Archive | March 26, 2016

The King Of Jordan Leaked A Secret Memo Turkey Will Spark World War III. Europe Will Be Invaded As Bible Prophecy Reveals.

By Walid Shoebat (A Shoebat Sunday Special) A leaked memo indicates the US lawmakers were personally briefed by King Abdullah in January about plans for Jordan’s special forces to operate in the country alongside the British. What are these forces doing in Libya? It is all about World War III. According to the leaked notes of the meeting […]

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British Government: The Islamic Slaughter Of Christians Is Not Genocide

The British government has refused to call the Islamic slaughter of Christians, genocide. As we read in one report: Alton said after the vote that the defeat of his amendment represents a “lamentable failure” by the legislative body. “This should not have been a day for party whips and scaremongering arguments — such as being […]

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Catholic Priest Exposes The Evils Of Tyrannical Government, And Declares, “I will be murdered, I feel it, but like Christ, for the sake of our people, I will not be silent”, Pagans Then Come To Him And Kill Him

An African priest in Uganda was murdered in cold blood by pagans, after he exposed the evils of the governments of Congo and Uganda. It is said that before his martyrdom he said, I will be murdered, I feel it […] but like Christ, for the sake of our people, I will not be silent […]

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Russian Forces Massacre One Hundred Muslim Terrorists In Major Battle

Russian forces in Palmyra, Syria, massacred one hundred Muslim terrorists in a major battle. As we read in one report: Syrian government forces aided by allied militia units have advanced further into the ancient city of Palmyra with heavy support from Russian airstrikes that killed 100 Islamic State militants over the past 24 hours. Russian […]

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Pope Declares In Major Speech Before Thousands Of Catholics That Christians Are Being “killed, burned alive, throats slit, and beheaded with barbarous blades” By Islamic Terrorists

By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis, before a crowd of thousands of Catholics in the Good Friday ceremony in Rome, declared that Christians are being killed, burned alive, throats slit, and beheaded with barbarous blades” by Islamic terrorists.   I find it interesting that the Good Friday ceremony took place in the Colosseum, a place where Christians were […]

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