Germany’s right wing party wants to split the E.U. saying: “France and southern EU states – Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece among them – to be banished from Eurozone, as they lack “cultures of stability” like Germany’s.”
Few examine prophecies that predict a split in Europe (explained here in detail). There are prophecies that speak of regions like Wallonia which comprise 55% of Belgium and prophecies of civil struggles between Northern and Southern Europe where Germany will turn against France and now we see official statements coming from Germany’s AfD Alexander Gauland which confirm these predictions.
We are beginning to see the signs of a future split in Europe, even states within states, separating between sheep and goat nations where France, parts of Italy, Spain and Portugal will be destined as sheep nations, while Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland and the Baltic states or major parts of these will remain liberal and anti-God to be destined as goat nations.
And if in doubt that these prophecies are just archaic fairytale, just look at what Germany’s Gauland is saying here:
“We [Germany] can have a common currency with the Netherlands, Austria, Finland or Baltic states. They have similar cultures of stability like ours, but the French have a different one, not to mention the Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese and Greeks. They don’t want austerity at all.”
The remarks made by the AfD deputy leader Alexander Gauland and party’s federal spokesman and co-leader Joerg Meuthen in an interview to German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung says it all.
And just in case you still persist in your view that south splitting from north as religious folktale, here is one major secular strategist, Stratfor’s renown George Friedman, just last week, he says that France will break up with Germany and will lead a “Mediterranean bloc”:
Alternatively, France could become the leader of a Mediterranean bloc, splitting the eurozone in two (with a “northern euro” and a “southern euro“) or reinstating separate national currencies.
And if Christ “goes with the whirlwinds of the south,” as Zechariah 9:13 predicted, in Europe, it will be the same, where south will go against north.
It matters little whether Germany be ruled by the right like the AfD or by the left like Merkel, the writing is on the wall; Europe is splitting for God’s refinement which will be immense in the coming years.
As we previously said that Germany wants to lead the E.U while Merkel cuddles up to the goat nation of Turkey getting further from what will become the sheep nation of France. Europe will bust and as the local election in the UK draws near in two weeks on May 5th 2016, the European Union gets closer to the explosion where it enters a crisis level getting us closer to what prophecy foretold.
Alexander Gauland added that it was good for Paris to share the common currency, “but if it will not or cannot afford that economically, then one must find other structures.”
What other structures? Besides the coming split between Germany and France, today reports show that German Air Force is reportedly having its own section at the Turkish Incirlik Air Base regardless that Turkey has gone to such low that it is now refusing entry to any foreign journalists and they are doing it without providing any explanation for its actions.
We are getting closer by the day to watch splits and new alliances. In Turkey, just in the past few days, a Greek photojournalist on assignment from the German tabloid Bild and an American journalist have been sent home from Istanbul while another was held. There is absolutely no western journalism allowed in Turkey.
The Muslim is now the agent for a major shift in Europe. Even in Austria reports reveal:
“The migrant crisis has divided the country and, in a major U-turn, the government, who initially backed German chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door policy, shut Austria’s borders.”
Things are shifting in Austria where the conservative right are gaining momentum:
“Norbert Hofer, the candidate for Austria’s right-wing Freedom Party (FPÖ), won 36.4 per cent of the vote”.
Evil Germany brought in the Muslim immigrants to create a shift. The leading power in Austria are “anti-immigrant and anti-European Union”. Austria is now even mimicking the U.S. where “gun ownership has been on the rise in Austria” as result of Muslim immigration.
Showing the far right’s growing confidence in Europe, Marine Le Pen, leader of France’s National Front, hailed a “beautiful result”, writing on Twitter: “Bravo to the Austrian people”. FPÖ leader Heinz-Christian Strache said:
“This is the beginning of a new political era. Today political history is being written in Austria.”
We have been telling you this before. Even in the U.S. from when Donald Trump first announced his desire to run with as low as 4% approval, we went against the tide and accurately predicted his rise over a year ago. Who can now deny that what we were telling you that the signs of the times will be when westerners get super tired of traditional parties.
Hope is on the horizon, but this will not be easy.
In Austria, it is even becoming like in the U.S. where westerners are disenfranchised with political parties and even are exercising the right to bear arms. “The election saw around 70 per cent of eligible voters go to the polls, compared to a turnout of 50 per cent six years ago when Social Democrat Heinz Fischer was elected for his second term.”
And in France, which is the Eurozone’s second-biggest economy, bested only by Germany, it has been struggling to reduce both its national debt and an unemployment rate of 10.2 percent. French President Francois Hollande’s latest labor reforms were not met with enthusiasm in the country, which has seen a wave of violent protests rolling through Paris, Nantes and other cities.
In France, one of our main focus nations, French voters, like in the U.S. are also disenchanted with traditional political parties setting the course of the country’s future and that of the European Union as a whole.
It is time to give a quick lesson to prophecy enthusiasts who are interested in recognizing sheep nations from goat nations. Germany will be goat while France will be sheep. It was France that was the forerunners to the European Union. The French however are stiff-necked and always guarded their national sovereignty’s jealously rejecting initiatives that could weaken France’s autonomy refusing to create a European Defense Community.
One nation out of several, that the wise French Yves Dupont, the collector of saintly prophecies after studying volumes from reputable saints said that it will be from “France that the Great King, according to all prophecies, will begin his work” to defeat the invasion from Hagar.
“… Then will the people of the half-moon of the tribe of Agar … will stay three years destroying everything. Yet, in the third year, will one of the unconquerable Eagles who reigns over the enlightened nation between the Rhine and the North Sea” [France].
“the young lions” speaking out against Gog (Ezekiel 38:13).
“Revolution will break out in Italy almost at the same time as in France. For some time, the Church will be without a Pope. England, too, will have much to suffer”
One must wonder why God gave us types of fulfillment in past history to be replicated in the coming war with Islam when France under Charles Martel (the Hammer), who stopped Abdul-Rahman Al-Ghafiqi at the battle of Pottier.
This will be repeated when “Hagar/Agar” as Monk Hilarion predicted, will rise again as John predicted as well in Revelations, with the “wounded beast,” and for over three years (as Daniel also predicted) will rain hell on earth to desecrate the Christian Communion.
France is concerned about the political influence that its neighbor’s economic power Germany has yielded after the eurozone crisis especially that Germany has become Europe’s political beacon.
But despite Germany’s rise, France is still a fundamentally wealthy nation whose global reach knows no rival in Europe and is blessed to have some of the highest birthrates in Europe and in time it will probably have the largest population on the Continent. God is planning this for a reason.
And with the largest Muslim community in Western Europe, France will soon explode into nationalism and bloody civil unrest as a reaction to the role of Muslims in Europe. And as Germany will keep relations with Turkey, and if and when the E.U under Germany receives Turkey with open arms, this will flood whatever is left of the E.U with Muslim immigration where Germany eventually will elect a clandestine Muslim Obama type just as we had in the U.S.
As the bridge between Northern and Southern Europe falls, France will continue to play an important role on the Continent. Why France is crucial is that France is the bridge between northern Europe and southern Europe just as Turkey (the gatekeeper to the Black and Mediterranean seas) is the bridge between Asia and Europe.
And as we see Muslim immigration into the western promised land splitting southern Europe from northern, France becomes a fundamental issue since without it, there cannot be a unified Europe.
France is the focus of so many predictions. Who would have ever dreamt that the most powerful nation on earth would be ruled by a clandestine Muslim named Barack son of Hussein bin Obama who was well disguised as Christian? The Muslims have caught up with this brilliant tactic and a repeat of this will happen in Germany. In fact, it is etched in an Old Saxon prediction which talks of an Obama-like figure who claims Christianity yet he is a Turk and will rule Germany while France will refine to combat this axis of evil:
“The Dog shall enter Germany but shall afterwards forsake his master and choose for himself a new man, whereby Scripture shall be fulfilled. This Dog shall signify the Turk which shall forsake his Mohammed and choose unto him the name Christian, which is a sign the day of doom is at hand, when all the earth is subject unto God, or that all people acknowledge one only God. The Fleur-de-Lys (lily) and France shall live long at variance, but at last agree. Then shall the clear Word spring forth and flourish throughout the world.”
What the signs tell us from the news are the same signs that are showing from prophecy. France has so many saints predict will rise to shine while Germany will collaborate with the Muslim as they did in the days of the Calvinists and later with Hitler.
So will the European Union collapse?
No. It will shift. Thank God for France’s stiff-neckedness refusing to accept German leadership. Germany will become more belligerent and outspoken and much less willing to compromise on matters of Muslim immigration and EU integration while France will oppose. Turkey will use European anxiety with Muslim migrant flows to reinforce its foothold in Europe, especially with Germany as it did in the past.
And since France and Germany are the two pillars of the European Union, with France’s distancing itself, this will force Germany to seek another pillar: Turkey.
Germany is not conservative and even the conservatives there are no answer wanting France, Italy and Spain to split, while on the other hand, Merkel runs an oxymoron: a Protestant Christian Democratic Union.
This is why we must not be enamored when we read labels that have “Christian”. Christ in Matthew 25 is dividing Christendom sheep from goat nations.
Therefore, we as Christians must choose wisely as we see the tug everywhere, even within the church. It was from France we get the SSPX (Society of St. Pius X) where we have militant traditionalists with their battle cry saying that “Rome is ruled by Modernists!”. The French Lefebvrists refuse to get with the times and join the post-conciliar Church. It is the salt fish vs. the fish that lost its saltness.
It was the French Marcel François Lefebvre who founded the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). Aside from its bishops, the majority of its adherents are French, like its founder, Marcel Lefebvre. As we see Rome plummet, these French will sprout and make all the difference in refining Rome when Europe has its civil unrest with Islam. Worshipping in an SSPX in the U.S., will bring you back to the way the mass is done; it is a journey you can’t miss taking you into the time tunnel on how the church militant did everything even including worshipping in Latin, the language where God destined the Cross to have the three holy languages: Hebrew, Greek and Latin.

Father Kevin Robinson processes from the sacristy at the beginning of a traditional Latin Mass at St. Michael the Archangel Chapel in Farmingville, N.Y.
As we will soon see in the next coming years, the Franco‐German relationship showing signs of cracking, this Germany will then soon bring this new ally Turkey where we will see the axis of evil: the Antichrist.
So whatever remains of the European Union will cause Turkey to become the catapult for Muslim immigration to further flood Christendom’s sons of Sarah with Islamdom’s sons of Hagar.
France, which will be a sheep nation, shares ideals in common with Italy and Spain where they will shed liberalism while Germany will become darker by the day. And if in doubt, and you have ample time on your hands, study our careful analysis of Germany by clicking here.

During World War II, Turkey’s security had entered a critical period once Germany occupied Bulgaria in February of 1941. However, Hitler’s real target was Russia and, announcing that he would not be attacking Turkey, Hitler called upon Ankara to sign a non-aggression pact. Once the Turkish government agreed to the offer to ward off Germany, a non-aggression pact was signed between the two countries on June 18, 1941.

Example above, one can easily see above how fast the right is growing in France’s elections. In 2011 the pink color was the left and in 2015 the right (blue) is overwhelming.
If one follows these prophecies, Belgium will split, north Italy from southern Italy, Spain could also have a split which it is already doing as I write. In Europe Separatism and Regionalism is a growing phenomenon. Europe’s artificial construct and the French aren’t so keen on Germans telling them it’s time to lose their sovereignty. Many European states reject Germany’s control with its Baltic and European sidekicks.
The way prophecy works is simple. Nationalism is God made planed right after the Tower of Babel stopping any One World Order attempts. The Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese and even the English are feeling enormous closeness to Tsipras of Greece where northern Europe is polarized against southern Europe.
The French sociologist and political scientist at the National Institute of Demographic Studies in Paris, Emmanuel Todd, probably one of the highest authorities on the subject states:
“The political strongholds of the German Social Democrats are in the Protestant regions of Germany. They are even further to the north, even more antagonistic toward the “merry-go-round Catholics” of the continent’s south. In the end, what it comes down to is not at all a left-right conflict, it is a cultural conflict as ancient as Europe itself … On the other side there is the Europe that is more inclined toward the Lutheran world; which is the world of two-thirds of Germany, most of the Baltic and Scandinavian countries, and you might add to it the Polish sidekick; even though Poland is Catholic, it never belonged to the Roman Empire. Really, what is surfacing is something extraordinarily deep.”
There will be splits even within states. Today we have Catalonia, which is fighting for its sovereignty from Spain. This is no longer theory or just unfulfilled prophecy but is already in process. In September of 2015, the coalition of regional separatists won in the elections to the regional parliament. (62 places out of 135). In November, the parliament of Catalonia accepted the resolution of independence of Catalonia from Spain (according to the resolution, within 18 months Catalonia will secede from Spain, during this 18 months the necessary government structures of a new state will be created in Catalonia and a new constitution will be written).
In Italy the “Lega Nord” party, since 1994, are anti-American pro-Russia which has been fighting for the independence of the north regions from the south. The United States push for nations to be under NATO has a backlash in nations like Serbia which fears American and Turkish influence from NATO.
When these prophecies are examined a few years ago, no one would have imagined that in the future, ancient bloodlines will cling together. And this will not only be in Europe. Turkey will cling to Iran for half of Iran are Azeri Turks. How else will Ezekiel 38 be fulfilled with Turkey and Persia uniting? Russian-Iranian relations are begging to distance while Arian Iran will cling with Arian Germany so that God will fulfill His Coming Chastisement.
The prophecies (explained here and here) tell us that:
“revolution will spread to every French town”. “Wholesale slaughter will take place. This revolution will last only a few months but it will be frightful, blood will flow everywhere because the malice of the wicked will reach its highest pitch. Victims will be innumerable. Paris will look like a slaughter-house. Persecutions against the Church will be even greater but it will not last long…” (The Ecstatic of Tours, a nun from Tours, France where her prophecies were published in 1882)
France has a high population of Muslims. When the Roman Empire was seized by the Ottoman when Constantinople fell in 1453 AD, this according to Islam fulfilled Muslim prophecy when they say “first Constantinople” (in Muslim view on their version of prophecy) and now comes “then Rome”, this will be the second seize of Europe itself through the “flood” “from the mouth of the red dragon” (Turkey) spoken of by St. John in Revelation 11-12. Who would have dreamt this two decades ago when we told you it will happen?
Many prophecy enthusiasts await a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem by Israel. What many of these miss are prophecies by the ancient church. St. Hippolytus, 236 AD, says that:
“Christ showed His flesh as a Temple, and raised it up on the third day; and he, too, will raise up again the Temple of stone in Jerusalem.”
It is “Christ” who will build a temple in Jerusalem and not the Tribulation Jews as commonly thought.
It is time to abandon popular chatter. For now, it is the body that is the temple which Antichrist desecrates by imposing a mark on the “wing of the temple” (Christian body) which is the “right shoulder” marking it with the standard of Islam.
We should not take these prophecies lightly. St. Hippolytus’ grandfather who was old enough to remember the Apostle John who wrote of the Antichrist “The Great Gaulish Monarch, who shall subject all the East, shall come around the end of the world.” He first subjects “all the east”. Many when they see “Gaulish” focus on central Europe (“Noric”) but the Gaulish also includes the Balkans, and Asia Minor (“Galatian”), that is Turkey.
Figuring out the sheep vs. goat nations can easily be estimated based on a nation’s atheism, liberalism, socialism, antisemitism and the sympathy for Islam. Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine are of the goats while France, parts of Italy and parts of Spain are sheep.
God is in the business of doing amazing things the goes contrary to the efforts of man no matter how much you think they are succeeding. While France is weaker than Germany and the north is stronger than the south, here comes God Who says otherwise:
But the foolish things of the world hath God chosen, that he may confound the wise; and the weak things of the world hath God chosen, that he may confound the strong.
Think in reverse of the world and you will get it right. Do not abandon the things of the old, for one day you will worship in the ancient languages: Hebrew, Greek and Latin. Even the hymns of old will revive and one day you will admire this: