By Theodore Shoebat A pastor in Kenya was arrested by police for trying to lure a man into having a homosexual relationship with him. All I can say is good for Kenya for purging their society of such sick and evil reprobates. I did a whole video on this: I hope the whole of the […]
Archive | December, 2014
Pentagon Starts Using Arabic Acronym for ‘ISIS’ to Get Away from English Acronym that has ‘Islamic’ in it
Progressive liberals are obsessed with word games and the Pentagon’s reason for using the Arabic acronym for ISIS (Da’ish) rather than the English one does not disappoint in that regard. You see, in English, the “IS” in ISIS stands for “Islamic State”. The Arabic acronym is no different in that it stands for the exact […]
You Live By Islamic Terror You Shall Die By Islamic Terror
By Walid Shoebat It is interesting that weeks from before we issued our findings on Pakistan’s serious troubles with being engulfed by terrorism, that Pakistan was paralyzed after the Taliban’s worst terrorist attack ever which took the lives of 145 Pakistani Muslims mostly children. This is why at, we tell you the news before […]
SONY Pictures Doing with ‘The Interview’ what Actress in ‘Innocence of Muslims’ Not Allowed to do
In the same week that the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court began hearing arguments in the Garcia vs. Google, SONY Pictures decided not to release The Interview, a very unserious movie about the assassination of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. The decision by SONY was made in the wake of hacked employee emails and a […]
Muslims Take 150 Women, Some Of Whom Are Pregnant, And Execute Every One Of Them For Refusing To Be Their Sex Slaves
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq, all members of ISIS, took 150 women, some of whom were pregnant, and executed every single one of them for refusing to be their sex slaves. According to one Mid-East report: At least 150 women who refused to marry militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, […]
JUST CAME IN Muslims Massacre Thirty-Three People And Kidnap 200 Men, Women And Children
By Theodore Shoebat Boko Haram Muslims just conducted a major massacre in Nigeria in which they slaughtered 33 people and kidnapped 200 men, women and children. As one report informs us: Militants have stormed a remote village in north-eastern Nigeria, killing at least 33 people and kidnapping about 200, a survivor has told the BBC. […]
Saudi Arabia Makes New Law: If You Get Caught Bringing In Bibles You Will Be Executed
By Theodore Shoebat Saudi Arabia, according to some reports, has made a new law that if you get caught bringing in Bibles into their country, then you will face punishment, even death. According to Paul Washer of HeartCry Missionary Society, “[T]he new law extends to the importing of all illegal drugs and ‘all publications that […]
ISIS Attacks Air Base in Iraq Manned with U.S. Military ‘Advisers’ and is Decimated
When it comes to the U.S. battle with ISIS in Iraq, we’ve been told there will be no ground troops – only air strikes. Someone should tell that to the nearly 100 U.S. military ‘advisers’ stationed at a base in Iraq. They engaged in combat with ISIS after the base was attacked. According to a […]
EU Caught Taking Muslim Terror Group Off Terror List while Calling the Move a Technicality
Western civilization continues waving white flags as if it’s part of a parade. The latest example comes courtesy of the European Union, which has taken Hamas off the terror list while attempting to minimize the significance by referring to the move as being based on a technicality. According to a report by the BBC: A […]
Homosexual Man Rapes And Tortures THOUSANDS Of Young Boys (WATCH THE DISTURBING VIDEO)
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat A British homosexual charity activist, Simon Harris, was arrested and put into prison for the rape of countless young boys. According to the police in Kenya, where he raped and tortured most of his victims, Harris is responsible for the rape of literally thousands of young boys. There is a […]
Texas Plumber Gets Flooded with Calls After His Truck Spotted Being Used by ISIS in Syria
After selling one of his company’s trucks and likely not thinking twice, Mark Oberholtzer, owner of Mark-1 Plumbing would later be barraged with angry calls accusing him of being connected to terrorists. The reason? When he sold his truck, which went up for auction and likely traded hands several times, Oberholtzer neglected to take his […]
So You Don’t Believe That ISIS Uses Scorpions?
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Some folks laughed us off doubting the story that ISIS launches canister bombs containing thousands of live scorpions designed to spread fear among their enemies or that such deviant plans are also intended to be carried out in the United States. Well, we did not want to horrify you but […]
Liberal Argues that Requiring Muslims to Condemn Bigoted Muslim Terrorists is ‘Bigoted’ and ‘Islamophobic’
bigot: a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief or opinion. Yup, that pretty much sums up every Muslim terrorist, right? Islamic terrorists are by definition ‘bigoted’ because they murder people who are not like them. In many cases, they murder Muslims who are not Muslim enough. Yet, liberal clown Max Fischer […]
Inside the Mind of a terrorist – Walid Shoebat on Sun News National Cable TV Canada
Walid Shoebat was interviewed on “Straight Talk” with Jerry Agar on Sun News this evening. Watch here get some straight talk and some real information on the global Jihad.
Muslim Man Abducts Christian Girl, Locks Her Up In A Room, And Rapes And Beats Her For Two And A Half Months
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat A Christian girl in Pakistan, named Noreen Masih, was abducted by a Muslim man who locked her up in a room. For two and a half months he raped and beat Noreen. She eventually was freed and soon married. But even after her marriage, her Muslim tormenter kidnapped her again, […]
Ambassador Angers Israeli Journalist After Saying Jews Should Welcome Discrimination in Favor of Muslims
There was a time when it was much easier to create the perception that when it comes to the Israelis and Palestinians, both sides are at fault. That has become more difficult, as last summer’s fighting in Gaza demonstrated. The media was doing all it could to push a narrative it knew to be false […]