The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


President Biden Fractures His Foot

According to the AP, President Biden may literally start off his administration on the wrong foot as a report has come that he has fractured his foot. President-elect Joe Biden fractured his right foot while playing with one of his dogs, an injury discovered in a scan Sunday and that will likely require him to […]

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Can A Bar Be A Church?

The COVID pandemic has created many unfortunate situations for business so that people who work hard have been forced into bankruptcy or closing their business to try and save what they have left. It has already been reported, for example, that one-third of small businesses in New Jersey have closed because of pandemic-related economic consequences. […]

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Tigray Falls To Ethiopian Security Forces has been watching the conflict in Tigray in northern Ethiopia on the Egyptian-Eritrean-Sudanese border region noting that while it cannot be definitively proven, that it may be a conflict instigated by outside political actors because of Ethiopia’s history in African geopolitics and in particular with the wars between Russia and NATO. According to the […]

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King Salman Furious That MbS Meets In Secret With Netanyahu

For years Ted, Waild, and I have been warning that the House of Saud is similar to the infamous House of Ussher of Poe- that the Saud family is living on borrowed time, they know it, and there is a tremendous amount of fighting in the family as to how to stay alive and prevent […]

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Forget About COVID, Suicide Takes More Lives In Japan Than Does The Virus

A lot of people are talking about the COVID pandemic, and make no mistake, it must be clearly emphasized and done so over and over that the pandemic exists and one must take good safety precautions. But that said, it is equally important to keep all things in perspective, noting that not only may things […]

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Come January, Millions Of Americans May Lose Their Homes

Regardless of what one thinks or not about COVID, it is a direct fact that COVID has set or been used to set in motion serious economic trends that will cause long-term change, mostly for the worse, in the country and for the people. This is for the same reasons that I have said before, […]

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My Post (67)

A Horrific Massacre In Ethiopia: Over Seven Hundred People Are Ambushed, Butchered With Knives, Strangled With Ropes And Burned

By Theodore Shoebat A horrendous massacre was committed in the town of Mai Kadra in northern Ethiopia’s Tigray region, where separatists are fighting the government in a war of power and domination. The massacre was done by a violent youth group that calls itself “Samri” and their militia allies, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) […]

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11282020b Trend In Motion As Apple Diversifies Production To Vietnam

I have written on that major corporations are looking to diversify away from China as a result of US-China tensions that are leading towards a “hot” war in the future. While there is only a “trade war” right now, trade wars historically lead to “hot” wars, and given China’s patterns of past behavior, it […]

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What Could Go Wrong As China Puts Its Own Domestically Made Nuclear Reactor Into Practice?

China may be a world manufacturing hub, but they are also know for serious manufacturing abuses, rampant corruption, and taking highly dangerous ‘shortcuts’ that result in people getting killed. I will not post them here, but I have written on them before, and a simple Google search for “Chinese factory accidents” reveals quickly the ugly […]

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Sixty-Five People Are Dying Every Hour From COVID

There is a lot of controversy about COVID. There certainly is a real illness component to it, and there is certainly a component that is using the disease for absolutely unashamed political manipulation of the worst type in order to re-align society. Both should be included because both are real and to lack in one […]

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My Post (66)

Turkey’s Aspiration To Create Its Own NATO

By Theodore Shoebat Turkey’s foreign policy has less to do with dealing with the things foreign and more to do with making foreign things Turkish. The goal of Turkey, as we have been saying on this website for over a decade now, is the revival of the Ottoman Empire as part of the ideology of […]

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The New Weapons Of War Are Coming As The US Military Develops Weaponized Laser Beams

In the original “Austin Powers” film, the character Dr. Evil asked for “sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads” in order to kill Austin Powers. While this scene is ridiculous and funny, the concept of using “laser beams” as a weapon is not new. However, with the rise in technology of robotics and […]

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My Post (65)

Supreme Court Declares: ‘Churches In New York Do Not Need To Follow Cuomo’s Anti-Covid Restrictions’

The Supreme Court just decided that churches and other houses of religion do not need to abide by Cuomo’s anti-covid restrictions. As we read in the New York Times: Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo accused the U.S. Supreme Court of political partisanship on Thursday after the justices narrowly rejected his coronavirus-based restrictions on religious services. He […]

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As Americans Lose Their Jobs, Robots Take Their Place

I have consistently warned at about the rise of robotics taking the place of human beings in the workplace. Having noted the economic impact of COVID, which includes long-term job loss and fundamental economic changes to distribution systems, supply chains, and even priorities as it concerns purchasing, part of this trend will be the […]

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Update: Coptic Monk Placed On Death Row After Forced Confession, Mysterious Silence From The Coptic Orthodox Church

In August 2018, reported on the curious case of a murder in Egypt involving a Coptic bishop and two monks. You can read our full story here, but after looking at the case, this was not a simple case of anti-Christian violence, or even outright corruption from the Egyptian government, but seems to have […]

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