Homosexual Journalist who Helped Snowden Leak NSA Documents Again Shows Support for Muslim Brotherhood
The recent comments by homosexual journalist Glenn Greenwald, who became infamous when he published Edward Snowden’s NSA files, provide another in a long line of examples which show that his sympathies lie with the Muslim Brotherhood. During a television interview, Greenwald was in ‘blame America first’ mode and whipped out the tired argument that the […]
Thousands Of Christians Take Up Arms, Make A Crusade, And Slaughter Muslims Who Try To Kill Them
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE BY Theodore Shoebat And Walid Shoebat We don’t want queers, We don’t want Muslims, We have no fear Soon shall Christendom rule With the words of Deus Vult! In time shall the Holy Church have glory The Crusade will be zealous and holy Love shall bring us honor For with the Holy Cross […]
A Soldier’s Last Will and Testament
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) “Mama, I love you very much. Do not weep if I am killed. I love you very much. Do not weep. Take care of Hamadeh. Do not fear and have joy. Do not fear. I will give myself in. No I’d rather shoot myself than surrender. There is no one […]
Majority of Muslims in the World Are Radical (Don’t Tell Ben Affleck)
Very informative video below of Ben Shapiro enumerating a list of Muslim countries and percentages of Muslims who believe in things like Sharia law, honor killings, and targeting innocent civilians. If those things meet your requirement for defining a radical Muslim, you might be surprised at how many radical Muslims there are in the world […]
Obama USING Marxist Experience to PROMOTE Muslim Expansion
There are several debates when it comes to Barack Obama. One has to do with whether he is more Marxist or more Muslim. The answer may involve his usage of one to promote the elevation of the other. Perhaps there is no clear-cut answer but Obama’s continued reliance on Zbigniew Brzezinski as one of his […]
The Demonstrations To Drive Islam Out of Germany Is Spreading And Gaining Momentum
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) The massive riots on Sunday by Hooligans Against [Muslim] Salafists in Cologne seems to have spread to Dresden were public assembly showed in full force and plans are on the way for additional massive riots on November 15th planned in Hamburg and at the Brandenburg Gate, the center of the capital of […]