Archive | February, 2016

PEACE IN OUR TIMES: Turkey And Israel Are Making A Peace Treaty While The Christian Prepares For Spiritual WARFARE

By Walid Shoebat Rejoice everybody, its Hudna in our times! Its Time For A Falafel Party, Hookah and Baklava! Israel and Turkey are nearing a peace agreement. “Israel and Turkey will publish a statement about this in the coming days” said Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. ‘Peace in our times’ to soon be announced. And in Aleppo, Syria, we are also witnessing […]

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Watch Leftist Reporter Getting Choke Slammed At Donald Trump Rally

A leftist reporter, who is said to be working for TIME Magazine, was choke slammed at a Trump rally. Glad to see these little manipulators being stood up against:   CHRISTIANS ARE BEING KILLED AND RAPED EVERY SINGLE DAY, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION TO OUR RESCUE TEAM THAT WILL SAVE THE LIVES OF […]

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Major University Tells Their Students That They Cannot Criticize Homosexuality. They Throw Out One Student For Simply Quoting A Bible Verse That Condemns Homosexuality

By Theodore Shoebat The University of Sheffield, in England, has made it quite clear to their students that they cannot criticize homosexuality by throwing out a Christian student for simply a verse from the Bible that condemns homosexuality on his Facebook page. According to one report: A married Christian student with four children has been […]

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The Church Of England Declares To The British Government: Bring In At Least 50,000 Islamic Refugees

By Theodore Shoebat The Church of England has declared to the British government that it should bring in at least 50,000 “Syrian” refugees, who are in reality Islamic refugees from various countries. According to the report: Parishes across Britain have been urged to join Christian “mission” by housing Syrian refugees as the government’s resettlement strategy […]

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Muslims Woman In Russia Takes Infant, Cuts The Baby’s Head Off, And Walks Around The Street Holding The Head, Screaming “Allahu Akbar!”

By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim woman in Russia decapitated an infant and carried the head around while screaming “Allahu Akbar!” Here are the photos: There is also a video: According to one report: A burka-clad babysitter decapitated the little girl in her care before walking through Moscow carrying the child’s severed head, police say. The […]

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Marco Rubio Declares: There Are Millions Of Patriotic Muslims In America, Islam Is A Great Religion And Muslims Should Own Guns

By Theodore Shoebat Marco Rubio, in another piece of propaganda that was specifically done to counter Trump, has stated how there are “millions of patriotic Muslims,” and how they should own guns and how Islam is a great religion. Watch the video and let your mind feast at this comedic squirming:   CHRISTIANS ARE BEING […]

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Homosexual Leaders Declare That They Want To Force Christian Business To Pay For Abortions

By Theodore Shoebat Homosexual leaders in the US are pushing for the government to force Christian businesses to pay for abortion. This is all part of the sodomite war against human life. The sodomites believe that they are superior to the rest of the world, and this push for tyranny upon Christians is only an […]

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Jerusalem Has Become Sodom And Gomorrah And The Two Witnesses Are Coming Soon, And When They Arrive They Will Fight Against The Homosexuals And The Muslims

By Walid Shoebat “Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city–which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt–where also their Lord was crucified.” (Revelation 11:8) It is a prophecy whenever its read folks begin to guess if this was Moses and Elijah or Enoch and Elijah and the debates go on without focusing on the substance or the […]

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One Hundred Americans From Ohio Travel To Iraq To Fight Islamic Terrorists

By Theodore Shoebat One hundred Americans, all of whom are members of the National Guard, are going to Iraq to help the fight against the Islamic terrorists. According to a report: Two waves of Ohio Air National Guard troops have been deployed in the U.S.-led fight against the Islamic State group. Roughly 100 members of […]

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Muslims Release This Message: “We will not do anything to you as long as all of your daughters are brought to us by 6 p.m.” They Then Take All Of The Girls, Get Themselves High Off Drugs And Rape All Of Them In Mass Rape Fest

By Theodore Shoebat  ISIS Muslims released this message to a community in Iraq: “We will not do anything to you as long as all of your daughters are brought to us by 6 p.m.” Once they got all of the women, they got themselves high off drugs and raped them. One report shows how one of the rape […]

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ISIS Is Invading Baghdad, Slaughters Seventy People In Major Massacre, Proving That The War In Iraq Was An Absolute Failure

By Theodore Shoebat  ISIS is invading Baghdad. ISIS militants just today slaughtered seventy people in a mainly Shiite district by suicide bombs and gunmen both on foot and in vehicles. They also seized several positions in a grain silo and a cemetery. Just another reason as to why the war in Iraq was a failure. […]

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AUSTRALIA: Muslim brothers dress up as Arab terrorists & carry out fake drive-by shootings and suicide bomb hoaxes

By BI: The Jalal brothers, Max, 20, Arman, 18, and Rebeen, 16, were arrested by counter terrorism police after sparking outrage with a suicide bomber hoax video and ‘drive by shooting’ stunt targeting a young girl. UK Daily Mail  Law student Max, 20, Arman, 18, and Rebeen Jalal, 16, are currently being questioned by police in custody […]

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EGYPTIAN-born man says: “I am a Muslim and I love you, Donald Trump”

By BI: Elhamy Ibrahim, 62, (below) is a Muslim who does not like very many other Muslims these days, but loves Donald Trump. The Egyptian-born businessman who came to the United States in 1981 and became a citizen two decades later. Tribune  He strongly backs Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the US until authorities can […]

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DEAD ON ARRIVAL? Congress introduces HR-3892 legislation to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization

By BI: As a card-carrying member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Barack Hussein Obama will never allow the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act bill to pass. WAIT FOR DONALD TRUMP!

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