Pro-lifers have come under increasing attack and with less protection. Yet while this is going on, the sodomites are getting exponentially more protection from the government when they are using against Christians, such as how dozens of police snipers, FBI, and US Marshals are guarding sodomites at a “drag queen story hour” event against a […]
Archive | June 25, 2019

It’s June And The Democrats Still Do Not Have A Candidate For 2020
The 2020 election is shaping up as I predicted it, to be an absolute joke of an election. It is June and closing in on July, and the Democrats still do not have a candidate for the 2020 election: This week’s debates will be the first time millions of Americans meet the cast of Democrats […]
Drug Cartel Terrorists Make Video Of Them Cutting Man’s Genitals Off And Forcing Him To Eat The Remains Before Sawing His Throat Open With A Knife
Drug cartel terrorists recently put out a video showing them cutting a man’s genitals off with a knife and forcing him to eat the remains before sawing his head off with a knife: After a confrontation between criminal groups related to drug trafficking, in Rosario Tesopaco, a video came out showing how they tortured three […]
How Conservatives Got Hitler Into Power
By Theodore Shoebat Some views on how Conservatives in Germany helped the Nazis get power:
300 Migrant Children Get Moved Out Of Facility Because They Were Terribly Treated With Unsanitary Conditions
By Theodore Shoebat 300 migrant children were moved out of a facility because of terribly unsanitary conditions, as we read in a report from CBS: The U.S. government has now removed most of the more than 300 migrant children who were found last week living in squalid conditions at a border protection facility in Texas. Lawyers say […]
UK Appeals Court OVERTURNS Order, Woman Does NOT Have To Get A Forced Abortion
A UK woman of Nigerian origins was ordered by a UK court judge, Nathalie Lievin, to have an abortion. An appeals court has just overturned that decision according to a report: Doctors may not forcibly abort the baby of a disabled British woman, appeal court judges have ruled. Today three appeal court judges overturned a […]