Archive | June 21, 2015

300,000 Christians Gather Together To Combat The Antichrist Attack Against Christianity

By Theodore Shoebat 300,000 Christians gathered together in Rome’s San Giovanni Square to combat the antichrist attack against Christianity throughout the West. They rallied against the evil homosexual agenda and the demonic system of abortion. A video was taken of the reality: According to one report on the rally: Up to 300,000 people reportedly gathered […]

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By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Homs, Syria, kidnapped a Catholic priest named Jacques Murad and a Catholic deacon, named Deacon Hanna Boutros. This is just another proof of what I have been saying for quite some time, that Islam was founded as an anti-Catholic religion. I did a whole video on this: According to the […]

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Obama Will Face Major Embarrassment As Iraq’s Shiite Controlled Government Plans To Execute 7000 Sunnis In Iraq

By Walid Shoebat The media began its speculation as to why President Barack Obama appeared to snub Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on a park bench at the G-7 summit. The answer to the question might have much to do with Haider al-Abadi who is running Iraq as a state of militia gangs presenting seven thousand […]

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SUDDEN JIHAD SYNDROME? Bosnian Muslim man drives car at 90 mph into crowd of shoppers, before getting out and stabbing elderly bystanders

By BI: At least three people are reported dead and another 34 injured. The incident took place in Graz, Austria’s second largest city, and police officers have now sealed off the area. German-language website Krone reported that the man arrested by police is of Bosnian origin. (SEE UPDATE BELOW) UK Daily Mail  The driver did not resist when he was […]

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FRANCE: Angry Homeless Muslim illegal alien invaders reject being forced to live in homeless shelters, demand to be given hotel accommodations

By BI: One of the Muslim ingrates says, “Truly, it was disgusting, we couldn’t stay there. We slept with tramps and homeless people,” he says. “You can’t put us Muslim (supremacists) with lowlife scum  like that.” “We expect to be put up in decent hotels.” FRANCE TVinfo  Other Muslim invaders describe a centre “in a deplorable state, very […]

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LEAKED VIDEO Shows The Reality Of How It Is Living Under ISIS. A Muslim Terrorists Takes A Man And Hacks His Head Off With Extremely Large And Sharp Sword

By Theodore Shoebat A video that recently leaked from the area of Al-Raqqa in Syria, gives us a glimpse as to how it is living under ISIS. In the video, which was able to obtain, an ISIS thug hacks a man’s head off with one blow using a very large and very sharp sword: […]

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The Obama Regime has mandated that Arabic language and culture be taught in Texas public schools

By BI: Will your state be next? How long until Christian, Jewish, & other non-Muslim students will be forced to drop down to their knees, place their heads on the floor and raise up their butts to Allah in Islamic prayer as the Christian female students in the photo below were forced to do on a […]

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BRITAIN: Little Muslim savages brutally beat up a 10-year-old British kid for allegedly calling them a name

By BI: West Yorkshire Police say they are investigating an online video in which a ten-year-old boy is chased and beaten by two MUSLIM youths. In the video, the boy is kicked and punched by two MUSLIM attackers before trying to escape in a nearby garden. One of the youths then kicks and punches him repeatedly as […]

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EVER THE VICTIM, Muslims whine about this being “the worst year in America for Muslims since 9/11″

By BI: Linda Sarsour, a radical Muslim activist supporter of Hamas and sharia law, a representative of an UAE and FBI-designated terrorist group, and other repugnant self-proclaimed Muslim ‘victims’ whine about how ‘Islamophobia’ in America is worse now than it ever has been before, even right after 9/11. Crazy Sarsour also claimed that the Muslim underwear […]

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One would think that Catholic Spain’s centuries long domination by Islamic rule should have guaranteed that no Muslim would ever again be allowed in

By BI: When Spain is forced to give up its sovereignty to the Islamic State of Andalusia for the second time, the people will have only themselves to blame. BYE BYE BARCELONA: BYE BYE MARBELLA BYE BYE SPAIN (Coming soon)

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